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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Not that it makes a difference, but I thought this was interesting

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Literally every single ally of America: "Please Americans, for the love of God, vote Harris"

I just found this viral moment amusing and thought I'd share in case you missed it.

Trump hired JD Vance to help him more deeply connect to the regular folks of middle America. Unfortunately, what he actually is is to me the most annoying sort of person on Earth: a Silicon Valley "populist". Other examples of this phenomena in our politics include Blake Masters, Josh Hawley, and Vivek Ramaswamy. These are men (they're all male) who take Trump as a serious political theorist and attempt to codify his many principles into a political program that makes sense and their political careers are all bankrolled by tech billionaire Peter Thiel, the former CEO of Paypal, who seems to be on a mission to make this a thing. They're geniuses and they represent the people. Like this:

Why does Vance's visit to a doughnut shop remind me of Mitt Romney's PR visit to a hardware store? Nobody is excited to see him. Lady asks not to be filmed and gets filmed anyway because when you're a star, they let you do it. His idea of small talk sounds like he's from corporate, about to tell everyone he's going to liquify the branch. And he fails to order doughnuts somehow! Look at the contrast with a parallel restaurant visit from Tim Walz. It's night and day. Can you believe it, folks, this man (Vance) has been visible on the national stage for only a month and already manages to poll worse than Trump (as in his personal favorability numbers are further upside-down than Trump's). I can believe it.

Silicon Valley tech bruhs should stop pretending to be normal people. They really should. Seriously, who cites neo-monarchist intellectual Curtis Yarvin as a top influence on their socio-political outlook? In touch with the working class, are we? Huge at NatCon, not so much with regular people. Be like Mark Zuckerberg hiding away in his massive Hawaii compound. At least it'd be more intellectually honest.

Jaicee said:

I just found this viral moment amusing and thought I'd share in case you missed it.

As someone who has done advance work for politicians this was so bad. It's a clear sign of a campaign that doesn't know what it's doing.

Last edited by PDF - on 25 August 2024


My Real Redneck friends

PDF said:
Jaicee said:

I just found this viral moment amusing and thought I'd share in case you missed it.

As someone who had done advance work for politicians this was so bad. It's a clear sign of a campaign that doesn't know what it's doing.

Personally, I hope we see JD Vance every single day until election day.

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So.... Kennedy has dropped out, will most of his supporters go to trump or harris?

Voting for trump , 100% MAGA

shavenferret said:

So.... Kennedy has dropped out, will most of his supporters go to trump or harris?

Depends on what you mean by a Kennedy supporter. Most of his support has traditionally come from Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. I've noticed in the polls that, specifically, his bedrock base of greatest support has come from younger working class people of color who describe themselves as moderates. His strongest support came from that group. Kennedy's problem is that most of those people ditched him pretty much as soon as Biden got replaced with Harris at the top of the Democratic ticket. It turns out they weren't actually insane, they just didn't want to vote for Trump or Biden and the Kennedy family name is naturally culturally associated with the Democratic brand given its history. Without those core supporters, the vast majority of his original "fan base" was now gone. (Having begun his independent run for the presidency last year with around 15% support, he was now averaging around 5% or less.) This prompted him to concede there was no point in continuing. His few remaining backers at this point are mostly right-leaning people anyway, which feels off-brand for a Kennedy, and his decision to endorse Trump really reflects that.

The polling bears this conclusion out, showing, on average, that in a strict head-to-head race between Harris and Trump, about 60% or so of Kennedy's remaining supports wind up defaulting to Trump. Still, some go to Harris too and the difference pushes her support up to nearly the key 50% threshold. (Here, for example, is RCP's breakdown of the average candidate support levels with third-party candidates included and without them. The Harris margin shrinks 0.5% without third party candidates, but her overall vote share rises to 48.4% on average. And mind you that RCP's averages are the worst ones for Harris. And also that Harris can realistically expect a further bump in the polls this week as a result of last week's DNC as well.) So, in other words, as a Kamala Harris supporter, I'm not worried.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 26 August 2024

Apparently he moved to Trump not because of ideology, but because pro-democratic media hurt his feelings.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 26 August 2024

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:

Apparently he moved to Trump not because of ideology, but because pro-democratic media hurt his feelings.

This is why I (and I know at least a few others in this thread, as I've read the opinions) have zero respect for the position of "voting for the person, not the policies". It's fundamentally toxic to democracy because it turns it into a popularity contest instead of an election about governing a country.

You can easily find his previous comments and tweets slamming Trump and his positions/policies, Lol.

He is just another grifter, except he's insane too, maybe even crazier than Trump.