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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

BFR said:
EricHiggin said:

Every single US Prez that's gone to war in their first term has gotten a second term haven't they?

JFK did not, and neither did LBJ. Also, G.HW Bush did not either.

For clarity:

JFK - Bay of Pigs Invasion

LBJ - Vietnam

GHWB - Kuwait in 1991 (Operation Desert Storm)

JFK never got the chance, and LBJ didn't try for a second term (because his war was so unpopular), making Bush the first war-time president to truly fail at reelection (though LBJ certainly would've lost)

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dane007 said:

EricHiggin said:

So you hope he exits the race, and then goes silent? Because that's the only path to taking enough precaution. Even if he dropped out and then backed another candidate and campaigned for them, in person and/or on social media, then he'd still be way to much of a target.

The phrase "had it coming" really only works if it's mostly on the perpetrator. The majority of the news media, quite a few of the politicians, plenty of celebs, and some of the general public on social media, certainly took whatever fire there was and turned it into into an inferno.

Well he's a convicted criminal so he shouldn't be allowed to run for president..that alone is just wrong

Secondly hes narcissist, pathological liar.99 percent of what comes out from.his mouth is a lie lol

Well he didn't do anything during covid which caused deaths if hundreds of thousands of people 

Capitol hill riot was caused by him. What he did to women like stormy Daniels was true as that's why he's charged lol. The list goes on.

As much as Biden is also a non worthy candidate he's still the lesser evil. Trump is not a good man. Fat from it.

-The way most of the public see's this is kinda in a statute of limitations sorta deal but in a political manner. If the left really cared about bringing justice to Trump they would've gone after him immediately after Biden took power. The fact they waited until the 2024 election season tells everyone it's just a ploy for the Dems to keep power. They don't really care about what Trump did, if he did it, so nobody really cares. The left had their chance years ago but blew it by waiting. 

-Sounds a lot like turning a fire into an inferno, and what did that lead to? As for narcissists, how long before Biden drops out of the race or steps down from the Presidency? When the left is as unsure and divided as they are, which is more rare, because of Biden, and they, as well as Biden, care so much about saving Democracy, especially from Trump, why can't Joe just drop out of the race? Narcissism much?

-This point has some merit, as Trump didn't do a lot, but that's because he let the Professionals do their jobs, which they screwed up royally. The one thing Trump did do was push for the vax, which the Pro's called him a liar about, over and over, because they said it would take years and years before there was some kinda treatment available. The vax showed up by the end of the year like Trump said it would. Biden took over with the vax being available to the public already, plus with strains of covid that were much less lethal at that point, and even though Biden and Harris said they wouldn't take Trumps vax, they then did anyway, and tried to force everyone else to by threatening their jobs. Yet more people still died of covid under Biden before the pandemic was over vs Trump.

-Capital hill protest was planned well before Trump got on board. Trump did not cause the riots. If the right always thought what Trump meant was the same as what the left thought, and if what Trump said mattered so much to the right that they would just fall in line like sheep, then they also would've all been first in line to get the vax. Yet the hardest side to try to convince to get the vax were Conservatives by far.

What they're saying is the shooter had looked up info about Trump and Biden. Considering the people still saying how much of a threat Trump was, along with the growing number against Biden running since the debate, not to mention some who are saying both are to old and suck and shouldn't be running, what are the odds that the shooter planned or hoped to eventually take both of them out?

This lesser evil nonsense is really just that. Nonsense. The fact it's gone on this long is beyond belief. The fact that the US can't find at least one candidate that's somewhat acceptable enough to the other side is astounding. It screams how broken America really is.

Maybe someone, or many, should start to do something productive about it for once, and in a peaceful manner at that. It's just too bad that Americans are forced to vote. Always gotta do things the hard way I guess.

roymans said:
EricHiggin said:

As soon as Trump goes down you see the SS snipers return fire, so it was only a second, maybe two at most.

Well the SS can't really just put anybody down because they're a little worried. It would be a PR nightmare if the suspected shooter were mostly innocent and just a dummy for being overly suspicious without a weapon. Even if the SS saw them with a gun, I'd guess they can't just immediately take the shot on their own discretion without a go ahead from higher up the chain, unless the shooter starts firing, then I'm sure they can instantly engage the target.

Killing an innocent yet suspicious person during a campaign would likely be political suicide for that candidate. It would be a little different if it were the President themselves, they would have more leeway as to taking out a potential threat, but for a political opponent in a campaign, even a former Prez like Trump, you hafta be quite careful with how your security deals with potential threats.

I'm just laughing at this comment from earlier because how many countless stories have there been of people literally being shot dead because an officer "thought" they "might" be reaching for a weapon ? Of course those people mostly belong to certain demographics and I have a strong feeling the person who wrote this, if they are american, doesn't belong to one of the groups that have to deal with that reality.

