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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Best graphics on Nintendo Switch

Pemalite said:
curl-6 said:

Yeah there are some severely downgraded ports out there. Black Ops III on PS3 comes to mind as well; it was cut back so far they removed the campaign entirely, while the multiplayer was just barely functional:

Didn't the Xbox 360 port of Blacks Ops 3 also lack the campaign? Don't take my word on that.
But it would make sense to have both 7th gen versions castrated.

They were ultimately releases that shouldn't have happened at that point though.

It did yes; I just chose the PS3 version as an example since of the two versions it was the worse one, hence a better example of a rough port.

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zeldaring said:

I told you ps3 vs 360 was always subjective they both have strength and weaknesses

I don't agree with it being subjective. So what you "tell me" is ultimately irrelevant and thus a redundant point to make... You are not an authority on the topic, thus your statements can and will be taken with a grain of salt.

Besides, I have provided enough evidence prior on this to determine this statement as false.

zeldaring said:

overall the most techically impressive game was gtav and  most people agree

Again... Another baseless statement that is not based in reality. No one here has talked about GTA5 except for you.
So to lie and assert that "most people agree" is false.

Have you ran a poll?

zeldaring said:

and there are more techically demanding games then ps3 exlusives that ran better on 360

Not that I have claimed otherwise.
But... Such as?

zeldaring said:

it was  360 and that makes it the superior hardware. notice that no one at beyond 3d actually acts like you, and saying ps3 i more powerful is a fact, because in reality it's a subjective opinion, but you can't seem to accept that and move on. you were are trying to imply i don't  know what i'm talking when other people that know their stuff actually agree, so lets just leave at that and move on.

No one is disputing that the Xbox 360 had the better hardware.
It just didn't have the best peak-performing hardware.

It's an important distinction to make... And if you actually read the Beyond3D forum in it's intended context and not just the tidbits you agree with (That falls into your limited scope of understanding) that conform to your own confirmation biases, you will see that they also agree with me. - Or do I need to pull quotes from their statements to point it out in plain black and white to prove that point? I have already made a mockery of your blind statements so far.

You should also probably keep in mind I am also not a Playstation gamer, so it's not a brand-bias.

zeldaring said:

but you can't seem to accept that and move on. you were are trying to imply i don't  know what i'm talking when other people that know their stuff actually agree, so lets just leave at that and move on.

Pot meet kettle, the hypocrisy in this statement is hilariously ironic and comical. Surely you jest and are attempting to take the micky out of me, right?

You don't know what you are talking about.

zeldaring said:

Any links or posts where you read the die shot and actually  one of the first people to get it correct like function? He actually provides proof.

I am involved in many enthusiast hardware circles and have done so for decades. I have built (8-bit) microprocessors. Keep that in mind, that kind of makes me more experienced/advanced in this field than yourself who has probably never even heard of something like electro-migration and it's implications in modern microprocessor design.

I have provided proof prior in this thread and you hilariously ignored it, so what's the point in wasting my time further? Clearly your bias runs deep and you are not open-minded enough to change your position when presented with evidence as you keep rambling with the same points provided being proven false.

zeldaring said:

I never said cartoony can't be more techically impressive of course they can, but it's impossible to compare these games on similar specced hardware because realistic graphics just require a higher computing budget for more detail on character models, and envoriments so a cell shaded game has more room for more effects. like if botw was not cell shaded and went for realistic graphics it would be impossible on wiiu.

I'll quote you directly and leave it at that:
"zeldaring said: Also it's impossible to know which is techically more demanding game one is going for realistic graphics so it will require more computing power, and  anyone with common sense will tell you need more calculations to make a living city then some barren wooded area"

zeldaring said:

As or wiiu not being maxed out after release i disagree mario kart 8 and black flag are proabably the best looking games graphically. As for the Cpu these developers are under NDA for them to complain that much, it must have been terrible and the ports show the results. as for GPU yea some developers talked it up but the results never really showed, like many would say its more modern and we will get better graphics but they could not pull it off.

Breath of the Wild is a more technically impressive game than either.

Are you suggesting the developer is lying? What are -your- credentials that determine the developer is a liar?

Many games showed the proficiency of the WiiU graphics engine. Breath of the Wild being a prime example, making that statement false.

zeldaring said:

anyway come post in the beyond3d thread cause no one really cares about this discussion over here, the other one is very active.

