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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Fauci is a liar and a little Gremlin.

If you say so. We're not allowed to say that about conservatives, as that is polarizing.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Liberals are built on victim complexes and have the support major corporations they pretend to hate.  Most major media is on their side.  That is all.  By all means continue the projection and delusion tho!

I'm patiently waiting for big oil, big pharma, the tax industry etc to fall in line and support climate change initiatives, public healthcare and semi-automatic filing.

Corporations and media are trying to get customers, which tends to mean appealing as far as they can, which frequently means trying to appeal to liberals.

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the-pi-guy said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Fauci is a liar and a little Gremlin.

If you say so. We're not allowed to say that about conservatives, as that is polarizing.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Liberals are built on victim complexes and have the support major corporations they pretend to hate.  Most major media is on their side.  That is all.  By all means continue the projection and delusion tho!

I'm patiently waiting for big oil, big pharma, the tax industry etc to fall in line and support climate change initiatives, public healthcare and semi-automatic filing.

Corporations and media are trying to get customers, which tends to mean appealing as far as they can, which frequently means trying to appeal to liberals.

you can certainly say that and I see it said all the time.  Stop with the victim complex or acting like you're held to some higher standard.  Destiny has been saying he doesn't care about a fireman protecting him family who died because was at a trump rally for days now.  You'll get called out just like a conservative would for praising an assassination attempt on Obama during the 2012 election or something

The existence of DEI departments and consultansy firms as well as every social media pre-musk buyout and now everyone except X supporting liberal language.  Even youtubers have to watch what they say such as having to code Covid with "coof" or trans with "troons" to avoid moderation.  You are the man.  Stop acting like you're fighting him.

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

you can certainly say that and I see it said all the time.  Stop with the victim complex or acting like you're held to some higher standard. 

That's the joke.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Destiny has been saying he doesn't care about a fireman protecting him family who died because was at a trump rally for days now.  You'll get called out just like a conservative would for praising an assassination attempt on Obama during the 2012 election or something

I don't know who Destiny is.

I don't advocate for anyone's death. I know there are "liberals" that would, and more "liberals" that wouldn't feel bad. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

The existence of DEI departments and consultansy firms as well as every social media pre-musk buyout and now everyone except X supporting liberal language.  Even youtubers have to watch what they say such as having to code Covid with "coof" or trans with "troons" to avoid moderation.  You are the man.  Stop acting like you're fighting him.

Ah, didn't realize that was what counted for liberal language. 

DEI mostly exists to appeal to wider groups of people for hiring or selling.

That doesn't mean companies are following DEI department's orders. And media doesn't want to push the boat. 

Microsoft laid off DEI team: Report

I wish I was the man. Been waiting for oil companies go belly up, and public healthcare. 

Sure explains why it's taken decades long pushes to get more women, black people, etc into gaming leads. 

When looking at the newsfeeds now they are blocking comments about trump the same way they block stuff about russia.


the-pi-guy said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

you can certainly say that and I see it said all the time.  Stop with the victim complex or acting like you're held to some higher standard. 

That's the joke.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Destiny has been saying he doesn't care about a fireman protecting him family who died because was at a trump rally for days now.  You'll get called out just like a conservative would for praising an assassination attempt on Obama during the 2012 election or something

I don't know who Destiny is.

I don't advocate for anyone's death. I know there are "liberals" that would, and more "liberals" that wouldn't feel bad. 

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

The existence of DEI departments and consultansy firms as well as every social media pre-musk buyout and now everyone except X supporting liberal language.  Even youtubers have to watch what they say such as having to code Covid with "coof" or trans with "troons" to avoid moderation.  You are the man.  Stop acting like you're fighting him.

Ah, didn't realize that was what counted for liberal language. 

DEI mostly exists to appeal to wider groups of people for hiring or selling.

That doesn't mean companies are following DEI department's orders. And media doesn't want to push the boat. 

Microsoft laid off DEI team: Report

I wish I was the man. Been waiting for oil companies go belly up, and public healthcare. 

Sure explains why it's taken decades long pushes to get more women, black people, etc into gaming leads. 

Well they've certainly been pushing the issue.  The only groups that get preferential treatment based purely on things they don't control.  Forget gaming there's been a woman in charge of Star Wars with a sharp decline in merchandise sales, box office, and viewership during her entire tenure who continues to avoid being fired somehow.  Crazy I know

I am Iron Man

Around the Network
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
the-pi-guy said:

That's the joke.

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

Destiny has been saying he doesn't care about a fireman protecting him family who died because was at a trump rally for days now.  You'll get called out just like a conservative would for praising an assassination attempt on Obama during the 2012 election or something

I don't know who Destiny is.

I don't advocate for anyone's death. I know there are "liberals" that would, and more "liberals" that wouldn't feel bad. 

Ah, didn't realize that was what counted for liberal language. 

DEI mostly exists to appeal to wider groups of people for hiring or selling.

