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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

IkePoR said:

 The democrats think orange man bad because the tv told them and that he should die. 

There are myriad reasons to dislike orange man and if you think that the only reason people dislike him is because the TV told them to, I have to presume that you are the one who has been sheltered from reality...

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badskywalker said:
IkePoR said:

Funny, the image defining facism on wikipedia is exactly of Hitler.  I won't get into the psychology of that coloration.  If he does support Putin, Putin has a funny way of showing it; he didn't move an inch until after Trump wasn't president anymore. 

I don't follow the logic of wanting Trump - gaffe prone Biden and cringe prone Kamala are cinema.  

The main reason I don't mention the far-right is because, well, they are either bad people who aren't politically affiliated, usually some chaotic nutjob on their own, but are Christian and love guns so they're grouped in to create a far-right.  The other part of the far-right are usually decent people, with what are considered "outdated" beilefs - piously Christian and stupid and usually over 55.  Personally, I don't recognize them either because the world is NEVER going back to the way of life they desire.  

Reguardless of any of that, they don't outright wish someone would murder their opponents.  Not publicly, anyway.  In America, having any self-awareness, you know you can't even display your pride as republican(see the "coming out" threads online after the assassination attempt) without being condemned for not following the hive mind.

For much of your last paragraph, we simply butt-heads; I demonize people illegally crossing the boarder.  I don't care if someone is gay but the goal-posting and constant and virile push of their sex lives and bodies is nauseating. I think abortions are barbaric and diabolical. I think killing babies is wrong... woman's rights?  What about the babies rights? 

I don't think anyone will be backstabbed, merely that if our allies want asylum embassies, they need to pay for them.  

If you've noticed, the handling of COVID was terrible on both sides as well - Fauci misled the entire nation and lets face it, the world while pretending his words were from a burning bush.

Trump stated he's not involved with Project 2025, not sure what else you want him to do until he's president.  

If you mean institutions like the FBI and IRS, he can't weaken them fast enough.  The FBI are known liars and corrupt as they come and the IRS... is the IRS.  I'd add the Secret Service to the list now too - useless lot that they are.  First-class agents indeed.

There are incentives for corruption so long as there is capital - if he tried to cut into that pie, why... he'd be met with deadly force...

I find it interesting that you asked for examples of Trump's rhetoric, and when given a rather extensive list of things he said that vary from stoking paranoia and xenophobia to calling for the arrest or voilence against his political opponents, you just quite literally chop it off when responding to the person.

What I asked for was worse rhetoric than saying "he should have been killed."  None of what he linked was as openly violent and revolting as the wave of mask-off lunacy we're seeing online(and for many of us, irl too) since Saturday. 

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

IkePoR said:
badskywalker said:

I find it interesting that you asked for examples of Trump's rhetoric, and when given a rather extensive list of things he said that vary from stoking paranoia and xenophobia to calling for the arrest or voilence against his political opponents, you just quite literally chop it off when responding to the person.

What I asked for was worse rhetoric than saying "he should have been killed."  None of what he linked was as openly violent and revolting as the wave of mask-off lunacy we're seeing online(and for many of us, irl too) since Saturday. 

So you are cool with an LT Gov saying "Some folk need killing"?

That's pretty damn telling...

Also, what prominent Dem is saying "he should have been killed"? If you want rhetoric from random assholes online, I'm sure I can dig up some foul shit...

IkePoR said:
Ryuu96 said:


Funny, the image defining facism on wikipedia is exactly of Hitler.  I won't get into the psychology of that coloration.  If he does support Putin, Putin has a funny way of showing it; he didn't move an inch until after Trump wasn't president anymore. 

I don't follow the logic of wanting Trump - gaffe prone Biden and cringe prone Kamala are cinema.  

The main reason I don't mention the far-right is because, well, they are either bad people who aren't politically affiliated, usually some chaotic nutjob on their own, but are Christian and love guns so they're grouped in to create a far-right.  The other part of the far-right are usually decent people, with what are considered "outdated" beilefs - piously Christian and stupid and usually over 55.  Personally, I don't recognize them either because the world is NEVER going back to the way of life they desire.  