What makes you think I am not a member on that forum? Again... The fact I even need to keep repeating this ad-infinitum... I have been around for a long time in this field.

zeldaring said:

Well better is really up to each taste.
The thing is, those games are not photorealists whereas most titles on other PS360 tried to be...
So you're spending your computation budget differently.

Anyway comparing images from different games is useless to compare performance and quality.
(Different art styles...)

They don't need to be photorealistic. Again... I point you towards the FarCry vs Links Awakening comparison as the "checkmate" moment.

Comparing different games that use different arty styles is fine, if you understand the rendering methods being employed and can thus deduct and break down a scene into it's individual parts for analysis.

I.E. Unreal Engine 3/4/5 games can use Cell-Shading and look impressive, doesn't make them less computationally intensive than a game pushing for realism.
...Actually. That has happened before. See: Borderlands on 7th gen. - It used Unreal Engine 3 and it's performance profile and rendering budget was similar to other Unreal Engine 3 games... So again. Checkmate.

The more you know.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

I told you ps3 vs 360 was always subjective they both have strength and weaknesses

I don't agree with it being subjective. So what you "tell me" is ultimately irrelevant and thus a redundant point to make... You are not an authority on the topic, thus your statements can and will be taken with a grain of salt.

Besides, I have provided enough evidence prior on this to determine this statement as false.

zeldaring said:

overall the most techically impressive game was gtav and  most people agree

Again... Another baseless statement that is not based in reality. No one here has talked about GTA5 except for you.
So to lie and assert that "most people agree" is false.

Have you ran a poll?

zeldaring said:

and there are more techically demanding games then ps3 exlusives that ran better on 360

Not that I have claimed otherwise.
But... Such as?

zeldaring said:

it was  360 and that makes it the superior hardware. notice that no one at beyond 3d actually acts like you, and saying ps3 i more powerful is a fact, because in reality it's a subjective opinion, but you can't seem to accept that and move on. you were are trying to imply i don't  know what i'm talking when other people that know their stuff actually agree, so lets just leave at that and move on.

No one is disputing that the Xbox 360 had the better hardware.
It just didn't have the best peak-performing hardware.

It's an important distinction to make... And if you actually read the Beyond3D forum in it's intended context and not just the tidbits you agree with (That falls into your limited scope of understanding) that conform to your own confirmation biases, you will see that they also agree with me. - Or do I need to pull quotes from their statements to point it out in plain black and white to prove that point? I have already made a mockery of your blind statements so far.

You should also probably keep in mind I am also not a Playstation gamer, so it's not a brand-bias.

zeldaring said:

but you can't seem to accept that and move on. you were are trying to imply i don't  know what i'm talking when other people that know their stuff actually agree, so lets just leave at that and move on.

Pot meet kettle, the hypocrisy in this statement is hilariously ironic and comical. Surely you jest and are attempting to take the micky out of me, right?

You don't know what you are talking about.

zeldaring said:

Any links or posts where you read the die shot and actually  one of the first people to get it correct like function? He actually provides proof.

I am involved in many enthusiast hardware circles and have done so for decades. I have built (8-bit) microprocessors. Keep that in mind, that kind of makes me more experienced/advanced in this field than yourself who has probably never even heard of something like electro-migration and it's implications in modern microprocessor design.

I have provided proof prior in this thread and you hilariously ignored it, so what's the point in wasting my time further? Clearly your bias runs deep and you are not open-minded enough to change your position when presented with evidence as you keep rambling with the same points provided being proven false.

zeldaring said:

I never said cartoony can't be more techically impressive of course they can, but it's impossible to compare these games on similar specced hardware because realistic graphics just require a higher computing budget for more detail on character models, and envoriments so a cell shaded game has more room for more effects. like if botw was not cell shaded and went for realistic graphics it would be impossible on wiiu.

I'll quote you directly and leave it at that:
"zeldaring said: Also it's impossible to know which is techically more demanding game one is going for realistic graphics so it will require more computing power, and  anyone with common sense will tell you need more calculations to make a living city then some barren wooded area"

zeldaring said:

As or wiiu not being maxed out after release i disagree mario kart 8 and black flag are proabably the best looking games graphically. As for the Cpu these developers are under NDA for them to complain that much, it must have been terrible and the ports show the results. as for GPU yea some developers talked it up but the results never really showed, like many would say its more modern and we will get better graphics but they could not pull it off.

Breath of the Wild is a more technically impressive game than either.

Are you suggesting the developer is lying? What are -your- credentials that determine the developer is a liar?

Many games showed the proficiency of the WiiU graphics engine. Breath of the Wild being a prime example, making that statement false.

zeldaring said:

anyway come post in the beyond3d thread cause no one really cares about this discussion over here, the other one is very active.

