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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

LegitHyperbole said:
Renamed said:

Are you new to US politics?  Did you forget about Reagan, the Bushes or Trump?  Harris the end of our 'dream'?   

You've never been divided THIS badly. Not even close. You've grown into two separate countries living together with separate ideologies and are the opposite side of the coin on every little issue down to the way you should be living in private and each side wants to enforce they're way of living. Harris isn't the end of the American dream nor is Trump, the American citizens are the end of it. 

I think you have tricked yourself into believing that you know more about America than Americans.   Or that you have all of our answers.  You have convinced yourself that if we were to just reject ourselves and embrace your ideals that all would be well.  In your bluster (or just misunderstanding) you have fallen for the words and been taken in.  The great 'divide' isn't what you have been sold.   It necessarily has to be exacerbated.  Politics in and of itself is a profit driven performative art.  People will always  have differing opinions but it is the function of out political system, for power and financial influence, to create the illusion of a broken, divided and ideologically divergent population.  And the point is to take advantage of representation which is the source of power in our democratic republic.  Yes, politicians prey on people's fear of the 'other' and a lot of it gets trough and is magnified by the Internet  and racist who abuse social media to spread their disease but don't let that or the media (which are just vehicles of political parties) be your source of truth. Politics is a performative art.  It is not the truth.  Representation is truth

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CosmicSex said:
LegitHyperbole said:

You've never been divided THIS badly. Not even close. You've grown into two separate countries living together with separate ideologies and are the opposite side of the coin on every little issue down to the way you should be living in private and each side wants to enforce they're way of living. Harris isn't the end of the American dream nor is Trump, the American citizens are the end of it. 

I think you have tricked yourself into believing that you know more about America than Americans.   Or that you have all of our answers.  You have convinced yourself that if we were to just reject ourselves and embrace your ideals that all would be well.  In your bluster (or just misunderstanding) you have fallen for the words and been taken in.  The great 'divide' isn't what you have been sold.   It necessarily has to be exacerbated.  Politics in and of itself is a profit driven performative art.  People will always  have differing opinions but it is the function of out political system, for power and financial influence, to create the illusion of a broken, divided and ideologically divergent population.  And the point is to take advantage of representation which is the source of power in our democratic republic.  Yes, politicians prey on people's fear of the 'other' and a lot of it gets trough and is magnified by the Internet  and racist who abuse social media to spread their disease but don't let that or the media (which are just vehicles of political parties) be your source of truth. Politics is a performative art.  It is not the truth.  Representation is truth

That's all fine and well to say,n wait until the reality of AI starts to hit the wibnly wobbly frame of your falling house.yq know, the best thing that could happen to ye is war, if it works to strethen a country now as if did 100 years ago it'd be the cure for your fuck up but alas, I think that would tip the structure of it and all. I do hope you'll be alright BTW, it is frustrating to look at from the outside in. I mean, I hope to hogh heaven that I'm wrong but it doesn't look like it at the best of times. Surely you have to agree that things seem irreparable at the ground level? Wishing death on the other side is not performative which happened a LOT when Trump was nearly took out. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 27 August 2024

LegitHyperbole said:

That's all fine and well to say,n wait until the reality of AI starts to hit the wibnly wobbly frame of your falling house.yq know, the best thing that could happen to ye is war, if it works to strethen a country now as if did 100 years ago it'd be the cure for your fuck up but alas, I think that would tip the structure of it and all. I do hope you'll be alright BTW, it is frustrating to look at from the outside in. I mean, I hope to hogh heaven that I'm wrong but it doesn't look like it at the best of times. Surely you have to agree that things seem irreparable at the ground level? Wishing death on the other side is not performative which happened a LOT when Trump was nearly took out. 

The young man who tried to shoot Trump was a member of the same political party as him.  Not all bad things that happen are political in nature.  America is notoriously bad with addressing mental health which is often made worse by access to guns.

War is not the answer and you don't America to be in a full scale war because very likely no one would survive.  Our problem is really no different than other countries.  It is greed and the lust for power.  Most of our problems can be traced back to these two issues.  And these two things are made worse by latent racism which is fostered by through the political system by people wanted to stop change.

The real cure to our problems is education.  Our biggest enemy is misinformation.  Simply knowing that gives me hope and empowers us to press on.  

Our problems aren't that convoluted.  And we can work together.  The key is for the people to elect, as representation, people who ate educated and able to make good objective choices.

Hopelessness is just another trick that politicians play on us to stop us from making change.  The system in totality needs a huge make over but it is far from irreparable.

