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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just One More Turn - A Strategy games thread

Right now I'm doing a (local) co-op play of Crusader Kings 3. Usually only on Sundays.
It's loads of fun.

Ones I want to play co-op are Victoria 3 and Stellaris. But I'm probably the only person who enjoys the Victoria series. It's kind of similar to Dwarf Fortress in that it's heavily based on a crafting economy with lots of automated factories. Most of the complaints about the series are that they don't like the low-combat focus - and Victoria 3 gets the brunt of it because it ended up with mainstream exposure while Victoria 2 never enjoyed anything close to that level of success. I think the entire community was something around 3-4000 players in total at its highest popularity, but those of us who liked the game, liked it a lot. Victoria 3, despite the negative response, still has a significantly larger fan base.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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I love my turn-based SRPGs. Fire Emblem has become a must buy for me. I keep hoping for Sega to do another Valkyria Chronicles or Sakura Wars. I also love city sims and farming sims. My favorite game of 2024 so far is Unicorn Overlord.

SanAndreasX said:

I love my turn-based SRPGs. Fire Emblem has become a must buy for me. I keep hoping for Sega to do another Valkyria Chronicles or Sakura Wars. I also love city sims and farming sims. My favorite game of 2024 so far is Unicorn Overlord.

Unicorn Overlord has by far been my GOTY so far as well.

One series I think you might enjoy then is The Banner Saga. It's a trilogy of games that has since been ported to Switch and tells one continuous story. Each game isn't terribly long, but the choices you make do carry over to the next game. Set in Norse mythology with a gorgeous hand drawn art style and some pretty addictive turn based strategy combat.

Valkyria Chronicles I've been interested in trying out, but I can't seem to find a couple of the games. Are some still exclusively locked to Japan? 

G2ThaUNiT said:
SanAndreasX said:

I love my turn-based SRPGs. Fire Emblem has become a must buy for me. I keep hoping for Sega to do another Valkyria Chronicles or Sakura Wars. I also love city sims and farming sims. My favorite game of 2024 so far is Unicorn Overlord.

Unicorn Overlord has by far been my GOTY so far as well.

One series I think you might enjoy then is The Banner Saga. It's a trilogy of games that has since been ported to Switch and tells one continuous story. Each game isn't terribly long, but the choices you make do carry over to the next game. Set in Norse mythology with a gorgeous hand drawn art style and some pretty addictive turn based strategy combat.

Valkyria Chronicles I've been interested in trying out, but I can't seem to find a couple of the games. Are some still exclusively locked to Japan? 

2 and 3 are PSP exclusives. 2 was released in the West, 3 is Japan only. 

Jumpin said:

Right now I'm doing a (local) co-op play of Crusader Kings 3. Usually only on Sundays.
It's loads of fun.

Ones I want to play co-op are Victoria 3 and Stellaris. But I'm probably the only person who enjoys the Victoria series. It's kind of similar to Dwarf Fortress in that it's heavily based on a crafting economy with lots of automated factories. Most of the complaints about the series are that they don't like the low-combat focus - and Victoria 3 gets the brunt of it because it ended up with mainstream exposure while Victoria 2 never enjoyed anything close to that level of success. I think the entire community was something around 3-4000 players in total at its highest popularity, but those of us who liked the game, liked it a lot. Victoria 3, despite the negative response, still has a significantly larger fan base.

I enjoyed Victoria 2 quite a bit, though 3 is still only on my wishlist. I'm too busy right now with the HOI 4 Mod TNO, Rimworld, and Xenonauts 2 Beta (been testing since the Alpha, and you may find me ingame when it releases ;))

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