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Which was the better gen in your opinion?

Wii/PS3/360/DS/PSP 54 66.67%
Wii U/PS4/XBO/3DS/Vita 27 33.33%
Leynos said:

Xenoblade on Wii is using more RAM than any of the 6th gen consoles have. Zeldaring is wrong as usual.

The wii wasn't even more powerful then the xbox. yea it still pretty much a 6th gen console in terms of power.

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These are some of the environments of Xenoblade X


These are some of the environments of PS2 open world games (In the case of FF12 it's a game with big open areas)



These are some of the Xenoblade X character models


These are some of the character models of PS2 open world games


It's so funny to me the phenomenon on the internet when someone say "this looks like a PS2 game" when said thing clearly doesn't. Some people really don't remember what PS2 games looks like.

Xenoblade X even running on shitty hardware still manages to looks impressive. Yes, there's tons of sacrifices made to get the game running (I agree there's lots of pop in and the lightning is kinda flat) but XCX doesn't look like something from the 6th gen at all.

RedKingXIII said:

These are some of the environments of Xenoblade X


These are some of the environments of PS2 open world games (In the case of FF12 it's a game with big open areas)



These are some of the Xenoblade X character models


These are some of the character models of PS2 open world games


It's so funny to me the phenomenon on the internet when someone say "this looks like a PS2 game" when said thing clearly doesn't. Some people really don't remember what PS2 games looks like.

Xenoblade X even running on shitty hardware still manages to looks impressive. Yes, there's tons of sacrifices made to get the game running (I agree there's lots of pop in and the lightning is kinda flat) but XCX doesn't look like something from the 6th gen at all.

I think you are taking the comments too literal, i never said it looks like a open world ps2 game. It does have things that resemble 6th gen. like when DF said bayonetta reminds them of a dreamcast game, it has characteristics like the flat lighting, 2d grass, low poly environments.


like if you watch this video with just a hd texture pack and at 1080p it looks very close to the wiiu version of X.

zeldaring said:

Xenoblade x looks alot like something  from the 6th gen with the super flat lighting and character models from 6th gen.

I'm not being too literal when you said yourself it looks like a 6th gen game.

Xenoblade Chronicles also doesn't look "very close" to X with the HD texture pack of the video. I asked before if you played the games and I guess the answer is clearly not.

RedKingXIII said:

These are some of the environments of Xenoblade X


These are some of the environments of PS2 open world games (In the case of FF12 it's a game with big open areas)



These are some of the Xenoblade X character models


These are some of the character models of PS2 open world games


It's so funny to me the phenomenon on the internet when someone say "this looks like a PS2 game" when said thing clearly doesn't. Some people really don't remember what PS2 games looks like.

Xenoblade X even running on shitty hardware still manages to looks impressive. Yes, there's tons of sacrifices made to get the game running (I agree there's lots of pop in and the lightning is kinda flat) but XCX doesn't look like something from the 6th gen at all.

I also love the scale of Xenoblade games always making you feel small. You run into skyscraper sized enemies that make your mech look small and mechs are not small at all.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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RedKingXIII said:
zeldaring said:

Xenoblade x looks alot like something  from the 6th gen with the super flat lighting and character models from 6th gen.

I'm not being too literal when you said yourself it looks like a 6th gen game.

Xenoblade Chronicles also doesn't look "very close" to X with the HD texture pack of the video. I asked before if you played the games and I guess the answer is clearly not.

I never said it looks like a open world 6th gen game though and I didn't  know you have to play a game to comment on the graphics. 

XCX absolutely does not look 6th gen and it is a massive, generational leap over Xenoblade on Wii in every aspect from resolution to shaders to geometry

curl-6 said:

XCX absolutely does not look 6th gen and it is a massive, generational leap over Xenoblade on Wii in every aspect from resolution to shaders to geometry

I agree with you on geometry and resolution but honestly it does look similar. same 2d grass everywhere with the same type of low poly envoriment, character models  look like something that does not belong in the 7th gen for sure, and probably on par with something like residential evil 4. Lighting and shadows are none existent.

Anyway talking about the order 1886 DF did a video of how stunning it still looks today to talk about graphics and say xenoblade x impressed more makes 0 sense. Order 1886 really shows how now we are in diminishing returns for real. 

Last edited by zeldaring - on 18 July 2024

zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

XCX absolutely does not look 6th gen and it is a massive, generational leap over Xenoblade on Wii in every aspect from resolution to shaders to geometry

I agree with you on geometry and resolution but honestly it does look similar. same 2d grass everywhere with the same type of low poly envoriment, character models  look like something that does not belong in the 7th gen for sure, and probably on par with something like residential evil 4.

RE4's characters are more artistically appealing, but much lower tech; RE4 doesn't even use normal mapping. XCX's environments are not low poly at all by open world Wii U standards.

curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

I agree with you on geometry and resolution but honestly it does look similar. same 2d grass everywhere with the same type of low poly envoriment, character models  look like something that does not belong in the 7th gen for sure, and probably on par with something like residential evil 4.

RE4's characters are more artistically appealing, but much lower tech; RE4 doesn't even use normal mapping. XCX's environments are not low poly at all by open world Wii U standards.

I don't think anyone can look at game and no what's going on under the hood for God's sake most people thought wiiu was 2x 360 in gpu in power and this was there proof, all I'm saying it has ton of short comings to my eyes, look at red dead and gtav they look way more demanding and of course the budgets are probably 5x-10x in comparison so it's not a fair comparison.