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Do you support Project 2025?

Yes 4 9.52%
No 38 90.48%
RolStoppable said:
Tober said:

This is what Trump said about it. He distances himself from it.,vid:U58ACp5Ke9s,st:0

When you post something like this, you should be obligated to say that Trump isn't telling the truth.

Seriously? You mean you don't want people to look at what Trump said and make up their own mind? I'm obligated to what?

Besides I'm not a mind reader, so I cannot say if Trump is telling the truth or not. He said in this clip that there are extremes on both side and attributes Project2025 to extreme right. Sounds like not a bad take.

Around the Network
Tober said:
RolStoppable said:

When you post something like this, you should be obligated to say that Trump isn't telling the truth.

Seriously? You mean you don't want people to look at what Trump said and make up their own mind? I'm obligated to what?

Besides I'm not a mind reader, so I cannot say if Trump is telling the truth or not. He said in this clip that there are extremes on both side and attributes Project2025 to extreme right. Sounds like not a bad take.

Trump has been proven to lie far too many times to be given the benefit of the doubt. He has proven time after time to be a liar, cheater & thief.

-Found guilty of financial fraud and ordered to pay the State of New York $354.8 million.

-Found guilty of falsifying business records to cover up the fact that he cheated on his wife with a pornstar.

-Found liable for sexual abuse & defamation and ordered to pay $88.3 million to E Jean Carroll.

-Indicted for stealing and refusing to return classified documents.

-Indicted tor attempts to overturn an election.

When you have all those things going against you, you no longer get to be taken for your word.

The Heritage Foundation isn’t just some random think tank, they have been highly influential in the policies of every Republican president since Reagan, including Trump’s first term. Then there is the fact that many of Trump’s staff members & allies were involved in the writing of it.

Trump saying he doesn’t know about it means nothing. He’s a proven liar and he has too many personal connections to it.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Tober said:

Besides I'm not a mind reader, so I cannot say if Trump is telling the truth or not. He said in this clip that there are extremes on both side and attributes Project2025 to extreme right. Sounds like not a bad take.

you don’t have to be a mind reader to know Trump lies and exaggerates all the time lol

Tober said:
RolStoppable said:

When you post something like this, you should be obligated to say that Trump isn't telling the truth.

Seriously? You mean you don't want people to look at what Trump said and make up their own mind? I'm obligated to what?

Besides I'm not a mind reader, so I cannot say if Trump is telling the truth or not. He said in this clip that there are extremes on both side and attributes Project2025 to extreme right. Sounds like not a bad take.

What I am saying is that for people being able to make up their own mind, they need to see what Trump said AND what fact-checkers had to say about it. This is so important because of Trump's tremendous history of false statements and lies. Here's an example:

Trump also spoke highly about the group's plans at a dinner sponsored by the Heritage Foundation in April 2022, saying: “This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America.”

If you can't tell if Trump is telling the truth or not, you can use Google.

Another topic that has been very similar to Project 2025 is abortion. Trump fully embraced the anti-choice path until his team realized that it's hurting his chances for election, so then Trump made a series of posts and claims that made him sound more liberal on the issue. Trump didn't try to distance himself from Project 2025 until a large enough portion of the American population became aware of what it is.

So in the big picture, it's just his usual pattern of him saying what he believes that most people want to hear from him. This results in obvious and blatant contradictions that people who have been paying attention notice immediately, but sadly most people aren't well-informed, so they are prone to lap up Trump's lies. It should be in your own interest to be better than that.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Tober said:
RolStoppable said:

When you post something like this, you should be obligated to say that Trump isn't telling the truth.

Seriously? You mean you don't want people to look at what Trump said and make up their own mind? I'm obligated to what?

Besides I'm not a mind reader, so I cannot say if Trump is telling the truth or not. He said in this clip that there are extremes on both side and attributes Project2025 to extreme right. Sounds like not a bad take.

You know the expression about watching what people do being more telling than what they say?

This plan was written by dozens of his former executive branch officials, his campaign staffers, and personal friends.  You cannot claim to not know who is behind a policy playbook when it was written by your former policy makers.  

Further, actions he took as president (especially those that were either blocked by his own cabinet, vetoed or later overruled) are either directly or extremely similar to proposals in this policy guideline. 

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Around the Network
Renamed said:

Project 2025 is a blueprint prepared by The Heritage Foundation (a right wing think tank) that lays out the first 180 days of the next Republican presidency.  The truncated summary of the agenda listed below is startling:

Mass layoffs of civil servants
Install Trump loyalists
Terminate the Constitution
Mass deportations
Bomb Mexico
Shoot migrants
Electrify the wall
Reinstate and expand Muslim ban
Ideological screening for immigrants
Revoke certain student visas
End birthright citizenship
10% tariff on all foreign goods
No 'two-state' solution
Withdraw from NATO
Punish hospitals that provide any trans care
Ban on trans car of any kind for minors
Exit Paris Climate Accord
Abolish the EPA
Increase dependence on fossil fuels
Nationwide abortion ban
Punish women for abortions
Abolish Department of Ed
Enforce 'patriotic based education'
Homeless encampments
Institutionalize the mentally ill
Full immunity for police
Employ 'stop and frisk' nationally
Shoot shoplifters
Federal takeover of Democratically led cities
Use National Guard on protests
Use military force on civilians

While unlikely that much of these policies could ever be enacted if our systems and institutions function as the safeguards they were designed to be, but it goes to show where the mind set is for many on the right.  That said, many others on the right are highly critical of it.  But will that ultimately be enough? Are we willing to take such a risk to our democracy?

For whatever reason, OP did not link Project 2025 so people can read for themselves what it's all about.

So here it is for anyone preferring to read things for themselves rather than receiving it second hand: Policy | Project 2025

KLAMarine said:

For whatever reason, OP did not link Project 2025.

I mentioned a reason.  I have no intention of driving any further traffic to their website.  I don't reward that which I disagree with.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Renamed said:
KLAMarine said:

For whatever reason, OP did not link Project 2025.

I mentioned a reason.  I have no intention of driving any further traffic to their website.  I don't reward that which I disagree with.

Seems counterproductive, you should want as many people as possible to know about it and read it.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
Renamed said:

I mentioned a reason.  I have no intention of driving any further traffic to their website.  I don't reward that which I disagree with.

Seems counterproductive, you should want as many people as possible to know about it and read it.

You ever play chess?  

If I link directly to the policy guideline, they see just the policy guideline and the Heritage Foundation gets traffic.

If they search for the policy guideline, they will see reports on connections, background, analysis, the guidelines themselves and more and the Heritage Foundation gets less traffic.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Renamed said:
zorg1000 said:

Seems counterproductive, you should want as many people as possible to know about it and read it.

You ever play chess?  

If I link directly to the policy guideline, they see just the policy guideline and the Heritage Foundation gets traffic.

If they search for the policy guideline, they will see reports on connections, background, analysis, the guidelines themselves and more and the Heritage Foundation gets less traffic.

I’ve never played.

The problem is that you posted a list that’s not even accurate which can potentially cause people to not take it seriously at all.

The policies in Project 2025 are absolutely awful but making up hyperbolic shit about it does no good, let the terrible policies speak for themselves.

Who gives a shit if their website is getting traffic if that means people are finding out first hand how terrible it is?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.