Reguardless of any of that, they don't outright wish someone would murder their opponents.  Not publicly, anyway.  In America, having any self-awareness, you know you can't even display your pride as republican(see the "coming out" threads online after the assassination attempt) without being condemned for not following the hive mind.

For much of your last paragraph, we simply butt-heads; I demonize people illegally crossing the boarder.  I don't care if someone is gay but the goal-posting and constant and virile push of their sex lives and bodies is nauseating. I think abortions are barbaric and diabolical. I think killing babies is wrong... woman's rights?  What about the babies rights? 

I don't think anyone will be backstabbed, merely that if our allies want asylum embassies, they need to pay for them.  

If you've noticed, the handling of COVID was terrible on both sides as well - Fauci misled the entire nation and lets face it, the world while pretending his words were from a burning bush.

Trump stated he's not involved with Project 2025, not sure what else you want him to do until he's president.  

If you mean institutions like the FBI and IRS, he can't weaken them fast enough.  The FBI are known liars and corrupt as they come and the IRS... is the IRS.  I'd add the Secret Service to the list now too - useless lot that they are.  First-class agents indeed.

There are incentives for corruption so long as there is capital - if he tried to cut into that pie, why... he'd be met with deadly force...

Hitler was a fascist but that isn't my point, it's that there are different levels even to that, Hitler killed millions of people and invaded half of Europe, fascism is fucked up no matter who does it but some people are more successful at causing damage than others, such as Hitler. Trump is a fascist-wannabe and we'll have to see if America's institutions can keep him in check, the same ones he wants to weaken.

You must be living under a rock in regards to Trump and Putin's relationship, Trump idolises the man and has regularly praised him, he looks up to similar assholes like Viktor Orban, a man who is well known to be friends with Putin, Trump has told Orban once he comes into power he won't send a single $ more to Ukraine and who does that benefit? Putin. Who has just met with Putin and then immediately straight after Trump? Orban.

Putin was hardly going to invade during COVID now was he? His soldiers would have dropped off like flies, plus it takes time to amass an army of hundreds of thousands, Putin moved when he did because it was now or never, Ukraine was only going to get stronger and make an invasion even more difficult. Putin absolutely would have moved in Trump's 2nd term still and I bet anything Putin expected a 2nd term but it didn't happen and he couldn't wait any longer, he isn't getting any younger, Ukraine is getting stronger.

Trump's Vice President is a guy who has said that he doesn't care what happens to Ukraine and said that Ukraine should surrender its land to Putin. As soon as Trump gets into power, he will throw Ukraine (and by extension, Europe) under the bus and let Russia takes whatever it wants. Europe won't stand by and let that happen but I guess Americans like yourself don't give a fuck about your European allies or human lives outside of America.

If not for France, you guys would be still under British rule and who was it that invoked Article 5 after a terrorist attack? Oh, America. Americans like yourself act like Europe has never done anything for America, we fought the damn Nazis for years while you sat in a neutral position only for that to backfire when Japan decided to attack you. Practically every single war, UK has been by America's side but when Europe needs you it's "Lol. Go Fuck Yourselves and Die"

I'd say don't come running to Europe next time a terrorist attacks you, don't come running to Europe with help against China...Fortunately for you, I don't actually mean those things because if Taiwan were attacked, I would want UK to protect the innocents, unlike MAGA, I wouldn't want UK to abandon its allies and sit back and watch millions die when we can do something.

America and Europe have been allies for a long time, Trump is the only President in recent history that wants to backstab Europe and throw us to Russia. You don't understand why America has embassies in Europe, or why every American President maintained military relationships with Europe, the previous Republican Presidents understood why it's important, only Trump is stupid enough to think becoming isolationist would be a good thing for America.

The far-right aren't politically affiliated? You're kidding right? Lol. The far-left who have no actual far-left House or Senate members are politically affiliated but the far-right who have multiple House/Senate members aren't? Seriously? That's what you're going with? MTG? JD Vance? The MAGA cult itself is largely made up of far-right individuals. How about all the far-right rallies? How about the far-right groups that took part in the Jan 6th insurrection? Proud Boys? Nick Fuentes and his crew of incels? The Americans who openly walk around with goddamn Nazi flags in some states?