CosmicSex said:
LegitHyperbole said:

That's all fine and well to say,n wait until the reality of AI starts to hit the wibnly wobbly frame of your falling house.yq know, the best thing that could happen to ye is war, if it works to strethen a country now as if did 100 years ago it'd be the cure for your fuck up but alas, I think that would tip the structure of it and all. I do hope you'll be alright BTW, it is frustrating to look at from the outside in. I mean, I hope to hogh heaven that I'm wrong but it doesn't look like it at the best of times. Surely you have to agree that things seem irreparable at the ground level? Wishing death on the other side is not performative which happened a LOT when Trump was nearly took out. 

The young man who tried to shoot Trump was a member of the same political party as him.  Not all bad things that happen are political in nature.  America is notoriously bad with addressing mental health which is often made worse by access to guns.

War is not the answer and you don't America to be in a full scale war because very likely no one would survive.  Our problem is really no different than other countries.  It is greed and the lust for power.  Most of our problems can be traced back to these two issues.  And these two things are made worse by latent racism which is fostered by through the political system by people wanted to stop change.

The real cure to our problems is education.  Our biggest enemy is misinformation.  Simply knowing that gives me hope and empowers us to press on.  

Our problems aren't that convoluted.  And we can work together.  The key is for the people to elect, as representation, people who ate educated and able to make good objective choices.

Hopelessness is just another trick that politicians play on us to stop us from making change.  The system in totality needs a huge make over but it is far from irreparable.

I hope you're right, I've never seen things so bad and it feels like you lit are experiencing what Europe did in the early part of the last century. Okay, if America can repair things do you think it's possible for the UK too? Or do you think there is a very likely possibility of apartheid there? Both USA and UK seem hopeless bit maybe it's the loudness of the Internet that is causing that feeling. 

You need to log off the internet and take a step outside Hyperbole.

There would have been a peaceful transfer of power in 2020 if Donald Trump could accept his loss and didn't inflame tensions, he is the only president who couldn't perform a peaceful transfer of power to my knowledge, a few hundred lunatics stormed the capital and one got shot dead, then they all went home and got arrested one by one.

If Trump loses, nothing will happen as long as he keeps his mouth shut, even if he does open his mouth, it'll be a few hundred nutjobs again who will be put in their place and this time it'll be a Democrat President who won't drag his feet and will stamp out these treasonous little fucks while the rest of Republicans will be too lazy to do anything aside from rant on Twitter about a civil war coming which they'll never have the balls to do.

They'll be no war, not in USA, not in the UK.

Some Americans have been crying about losing the civil war for their whole lives and done nothing about it.

Trump loses and MAGA will slowly fade away if Republicans grow some balls and take back their party from the nutjobs now that they don't have Trump backing them up, Trump's the only person who has the "charisma" to carry the MAGA brand, people ain't rallying behind Couch Fucker Vance, Brainworm RFK, Robot DeSantis, Cancun Cruz, Moscow Marge or Trump's wet blanket sons.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024

Around the Network
LegitHyperbole said:

I hope you're right, I've never seen things so bad and it feels like you lit are experiencing what Europe did in the early part of the last century. Okay, if America can repair things do you think it's possible for the UK too? Or do you think there is a very likely possibility of apartheid there? Both USA and UK seem hopeless bit maybe it's the loudness of the Internet that is causing that feeling. 

I'm not privy to the situation in the UK but there is always hope because things have always been worse in hindsight.   And you are 100% right that the internet and especially social media takes negativity and amplifies it 10 times.  Sometimes on purpose to create chaos.   You brought up a good point earlier about AI and I have no idea how we are going to deal with that but I have faith.  People are already sounding the alarm. 

CosmicSex said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I hope you're right, I've never seen things so bad and it feels like you lit are experiencing what Europe did in the early part of the last century. Okay, if America can repair things do you think it's possible for the UK too? Or do you think there is a very likely possibility of apartheid there? Both USA and UK seem hopeless bit maybe it's the loudness of the Internet that is causing that feeling. 

I'm not privy to the situation in the UK but there is always hope because things have always been worse in hindsight.   And you are 100% right that the internet and especially social media takes negativity and amplifies it 10 times.  Sometimes on purpose to create chaos.   You brought up a good point earlier about AI and I have no idea how we are going to deal with that but I have faith.  People are already sounding the alarm. 