It is a bit ironic. You have some police with twitchy trigger fingers shooting/killing innocent people or criminals who didn't deserve to be shot, yet the SS can't take out a single shooter in time, aiming for a political candidate/President.

The difference is if the cop doesn't act soon enough, he or others may lose their lives, where as if the SS acted too soon, and weren't certain the person on the roof had a gun (aimed at Trump), it would've very likely ended Trumps chances at winning the election if they weren't armed.

Both scenario's are never ideal and will always have the possibility of ending in the worst way, some amount of the time. The hope is that it happens as little as possible. The world is a messy place unfortunately.

BFR said:
EricHiggin said:

Every single US Prez that's gone to war in their first term has gotten a second term haven't they?

JFK did not, and neither did LBJ. Also, G.HW Bush did not either.

For clarity:

JFK - Bay of Pigs Invasion

LBJ - Vietnam

GHWB - Kuwait in 1991 (Operation Desert Storm)

badskywalker said:
BFR said:

JFK did not, and neither did LBJ. Also, G.HW Bush did not either.

For clarity:

JFK - Bay of Pigs Invasion

LBJ - Vietnam

GHWB - Kuwait in 1991 (Operation Desert Storm)

JFK never got the chance, and LBJ didn't try for a second term (because his war was so unpopular), making Bush the first war-time president to truly fail at reelection (though LBJ certainly would've lost)

Ah yes, Bush Sr. He tends to be more forgettable for some reason.

I wasn't really being serious actually. Biden starting a war against Iran because of an attempt on Trump would be jumping the shark. Even though we seem to be at the point of literally anything is possible, this playing out would remove any hope or faith that America can truly change and move forward. That the war machine will continue to and will always be the war machine, first and foremost. War first, America second.

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 19 July 2024

EricHiggin said:
BFR said:

JFK did not, and neither did LBJ. Also, G.HW Bush did not either.

For clarity:

JFK - Bay of Pigs Invasion

LBJ - Vietnam

GHWB - Kuwait in 1991 (Operation Desert Storm)

badskywalker said:

JFK never got the chance, and LBJ didn't try for a second term (because his war was so unpopular), making Bush the first war-time president to truly fail at reelection (though LBJ certainly would've lost)

Ah yes, Bush Sr. He tends to be more forgettable for some reason.

I wasn't really being serious actually. Biden starting a war against Iran because of an attempt on Trump would be jumping the shark. Even though we seem to be at the point of literally anything is possible, this playing out would remove any hope or faith that America can truly change and move forward. That the war machine will continue to and will always be the war machine, first and foremost. War first, America second.

EricHiggin said:

Every single US Prez that's gone to war in their first term has gotten a second term haven't they?


I answered your question, did I not? And now your saying your question was not serious?  If this is your demeanor in this forum, then why should any of us take the time to debate with you in all seriousness?  

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Torillian said:

"The 20-year-old Pennsylvania man who tried to kill former president Donald Trump at a rally last weekend had searched online for information about Trump and President Biden and had photos of both men saved on his phone, according to lawmakers and others briefed on the investigation."
"In addition to Trump and Biden, the shooter had photos of Attorney General Merrick Garland and a member of the British royal family saved on his phone, two people familiar with the probe said."

So as we get more and more info in that seems to indicate that the left's rhetoric had nothing to do with this shooting can we go back to calling a spade a spade? Trump tried to keep power by every means he thought he could get away with. The dude would probably already be convicted if he wasn't the luckiest guy in the world falling from one coincidence to another. Documents case has him dead to rights, thank goodness there's a judge in Florida willing to bend over backwards to make sure that doesn't cause him issues. Supreme Court just gave him criminal immunity for any "official" acts while in office so I'm sure the other cases will fall apart shortly and he may even get to dismiss the case he was already found guilty of in New York since he was president when he paid off Stormy Daniels.

The guy is a wanna-be dictator who will do everything he can to make sure that the guard rails that were in place and kept him from doing anything too nuts last time he was in office won't be there next time. Combined with his inability to admit he lost he's a clear danger to the function of our democracy.

I hope he loses the election, falls out of political favor, and the Republicans can finally get themselves out of this fascination for a billionaire strong-man who somehow convinced a ton of people that's he's an every man.

I don't see why new information on the shooter should change anything. Going back to calling a spade a spade got green light as soon as the republicans abandoned their calls for unity. Which lasted for a day or so, therefore you are about two days late already when it comes to returning to business as usual.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

EricHiggin said:
roymans said:

I'm just laughing at this comment from earlier because how many countless stories have there been of people literally being shot dead because an officer "thought" they "might" be reaching for a weapon ? Of course those people mostly belong to certain demographics and I have a strong feeling the person who wrote this, if they are american, doesn't belong to one of the groups that have to deal with that reality.

