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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Thee best Boss fight?

Ifrit and Phoenix vs. Bahamut. No competition.

I am Iron Man

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1. Good thread....

2. For me, the answer is clear: Phogoth in the Summoning Pits strike in Destiny 1

3. Why?  It's very simple, in Sept. 2014, when D1 came out, I got by Devil's Lair with not too many deaths, but facing off with Phogoth was way different.

It was a Friday night, after work, around 1am and I was linked up with two other guys, we lost.  Linked up with another 2. Lost. repeat. lost. repeat. lost.

I think I finally beat him around 3am.  That was a huge sigh of relief.  So, to each their own.

Um Halo 2 final boss.


Mine is weird as hell one. Julius from Mystic Quest/Seiken Densestu 1... It was probably the snappy dialogue and upbeat GB music.
Story and Design: Yoshinori Kitase - best known as the creative director and writer on of Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, and X, and wrote all the good parts of FF5 (such as the Gilgamesh stuff) - you'll notice his multi-part boss battles began with this game.
Music: Kenji Ito - who did beautiful work with FF Legend/Saga 2 and the Romancing SaGa series

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

anybody else love the 3 statue/kefka fight in FFVI?


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