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haxxiy said:
Chrkeller said:


The problem with replacing Biden at this stage in time is the optics.  It makes the entire party seem unorganized, out of touch and frankly a bit stupid.  Would the switch hurt other elections?

Aren't statewide Dems running like 10 points ahead of Biden in some polls? Makes me think they are more or less insulated from what's going on at the top of the ticket - assuming this degree of ticket-splitting holds in the actual elections, that is.

At this point, if Biden wins it'll probably be because people despise the alternative even more, not because they think he's fit for office. Think Fetterman's election after a disastrous debate with Oz, or, more grimly, Hindenburg winning over Hitler at death's door.

Seems to go both ways this time. If Trump wins it will also be because people despise Biden. Not that they'll vote for Trump, but either abstain or vote for a 3rd party.

It looks like it will come down to who can get most of their loyal voters to turn out. Not for who's leading the party but to keep their party in the lead. In the end the president still needs to be backed up by his party and hopefully the Republicans see more sense than Trump, and the Democrats can keep Biden from falling over :/

Electoral reform is badly needed. The US 2 party system is reaching a dead end. US is a plutocracy in all but name, been so for over a decade at least.