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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Capcom survey on reviving dormant IPs

New breath of fire or I commit seppuku. Ball's in your court Capcom

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

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Shadow1980 said:

I want Mega Man 12 done in the same style as MM11. Mega Man X9 would be great, too. It's been almost six years since the last mainline Mega Man game.

This exactly why Mega Man is dormant.

Breath of Fire

Mega Man 

Dino Crisis


Lost Planet

Isn't crazy that CAPCOM has yet to do anything in the 3D fighter sub genre(Not 2D games with 3D graphics)? They did Plasma Blade back in the day but I don't think this IP is worth a revival soo I wan to see CAPCOM do a 3D fighter. 

A new Rival Schools or remastered please

Darkstalkers is my favorite beat'em up.
(Yea, yea, I'm a button smasher.)

They had that RE Remake teaster yesterday, (Release 17 January 2025) not sure if it was a april fools.

My answer would have been Okami.

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konnichiwa said:

They had that RE Remake teaster yesterday, (Release 17 January 2025) not sure if it was a april fools.

My answer would have been Okami.

That individual did come out to say it was fake. He put it up as an early April fools. 

"Next week on Tuesday, June 11th, Capcom will celebrate its 41st anniversary! Before the 40th anniversary is over, we would love it if you could post about your memories of Capcom and your favorite titles on #Capcom40th  By the way, there is still some content waiting for you all at Capcom Town...  Stay tuned for next week!"

I'll be keeping a close ear to what Capcom has to announce on Tuesday.

Dino crisis is my main one I want

Dino Crisis won! As well as scoring highly in other categories

That's great that Dino Crisis won!

Now lets actually hope Capcom will delivery and give what the fans want or else this survey will be pointless.