MadDogg said:
Seems like there is more information that is much more recent than 3 years. Nothing confirmed yet though. |
According to the CEO of the Far-Right Platform, Gab. Known for having neo-Nazis, white supremacists, antisemites, supporters of Trump and believers in conspiracy theories such as QAnon, a supposed Biden supporter created an account on Gab, to debate in good faith with all the far-right...On Gab...An utterly irrelevant social media platform? Seems like a stretch.
"The CEO stressed he has been “unable to confirm” was definitely Crooks’"
Maybe he could be on the website, but this would have to be taken with a massive grain of salt given the source has reason to lie and can't even confirm it was him. Also, all the listed posts were apparently made in January 2021 and February 2021, which would be around the ActBlue donation but still predates him registering as Republican later in the year.
I'm more inclined to the believe the CEO of Gab is seeking publicity but even if true, it doesn't confirm he didn't switch to Republican later in the year, especially if he's palling around on Gab of all places, if someone believes he was a Democrat because of the Act Blue donation but then switched to Republican because of him registering as Republican, this bit of news doesn't change anything to them because it still predates the registration.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 25 July 2024