What makes you think I am not a member on that forum? Again... The fact I even need to keep repeating this ad-infinitum... I have been around for a long time in this field.

zeldaring said:

Well better is really up to each taste.
The thing is, those games are not photorealists whereas most titles on other PS360 tried to be...
So you're spending your computation budget differently.

Anyway comparing images from different games is useless to compare performance and quality.
(Different art styles...)

They don't need to be photorealistic. Again... I point you towards the FarCry vs Links Awakening comparison as the "checkmate" moment.

Comparing different games that use different arty styles is fine, if you understand the rendering methods being employed and can thus deduct and break down a scene into it's individual parts for analysis.

I.E. Unreal Engine 3/4/5 games can use Cell-Shading and look impressive, doesn't make them less computationally intensive than a game pushing for realism.
...Actually. That has happened before. See: Borderlands on 7th gen. - It used Unreal Engine 3 and it's performance profile and rendering budget was similar to other Unreal Engine 3 games... So

there are 4 seperate articles of Developers claiming wiiu is weaker, then you have EA developer claiming it's weaker and metro last light developer the wiiu was to weak to run it properly. Besides that the results speak for themselves.

so are they lying? now if ports ran better then they would be but nope they nailed it. Bascally if ports run better you would be using them as evidence.

Black flag looks  more demanding to me and has way more detail so it really depends right how detailed the cell shading is but cell shading really doesn't need that much detail to look good. for the most part realistic games need way more detail. also the city is bustling with life. wiiu black flag could not even run it at 30fps that should tell you something. so apparntly all this is not evidence we have to ignore developers, multiplatfom comparisons, ignore AI, ignore beyond 3d because the great pemalite knows best.

As for GTAV being the most technically  impressive just google any huge  forum what's the most techically impressive 7th gen game and GTAV is always the most mentioned. This neogaf 2014 when it was massive and you clearly see what everyone is mostly saying GTAV.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 04 August 2024

I'd give a shoutout to Smash Bros Ultimate too, for looking very slick and eye-catching at 1080p/60fps

curl-6 said:

I'd give a shoutout to Smash Bros Ultimate too, for looking very slick and eye-catching at 1080p/60fps

Twilight Princess Stage got a glow-up as well. Even on Wii U, it reused the Wii version. Granted all got a glow up. Just that's the one that always looked bad to me and adding in all the detail on Switch was great. Smash looks great for how much is going on at once.   I liked to put Shulk against Cloud.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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curl-6 said:
RedKingXIII said:

Why is Super Mario RPG on this video? It looks very basic to me. There's other 60 FPS games on the Switch that are more impressive.

They cover this in the video; John was impressed by how well they modernized the look of the SNES original while running at the system's maximum resolution of 1080p docked and 720p portable, at 60fps. 

It's a fine looking game and a good remake... but it's not one of the best graphics of the Switch. There's other 1080p/720p 60fps games on Switch that look better. Both Mario Kart 8 DX and SSBU come to mind. I think there's even games that are just 60fps that are more impressive; like Splatoon 3 and Mario Odyssey. But seeing how this is a subjective list then I'll just disagree and move on.

I forgot about Assassin's creed blackflag it really does look really good on Switch for open world game, probably the best. I changed my mind about Red dead and even botw after seeing it on a big screen but wow Switch games look stunning on a 14inch laptop screen

I am surprised that a user is allowed to talk so openly about piracy, years ago it was almost an instant ban, now there are users who brag about emulating a system on their laptop and nobody does anything about it.

Kynes said:

I am surprised that a user is allowed to talk so openly about piracy, years ago it was almost an instant ban, now there are users who brag about emulating a system on their laptop and nobody does anything about it.

How do you know I don't have the game? you don't need the switch as long as you have a copy of the game it's not Piracy, for your information. If someone is giving links where to pirate games it's a different story even on restera people talk about emulation and playing switch in 4k.

They even have guide on resetera on how to emulate it lol. Go run and report to Nintendo.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 05 August 2024

I'd disagree, Assassin's Creed IV is a 7th gen game with only a res boost, a more stable framerate, and minor settings upgrades over PS3/360. Compared to games built for the Switch it looks old.

No PBR, PS360 era lighting and shaders, low poly models, textures designed for less than 500MB of RAM.

It looks great for a PS3/360 title, but for a Switch game its nothing special. Straight ports from old hardware don't make good use of Switch's capabilities.