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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

BFR said:
Leynos said:

It's not political preference when it's a nazi. We had a world war to rid the world of a person and followers like Trump. They want that shit back. If you still think Republicans are politicians you're blind.  Nazi's have no place anywhere.

  Hey, Leynos, I am a life long and proud Republican.  We are not Nazi's - get your head out of your ass. That being said, I am not a MAGA Republican but I am a Reagan Republican.  There's a Fucking difference between the two factions.

So, who are you voting for?

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I personally don't understand identifying with a political party. Particularly when people have been openly disappointed about the direction of the political party.

I'll go even further and say I think it's a problem with the country.

the-pi-guy said:

I personally don't understand identifying with a political party. Particularly when people have been openly disappointed about the direction of the political party.

I'll go even further and say I think it's a problem with the country.

In my country we have a multi party system, so more choice. Still though I never cast my vote because I 100% agree with everything a certain party stands for. It just are some topics I care about most on an individual level at a certain time. Essentially I vote for the least bad one.

I cannot speak on how it works in America, but I assume it's similar.

sundin13 said:
BFR said:

  Hey, Leynos, I am a life long and proud Republican.  We are not Nazi's - get your head out of your ass. That being said, I am not a MAGA Republican but I am a Reagan Republican.  There's a Fucking difference between the two factions.

So, who are you voting for?

And Reagan was one of the most corrupt presidents there is. So lol.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

sundin13 said:
BFR said:

  Hey, Leynos, I am a life long and proud Republican.  We are not Nazi's - get your head out of your ass. That being said, I am not a MAGA Republican but I am a Reagan Republican.  There's a Fucking difference between the two factions.

So, who are you voting for?

Probably no one.  I didn't vote in either 2020 or 2016. 2012 was the last time I did.

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Leynos said:
sundin13 said:

So, who are you voting for?

And Reagan was one of the most corrupt presidents there is. So lol.

Was he more corrupt than Nixon? 

BFR said:
Leynos said:

And Reagan was one of the most corrupt presidents there is. So lol.

Was he more corrupt than Nixon? 

Reagan was buddy-buddy with Nixon since the 1960s and was a known FBI and CIA informant during the Red Scare, helping to ruin the careers and lives of countless cinema fellows for alleged socialist or left-wing inclinations.

He was also basically a shameless mole/plant for large film studios within the actors' labor union.

Overall he was a pretty shady character before becoming governor of California and eventually president, although Nixon is a high bar to clear.









Bush Jr

Worst/Most corrupt in that order. Trump easily clears Nixon.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

haxxiy said:

helping to ruin the careers and lives of countless cinema fellows

So basically what the activist left is doing now to anyone who doesn't submit to their ideology.

People who pretend like MAGA and “Reagan Republicans” are massively different haven’t been paying attention to the party for the last ~60 years.

From 1954-1973 we saw major legislation & Supreme Court rulings like:

Brown v Board of Education in 1954 (racial desegregation of public schools)

Engel v Vitale in 1962 (rules school prayer unconstitutional)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 (outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex & national origin in things such as public accommodations & employment)

Griswold v Connecticut in 1965 (protects the right to use contraceptives)

Voting Rights Act of 1965 (prohibits racial discrimination in voting)

Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965 (eliminated national origin, race & ancestry as a basis for immigration)

Loving v Virginia in 1967 (protects the right to interracial marriage)

Civil Rights Act of 1968 (outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex & national origin for housing)

Roe v Wade in 1973 (protects the right to abortion)

These led to Republicans utilizing the Southern Strategy to appeal to white racists along with the rise of the Christian right that Republicans aligned with in the 70s.

Yes, Trump & MAGA pushed the movement to the extreme but you don’t get to this point without the last half century of appealing to these groups and pushing back against any form of social change.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.