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Forums - General Discussion - How Do You Think You Will Die?

Heart disease? Brain? Cancer? Chronic illness? An accident? Come to terms with the reaper below.

I have cancer history with a side of heart disease on both sides of the family so I'll definitely be watching out for both as I age. I guess I'd rather go out relatively quick rather than waste away over months or years. I don't envy those who end up with degenerative diseases and the like, so silver linings, I guess.

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Heart attack while a pair of Asian hookers are riding me.

The world belongs to you-Pan America

Whatever way it happens, I just want it to be quick. Get it over with quick, I literally ain't got all day.

I always told everyone I would live until 100. So I think I would die to complications after a fall.

How Do You Think You Will Die?

my current fear is this:

Apparently 20-30% of dead bodies in 2023 (that were embalmed), had blood clots found in them.
About 50sec ,1m20 into the video, theres pictures of what they look like.

The odd thing is its a new type of blood clot, never seen before 2020.
And rightfully its being linked to the new mRNA vaccines, everyone took.

So in 2021, there were barely any spotted, but it grew in 2022 and 2023.
This could end up killing lots of people worldwide.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 02 March 2024

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Hit in the head with a coconut

-Why the fuck do i have to pay for a free trial

Hopefully during my sleep, quietly.

Probably heart complications. My grandmother on my mother's side died at 60 from that, my grandfather on my mother's side died at 61 from heart failure, and my grandfather on my mother's side had his first heart-attack at age 34 - with 5 subsequent ones over the years. My uncle (on my father's side) had serious heart issues that took him out of work around age 59. Oh, and my mother has heart issues as well. So, yeah, I guess that's the most likely scenario.

Best case scenerio: Erotic asphyxiation
Worst case scenario: Alzheimer's

Taking a bullet aimed for the president.