It is a bit ironic. You have some police with twitchy trigger fingers shooting/killing innocent people or criminals who didn't deserve to be shot, yet the SS can't take out a single shooter in time, aiming for a political candidate/President.

The difference is if the cop doesn't act soon enough, he or others may lose their lives, where as if the SS acted too soon, and weren't certain the person on the roof had a gun (aimed at Trump), it would've very likely ended Trumps chances at winning the election if they weren't armed.

Both scenario's are never ideal and will always have the possibility of ending in the worst way, some amount of the time. The hope is that it happens as little as possible. The world is a messy place unfortunately.

oh bullshit. January 6 didn't end Trumps career and the secret service shooting someone under questionable circumstances would not have

either. You vastly over-estimate the level of care both Trump supporters and the american public would have about this.

BFR said:
EricHiggin said:
badskywalker said:

JFK never got the chance, and LBJ didn't try for a second term (because his war was so unpopular), making Bush the first war-time president to truly fail at reelection (though LBJ certainly would've lost)

Ah yes, Bush Sr. He tends to be more forgettable for some reason.

I wasn't really being serious actually. Biden starting a war against Iran because of an attempt on Trump would be jumping the shark. Even though we seem to be at the point of literally anything is possible, this playing out would remove any hope or faith that America can truly change and move forward. That the war machine will continue to and will always be the war machine, first and foremost. War first, America second.

EricHiggin said:

Every single US Prez that's gone to war in their first term has gotten a second term haven't they?


I answered your question, did I not? And now your saying your question was not serious?  If this is your demeanor in this forum, then why should any of us take the time to debate with you in all seriousness?  

You answered, though I didn't pose it to you, but I do appreciate getting an answer from someone. However, you both misunderstood and misunderstand.

Based on your answer you didn't entirely understand the question since JFK and LBJ wouldn't count, but you were right about Bush Sr and I thank you for pointing that out.

My question was serious, but the underlying possibility that Biden potentially starts a war with Iran and remains Prez, I did not consider serious. That's why my reply was split into two, so as to show separation between the question itself and the Biden point.

This was simply a question and answer situation, so I don't understand the need for your debate point. The forum isn't only for debate.

I get your frustration though. I also don't like to deal with others who don't seem to be serious enough when it comes to most political discussion. That was not the case here though.

roymans said:
EricHiggin said:

It is a bit ironic. You have some police with twitchy trigger fingers shooting/killing innocent people or criminals who didn't deserve to be shot, yet the SS can't take out a single shooter in time, aiming for a political candidate/President.

The difference is if the cop doesn't act soon enough, he or others may lose their lives, where as if the SS acted too soon, and weren't certain the person on the roof had a gun (aimed at Trump), it would've very likely ended Trumps chances at winning the election if they weren't armed.

Both scenario's are never ideal and will always have the possibility of ending in the worst way, some amount of the time. The hope is that it happens as little as possible. The world is a messy place unfortunately.

oh bullshit. January 6 didn't end Trumps career and the secret service shooting someone under questionable circumstances would not have

either. You vastly over-estimate the level of care both Trump supporters and the american public would have about this.

Assuming the media was honest about what happened to start I guess. With recent headlines like Trump fell and was helped off stage by the SS, I can see why some amount of Americans may not really care at all. At least until they found out what was really going on. Then they certainly should care.

Americans wouldn't care about an innocent spectator getting gunned down though? Doesn't that go directly against the point you made prior, about innocent people being gunned down by police who made mistakes and how much of a problem that is, especially for certain demographics who have to deal with it? In both circumstances potential lives are at risk, so I don't see why Americans would care about one situation but not the other.

EricHiggin said:
roymans said:

oh bullshit. January 6 didn't end Trumps career and the secret service shooting someone under questionable circumstances would not have

either. You vastly over-estimate the level of care both Trump supporters and the american public would have about this.

Assuming the media was honest about what happened to start I guess. With recent headlines like Trump fell and was helped off stage by the SS, I can see why some amount of Americans may not really care at all. At least until they found out what was really going on. Then they certainly should care.

Americans wouldn't care about an innocent spectator getting gunned down though? Doesn't that go directly against the point you made prior, about innocent people being gunned down by police who made mistakes and how much of a problem that is, especially for certain demographics who have to deal with it? In both circumstances potential lives are at risk, so I don't see why Americans would care about one situation but not the other.

Uh no, it doesn't go against my point. how often do you hear about police being fired or prosecuted for a wrongful shooting ?