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Guys, it's too late for the Demos to pick another candidate. Their convention starts on August 19. It is Biden or bust for them.

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BFR said:

Guys, it's too late for the Demos to pick another candidate. Their convention starts on August 19. It is Biden or bust for them.

Don't rain on their parade.  They are just now realizing, after months of telling everyone they didn't have massive problem, how dire their situation is.  


Vengeance 32 gb

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After some research, it seems they have until August 22 to select a new candidate. This should be enough time for one of them to energetically Obama their way to the leadership.

Any Americans have any idea who the Democratic Party can nominate? Just a thought… maybe someone in the 35-60 age range…

Last edited by Jumpin - 4 days ago

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

BFR said:

Guys, it's too late for the Demos to pick another candidate. Their convention starts on August 19. It is Biden or bust for them.

That’s nearly two months away. I know the US political system is generally very drawn out, but it doesn’t have to be. Two months is still quite a while to select a new candidate. I’m sure, if need be, they could have one by Monday afternoon.

Kamala Harris is probably in the best spot (according to some American news clip I watched earlier) since she will either be the candidate or the VP candidate given it would be beneficial for someone prominent from the Biden admin to run with any new candidate.

I’m not too familiar with American politicians, younger ones at least, so perhaps some Americans have some ideas who would be competent and with the knowledge and experience to take on the job as President of the US. Just someone who is capable would be sufficient to beat Trump.

Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren are 77 and 75 respectively, but they’re like the only two competent and experienced politicians I can think of who are capable of running the US, but probably about 15 years older than the oldest one should be running for a first term. Both are sharp witted, ideologically sound, and incredibly experienced. Any Americans have better ideas? Preferably below the age of 60… maybe 65 tops.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Peter Buttigieg


The problem with replacing Biden at this stage in time is the optics.  It makes the entire party seem unorganized, out of touch and frankly a bit stupid.  Would the switch hurt other elections?

Last edited by Chrkeller - 4 days ago


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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Trump is such a compulsive liar OMG. He really has his MAGA followers under a spell to be able to get away with all the fucked up shit he says and does. Meanwhile, sleepy Joe is not a good face for the democratic party at the moment. Someone younger and more charismatic is needed ASAP. I've heard people throwing around Gavin Newsome, though it doesnt seem like he'd want to do it based on how he was defending Biden after the debates last night.

Chrkeller said:


The problem with replacing Biden at this stage in time is the optics.  It makes the entire party seem unorganized, out of touch and frankly a bit stupid.  Would the switch hurt other elections?

Aren't statewide Dems running like 10 points ahead of Biden in some polls? Makes me think they are more or less insulated from what's going on at the top of the ticket - assuming this degree of ticket-splitting holds in the actual elections, that is.

At this point, if Biden wins it'll probably be because people despise the alternative even more, not because they think he's fit for office. Think Fetterman's election after a disastrous debate with Oz, or, more grimly, Hindenburg winning over Hitler at death's door.






RolStoppable said:
Chrkeller said:

Trump is going to be president because liberals were stupid enough to run Biden when clearly his mental capability isn't there.

Well done DNC.

Biden is not fit to be president for another four years, but as far as I know, it has yet to be finalized that he will be the democrats' candidate (would happen in August). So nothing is lost yet, because there's clearly enough time left to change course and nominate someone else. And they should.

From what I gathered - from the Daily Show's analysis of course - Trump isn't going to win over undecided voters with his performance, because he did all of his usual things. The actual damage from this debate is that many people are now less inclined to vote for Biden, so there's an opportunity to fix things and it's all in the hands of the democrats.

Also, I don't think the democrats have to worry too much about who they nominate instead of Biden, because of how basic the questions in this year's election are. The majority of Americans does not want Trump as president, so any at least half-decent alternative that emits confidence will be good enough. Biden is not up to this task anymore due to his age, but it's not like democrats are short of viable and much younger options.

At this point it wouldn't hurt the democrats if they were bolder. In 2020 they picked Biden because he was the safest option as former vice president under Obama; Biden ran a campaign of bringing Americans back together, but four years later nothing has really changed about the divide. So instead of a strategy of appeasement to the far-right, borderline far-right and those who sympathize with the far-right, a strategy of smackdown would be more appropriate. Don't try to make friends with Trump fans, don't try to extend their hand to them, just call them out for the lunatics they are. Give confidence to the people who'd like the USA to remain a democracy. The democrats' platform shouldn't be about how they can satisfy Trump fans, but rather about how they can satisfy the majority of the USA.

Because the strategy of appeasement seems to always fail. Appeasing the anti-vaxxer movement led to growth for said movement, appeasing Putin resulted in escalation, appeasing anti-immigration folks only ever leads to more and more people believing that all immigration does is threatening life and prosperity.

Getting Biden out is no where near as simple as this.

Please read this piece by the BBC:

Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee?

in the future, I’d use a trusted information resource and not a comedy show for this sort of thing.

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

haxxiy said:
Chrkeller said:


The problem with replacing Biden at this stage in time is the optics.  It makes the entire party seem unorganized, out of touch and frankly a bit stupid.  Would the switch hurt other elections?

Aren't statewide Dems running like 10 points ahead of Biden in some polls? Makes me think they are more or less insulated from what's going on at the top of the ticket - assuming this degree of ticket-splitting holds in the actual elections, that is.

At this point, if Biden wins it'll probably be because people despise the alternative even more, not because they think he's fit for office. Think Fetterman's election after a disastrous debate with Oz, or, more grimly, Hindenburg winning over Hitler at death's door.

Seems to go both ways this time. If Trump wins it will also be because people despise Biden. Not that they'll vote for Trump, but either abstain or vote for a 3rd party.

It looks like it will come down to who can get most of their loyal voters to turn out. Not for who's leading the party but to keep their party in the lead. In the end the president still needs to be backed up by his party and hopefully the Republicans see more sense than Trump, and the Democrats can keep Biden from falling over :/

Electoral reform is badly needed. The US 2 party system is reaching a dead end. US is a plutocracy in all but name, been so for over a decade at least.

It would be nice to see a new face at this point.