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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

SvennoJ said:
IkePoR said:

I wonder, if someone who disagreed with your past wished death on you, would you say the same thing?  

Nevemind you having a family or a life worth living... "I don't like man, man must die."  


42% of people are OK with killing baby Hitler (a well researched thought experiment)

When you call someone Hitler, I'm surprised the number isn't higher.  

What exactly makes him Hitler again?  All the people he ordered to be killed?  The gas chambers he instituted?  The invasion of other countries?  The war he started?

So many are cozy with loosely labeling anyone they disagree with a nazi, it's lost every bit of shock and punch it could ever have.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Around the Network
IkePoR said:
SvennoJ said:

42% of people are OK with killing baby Hitler (a well researched thought experiment)

When you call someone Hitler, I'm surprised the number isn't higher.  

What exactly makes him Hitler again?  All the people he ordered to be killed?  The gas chambers he instituted?  The invasion of other countries?  The war he started?

So many are cozy with loosely labeling anyone they disagree with a nazi, it's lost every bit of shock and punch it could ever have.

The part Svennoj was talking about, was about literal Hitler.  He wasn't talking about Trump. 

The New York Times Magazine polled its readers. “If you could go back and kill Hitler as a baby, would you do it?” 42% of people said yes.

the-pi-guy said:
IkePoR said:

When you call someone Hitler, I'm surprised the number isn't higher.  

What exactly makes him Hitler again?  All the people he ordered to be killed?  The gas chambers he instituted?  The invasion of other countries?  The war he started?

So many are cozy with loosely labeling anyone they disagree with a nazi, it's lost every bit of shock and punch it could ever have.

The part Svennoj was talking about, was about literal Hitler.  He wasn't talking about Trump. 

The New York Times Magazine polled its readers. “If you could go back and kill Hitler as a baby, would you do it?” 42% of people said yes.

I see, pardon me Svennoj, did not realize.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

IkePoR said:
SvennoJ said:

42% of people are OK with killing baby Hitler (a well researched thought experiment)

When you call someone Hitler, I'm surprised the number isn't higher.  

What exactly makes him Hitler again?  All the people he ordered to be killed?  The gas chambers he instituted?  The invasion of other countries?  The war he started?

So many are cozy with loosely labeling anyone they disagree with a nazi, it's lost every bit of shock and punch it could ever have.

That's not the point I was trying to make.

It was about assassinating someone you believe will cause a lot of harm in the future.

But agreed, Hitler, Nazis, Anti semitism, all trigger words that have lost their meaning. I could have used a better (less provocative) example.

LudicrousSpeed said:

Too bad the shooter didn’t have better aim. And I would say the same thing if someone missed at Biden.

The quicker these two old corrupt MF’ers are out of the picture, the better for our country.

Well they were voted for to be the nominees by your country.

Don't tell me, you want the nominees death to 'save democracy'?

Around the Network

Ugh conspiracy theories are already gaining traction

More embarrassment for the U.S. Secret Service as probe deepens into Donald Trump kill bid. A new video of Secret Service agents at the Trump rally venue has emerged. The video shows secret service agents clearing the rows behind Trump's stage. Moments after rows were cleared, the shooter opened fire & secret service agents were seen bending down. Many called the video proof of the Secret Service's 'involvement.' The Trump assassination attempt was an insider job claimed by social media users.

Nothing suspicious there, just keeping people away from the podium

Just imagine how bad it would be if Trump's head had exploded on live TV...

SvennoJ said:

Ugh conspiracy theories are already gaining traction

More embarrassment for the U.S. Secret Service as probe deepens into Donald Trump kill bid. A new video of Secret Service agents at the Trump rally venue has emerged. The video shows secret service agents clearing the rows behind Trump's stage. Moments after rows were cleared, the shooter opened fire & secret service agents were seen bending down. Many called the video proof of the Secret Service's 'involvement.' The Trump assassination attempt was an insider job claimed by social media users.

Nothing suspicious there, just keeping people away from the podium

Just imagine how bad it would be if Trump's head had exploded on live TV...

Conspiracy theories started the minute it happened. Staged was trending on Twitter. Because they can't handle that some people would do such a thing nor can they handle the fact that the secret service is not the elite organisation it is supposed to be. I mean, that one female officer couldn't even holster her gun. 