Sam Altman said it'll end capitalism and I believe him, Ubi is only a plaster that'll help things transition more easily but yep, if there is war time and AGI is developed along side it we're screwed. If it's developed in peace time we have a chance but it's still gonna reck everything and preparations need to be made soon less we flirt with collapse amist the disruption it'll bring. Eirc Weinstien recently said this stuff should be in a military base and while I disagree it definitely shouldn't be developed in the way it is now when competition amongst business, it's bat shit insane. I too have a little bit of faith as they have started to iteratively release models at slower pace, it was looking bleak there for a bit when every other week there's be a new advancement. Thank God it's slowing down but lord knows what they have behind closed doors. 

Sam Altman is a bit of an exaggerator...Course he's going to talk AI up to the moon, he owns an AI company, Lol.

AI won't end capitalism.

AGI is nowhere close to being developed, I'd in fact argue that it's more likely that this AI bubble is going to burst and take a lot of companies down with it, these companies are investing billions into AI, in the promise of some glorious future, telling their investors "don't worry, we're wasting billions but we'll turn a profit eventually! AGI is just around the corner!" and it's nowhere close still.

Once the investors grow sick of waiting, companies like Microsoft and Nvidia are going to be in for a horrific blow.

AI is doing some horrible stuff though, there needs to be a lot more regulation and laws against things like DeepFake AIs.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:

You need to log off the internet and take a step outside Hyperbole.

There would have been a peaceful transfer of power in 2020 if Donald Trump could accept his loss and didn't inflame tensions, he is the only president who couldn't perform a peaceful transfer of power to my knowledge, a few hundred lunatics stormed the capital and one got shot dead, then they all went home and got arrested one by one.

If Trump loses, nothing will happen as long as he keeps his mouth shut, even if he does open his mouth, it'll be a few hundred nutjobs again who will be put in their place and this time it'll be a Democrat President who won't drag his feet and will stamp out these treasonous little fucks while the rest of Republicans will be too lazy to do anything aside from rant on Twitter about a civil war coming which they'll never have the balls to do.

They'll be no war, not in USA, not in the UK.

Some Americans have been crying about losing the civil war for their whole lives and done nothing about it.

Trump loses and MAGA will slowly fade away if Republicans grow some balls and take back their party from the nutjobs now that they don't have Trump backing them up, Trump's the only person who has the "charisma" to carry the MAGA brand, people ain't rallying behind Couch Fucker Vance, Brainworm RFK, Robot DeSantis, Cancun Cruz, Moscow Marge or Trump's wet blanket sons.

Idk, things seem different now. I can see militias forming in the US that'll fight odd battles, obviously there'd be no civil war in the true meaning of it. We've seen a little of that already loosly during the riots and in places like Portland Oregon on a good day there and idk about your governemnt stamping it out, stamp out one side and it only makes them bolder, martyrs them sort of. You'd need a new governemnt which would stamp out both extreme sides equally and that's not gonna happen. More likely under Trump than Harris though. It just seems like things can't keep trucking along like this for ever and as for the UK I can see it separating the same way Northren Ireland did with the army on the street and barbed wired fences through cities and towns with guerilla warfare waged against the other side or South Africa as another example. Although it's a bit more complex than either of those situations with more than two clear sides. Fuck things are a mess. 

Ryuu96 said:

Sam Altman is a bit of an exaggerator...Course he's going to talk AI up to the moon, he owns an AI company, Lol.

AI won't end capitalism.

AGI is nowhere close to being developed, I'd in fact argue that it's more likely that this AI bubble is going to burst and take a lot of companies down with it, these companies are investing billions into AI, in the promise of some glorious future, telling their investors "don't worry, we're wasting billions but we'll turn a profit eventually! AGI is just around the corner!" and it's nowhere close still.

Once the investors grow sick of waiting, companies like Microsoft and Nvidia are going to be in for a horrific blow.

AI is doing some horrible stuff though, there needs to be a lot more regulation and laws against things like DeepFake AIs.

Nobody thought LLMs could do what they do and do it as well as they do it. Thing is we don't know whern and at what point inbdevelopment the singularity is gonna happen and it being a singularity we don't know anything about what will happen or how it'll take shape. It could happen while they are training GPT 6 and take ten minutes for all we know as an extreme example. I'm sorry but saying this tech is not a threat is burying your head in the sand, it's more dangerous than the atomic bomb even before ASI is reached. Competent low level AGI that never evolves past that point would be so disruptive it'd change everything about society. Look how much the Internet has changed things in ten years and sure that's only faster telecommunications.