Evangelical Christians and Gun Nuts is the MAGA cult and they certainly treat Trump like their next Messiah. Evangelical Christianity is a poison to America and no different than the people who take the Muslim religion to an extreme, Christians act better than every other religion but they have just as many extremists using their religions name for sick shit.

I've given you dozens of examples of the far-right wishing harm on political opponents, from voters to actual members of Congress, both privately and publicly, and yes I agree that left wing voters do it too but when it comes to the actual people in power, I see it far more from Republicans nowadays. 

You don't care if someone is gay but their sex lives and bodies nauseate you? Lol...Give me a break, do you take issue when straight guys talk about their sex lives? Cause they do just as much, if not more than gay people, a lot of men can't shut up about their sex lives, have you ever been to College before? Guys will bang on about their "body counts" 

It's the woman's body, it is her choice and ultimately the woman comes before the unborn baby in most civilised societies, it's absolutely sick to suggest, as some Republicans do, that women who have been raped or babies a result of incest, should be forced to term, or women with nonviable pregnancies no longer being able to safely and medically abort it and in fact, near total abortion bans often result in even more deaths, rich people can go and get their abortion still out of state, poor people are forced into having a baby they don't want, go under immense physical and mental stress and don't say "give the baby up for adoption" when adoption agencies are already choke full of children looking for a home.

But yeah, force them to have a baby, especially during the early stages when its nothing but a collection of cells.

How did Fauci misled the nation? I'm not sure I want to know, feel like I'm about to get antivax shit thrown at me based on what you've already said.

Trump denied P25 because it was starting to hurt him as it finally broke into the mainstream, it has been talked about for almost a year now but Trump only talks about it when it was trending everywhere, he claims to know nothing about it, but it's full of both former and current Trump admin staff helping it, P25 campaigners have said that Trump is only saying what he's saying because he needs to distance himself from it for now and obviously, Trump has never lied in the past before has he? So we can just trust him that he knows nothing about P25.

Cheering on weakening the FBI...Christ.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 16 July 2024

APerfectCircle said:

For real leynos and some other guy were calling me nazis bc the woke gaming ppl that are less then 1 percent of population have mental health issues they called me a nazi lol bunch of clowns they should go live in China and talk and see how they like living under fasicm 


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sundin13 said:
IkePoR said:

What I asked for was worse rhetoric than saying "he should have been killed."  None of what he linked was as openly violent and revolting as the wave of mask-off lunacy we're seeing online(and for many of us, irl too) since Saturday. 

So you are cool with an LT Gov saying "Some folk need killing"?

That's pretty damn telling...

Also, what prominent Dem is saying "he should have been killed"? If you want rhetoric from random assholes online, I'm sure I can dig up some foul shit...

"Personally I can't think of a worse rhetoric than "this person is basically Hitler"

I'll say again, damn that JD Vance! Trump's Vice President!

Hey. Don't I know that guy from somewhere?

When you demonize a guy this long and this intensely, making people falsely believe they will somehow lose their democracy if he wins, this is what happens.

Squarely on democrat shoulders and their media extremism.

If they'd apologize for their past rhetoric and say something like "If Obama had been shot in 2012 we would react much more harshly and go after republicans. We need to treat this with the same severity. We were wrong to say such extreme things." I'd gain some respect for them

I am Iron Man

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

When you demonize a guy this long and this intensely, making people falsely believe they will somehow lose their democracy if he wins, this is what happens.

Squarely on democrat shoulders and their media extremism.

If they'd apologize for their past rhetoric and say something like "If Obama had been shot in 2012 we would react much more harshly and go after republicans. We need to treat this with the same severity. We were wrong to say such extreme things." I'd gain some respect for them

the dude literally did try to upend the democratic system....


John 6:35

Jesus said to them, "Get mad at me if you want to. Some folks need killing! It's time for somebody to say it."

Amen. 👏

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 16 July 2024