That doesn't mean companies are following DEI department's orders. And media doesn't want to push the boat. 

Microsoft laid off DEI team: Report

I wish I was the man. Been waiting for oil companies go belly up, and public healthcare. 

Sure explains why it's taken decades long pushes to get more women, black people, etc into gaming leads. 

Well they've certainly been pushing the issue.  The only groups that get preferential treatment based purely on things they don't control.  Forget gaming there's been a woman in charge of Star Wars with a sharp decline in merchandise sales, box office, and viewership during her entire tenure who continues to avoid being fired somehow.  Crazy I know

Glad you realize your posts look crazy.

You should probably talk to someone about that.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 17 July 2024

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

The reporting that Iran has plans to assassinate Trump is just bizarre.

Why would you disclose that? And why now?

Anyone with a tinfoil hat will think it is preconditioning the audience on another attempt that will then be blamed on Iran. What retroactively makes the first attempt more suspicious.

Really bad move.

IkePoR said:
Ryuu96 said:

I love when people say that to me, when I barely even watch the media and regularly talk trash about both UK's and America's media, Lol. I formulate my own opinions with my own mind based on what I can see with my own eyes, I don't let "media" tell me what to think or say, unlike Trump fans who go on his every word cause again, he's their Messiah.

What "far-left" opinion did I defend? Since when was pro-choice a far-left opinion? Since when was calling out Christian extremism a far-left opinion? Since when was not being "nauseated" by gay people a far left opinion? Calling our far-right people is a far-left thing now? Not wanting to weaken the FBI is a far-left opinion? (Uhh, thought the right were all about "law and order"), not being antivax is a far-left opinion? Lol. If these are far-left opinions then there's a lot of far-left countries. There's far-left who are antivax too, there's far-left who shill for Russia as much as MAGA. I'm going to guess we're more than ideologically opposed, more like scientifically opposed in some cases. Pride day takes an entire month? Must be hell for you huh, seeing gay people happy.

America has a mass shooting on the regular nowadays, I'm not surprised people have quickly stopped giving a shit about some dude getting his ear clipped off but ultimately being perfectly fine, well enough to go golfing immediately after, why should people give Trump that much concern? Republicans like Trump never did a damn thing to try to prevent other shootings, he told people to get over it, Trump couldn't even be bothered to call the family of his dead supporter and instead fucked off golfing. Why should people spend their time moping around about a guy who acts like that? Who regularly expresses violent rhetoric? His ear got clipped off, he's fine, life goes on, people have their lives to live, what do you want from them? Spend the next week in mourning?

Classic stawmaning and more whataboutism.  As I said, I'm not here for that, so respectfully, lets move on before your hinge gets any looser. 

This was expected, all the MAGA defenders on this forum always do this

padib said:
Ryuu96 said:

You're misquoting Jesus in the bible to encourage violence, I don't understand how it's funny from any angle I'm checking. And I have a pretty good sense of humor. I don't like reading you saying that some people need to be killed, it's extreme regardless of how you're going to try to spin it. And don't waste your time trying to convince me, I hate how warmongering you've been on these forums for a long time. You shouldn't have such a loud voice here.

Lmao. You really haven't read any of this thread have you?

I'm taking the piss out of this Republican Christian. Ironically you Evangelical Christian lot tend to be seriously bloodthirsty. So no, I wasn't misquoting Jesus in the bible to encourage violence, I was literally quoting a Republican who claims to be Christian and making a joke out of that, keep your panties on, I'm sure Jesus wasn't offended. Try reading the thread next time and you won't embarrass yourself once again.

And Padib, recall that literally the only reason you aren't permabanned on these forums is because an Admin saved you because you were "useful" to him at the time, so don't give me shit about how I behave on this site, especially not after that thread you made on an alt which was so bad another Admin deleted it from the website or the unhinged DM you sent to CGI about me.

You want to criticise me, actually know what you're talking about next time.

I find it hilarious (and pretty sad) that you're more upset at me making a joke quote, using the exact words a Republican Christian said, more than the Republican himself who said it. Hey man, I didn't say these words, the Republican candidate did who also gave a speech at RNC, I was just mocking the fact that he's a Christian by turning it into a bible verse

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 July 2024

Didn't trump assassinate an Iranian general? I mean is anyone surprised Iran doesn't Iike trump.

Chrkeller said:

Didn't trump assassinate an Iranian general? I mean is anyone surprised Iran doesn't Iike trump.

Yeah and he ruined all progress we were making with Iran.

I'm not surprised in the slightest but I think Iran is too incompetent to pull anything off, though imagine how angry they must be, they must be spending months worth of planning, thousands in money and secrecy, a lot of training, only to see some skinny white guy casually acquire an AR-15, slip past the Secret Service with ease and almost pull it off whilst (according to his classmates) being a shit shot. Anyway, the Iranian regime is disgusting, I hope it doesn't happen but it would be an absolutely wild turn of events if Biden declared war on Iran over Trump's assassination.