IkePoR said:
SvennoJ said:

42% of people are OK with killing baby Hitler (a well researched thought experiment)

When you call someone Hitler, I'm surprised the number isn't higher.  

What exactly makes him Hitler again?  All the people he ordered to be killed?  The gas chambers he instituted?  The invasion of other countries?  The war he started?

So many are cozy with loosely labeling anyone they disagree with a nazi, it's lost every bit of shock and punch it could ever have.

Kumbaya my lord, nazis nazis nazis, yah yah yah. 

SvennoJ said:
IkePoR said:

I wonder, if someone who disagreed with your past wished death on you, would you say the same thing?  

Nevemind you having a family or a life worth living... "I don't like man, man must die."  


42% of people are OK with killing baby Hitler (a well researched thought experiment)

That is with hindsight of course, yet arguably Project 2025 Trump not having an issue with Russia taking Ukraine and Biden providing bombs and cover for the ongoing genocide in Gaza, it's comparable to the early stages...

However assassinations only make things worse. Israel's strategy of regular assassinations has never payed off, only makes things worse. We were at the brink of all out war in the ME after Israel bombed Iran's embassy in Damascus to take out military leaders.

There are always more people, even more radical, ready to take over when the current leader(s) are taken out. Killing Trump won't make Project 2025 go away. Killing Biden won't end US support for genocide in Gaza. It will only make it worse as well as possibly triggering civil war in the USA.

If the shooter had killed Trump, things would be worse now.

Those 42% have no brain cells.

The likelihood that killing Hitler would result into a better outcome do not outweigh the risk of a worst outcome. Hitler had some terrible people under his control. Imagine if one of them was the leader instead, far more would have suffered.

It will also mean that changing the past too be better or worst, chances are that our grandparents would have hooked up with different people and most of us wouldn't have bee born.

Only way to learn is to be better in future. However, the way we handling Russia with their Ukraine invasion, shows we haven't learnt much. Then you got Israel, who are closer to Nazi Germany then anyone would have imagined the way they going through Gaza.



EricHiggin said:

Losses in one area of injuries or deaths with gains in another doesn't count. You can't explain away racism like degrading a black person by pointing out you're not calling them the N word. Degrading is degrading. Crime is crime. Deaths are deaths.

Are you really suggesting that unless you can stop all crime, that guns need to remain?

Then why make drugs like crack, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, acid and more illegal? You won't ever stop Marijuana.

Have you ever tried to save someones life when they are suffering from a stab wound verses a bullet? The wound is easier to manage and they have a higher probability of surviving.

EricHiggin said:

Australia isn't America. What works in one place doesn't automatically work in another, and sometimes even backfires and makes things worse. Canadians have tons of unregistered guns, and we also have issues with leadership, but we don't shoot at them, we just honk our horns, and they freeze our bank accounts.

Gun control works. It's factually proven at this point... And it doesn't matter what nation it is, when implemented correctly, it works.
Australia, South Korea, Poland, Qatar, United Kingdom, Brunei, Taiwan and many more.

Arguing it "won't work" without ever trying it is defeatist logic when overwhelmingly the evidence points to gun control being extremely effective in reducing gun-related crime and incidents.

And let's face it... The USA has one of the highest rates of gun related crime and incidents in the world, when as a nation is it going to recognize that problem and start doing something about it?

How many more people need to be killed?

At least I could go to school as a kid and not worry about being murdered by a gun-touting lunatic in Australia.

EricHiggin said:

The fact you included plots tells me you're not serious. I mean we're really going to include everyone who's ever thought about killing someone else? Grenades aren't guns either. They also threw shoes at him. Does America need footwear control?

The fact I made those distinctions in order to split the incidents apart so you can ascertain the correct facts in the correct context is me not being serious? What kind of false logic is that? If I wasn't serious I would have obfuscated that.

These are "attempts" where legitimate plans and motives were in play. Not just a random twitter post.

Footwear control is already a thing, high-risk work environments already require specific footwear to ensure safety.

In-fact, any activity that brings in risk to individuals should require multiple layers of control, training or licensing or all of the above.
You don't get to jump behind the wheel of a car and drive unlicensed, unregistered... And screech "Freedom!". Just doesn't work that way, so why do it with guns?

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