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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Chrkeller said:

If trump loses, odds he admits defeat and doesn't cause chaos? I'm going 0.5%.

When Trump loses he will have a lot less power to even attempt anything other than lawsuits that will get tossed out.  He isn't going to have the various agencies available to him.

Around the Network
Pemalite said:

The table looks very trump-biased, I assume that was intentional?

Hiku said:

The lack of info on the Biden side makes it seem so. As does he wording in some of the comparisons, like in this example.

The very vague descriptions primarily on the Trump side as well.
Here are a few examples:

- Restore Medical Freedom (How?)
- Help people stop dying from war (How?)

- Defend America against all threats (?)
- Protect America against all dangers (Repeated, but worded slightly different)
- Remove radical left ideology out of the military (There's no "Remove radical right ideology (white suppremacists, etc) from the military" written on the opposite side.)

A large chunk of the Trump side is pulled from Trump's campaign website. 

Whereas Biden doesn't have anything on his campaign website. 

Trump's side is more filled, but a lot of it is pretty problematic. Either incredibly vague or stuff that is over-promised. 

SvennoJ said:
Tober said:

When Trump was in office no new wars the US got involved in. Took money away from ISIS to let them fold. With Biden it's the same wars everywhere again, designed to be perpetual, to keep the weapons industry going. For world peace I think Trump is better.

Trump is part responsible for the current instability in the Middle East and the invasion of Ukraine.

His moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and his lopsided peace plan reversed years of Israel and Palestinians getting closer to peace, emboldened the Settlers to increase their attacks and further land grabs and encouraged further ethic cleansing.

Trump was acquitted in February 2020 after the House impeached him, alleging he held hostage hundreds of millions of dollars in security aid in order to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rivals, including his eventual successor, Joe Biden. The aid was eventually provided, but not before a crisis that rattled two continents and desperate pleas by Zelenskyy’s government for help fending off the very Russian aggression that now threatens to topple him from power in Ukraine.

Then-President Trump’s treatment of Ukraine alarmed some of his own top advisers at the time, particularly when coupled with his relatively warm praise of Putin — which continues today. At the time, Zelenskyy had desperately sought and asked Trump for a White House meeting, an effort to bolster his mandate to confront Russia. The meeting never came.

Trump partly caused the two biggest conflicts we're dealing with now... Trump is a danger to world peace.

The reason we got in the current situation is because an appartheid political wing in Israel did well in the last election is now part of Netayahu's cabinet. A part of the government that wants to genocide the palastinians and supports extending on the West Bank. If you want to blame Trump for that, go ahead. I think it's a pretty big though loop to jump through.

Russia invaded Ukraine after Trump left remember. The catalyst was to open the door for Ukraine to NATO that escalated the situation. But just as the above, sure we can speak through thought loops to blame Trump for that. That kind of reasoning can go any way and leaves us blind for the facts.

TallSilhouette said:
Tober said:

If you quote me, please quote the whole thing for context sake.

I trimmed your quote for specificity's sake.

Tober said:

When did Trump let dictators steamroll sovereign nations? The Russians took Crimea under Obama and invaded Ukraine under Biden.

Trump has repeatedly bent over backwards to appease Putin. Russia didn't feel the need to invade anyone while there was a POTUS who would further their own interests for them. As soon as that stopped they went back to using force. If Trump were president right now though, he would let Russia march into Kyiv unopposed. Hardly my idea of world peace.

Tober said:

What did Trump do to the Kurds?,ally%20and%20undermining%20American%20credibility.

"Trump has repeatedly bent over backwards to appease Putin. Russia didn't feel the need to invade anyone while there was a POTUS who would further their own interests for them. As soon as that stopped they went back to using force. If Trump were president right now though, he would let Russia march into Kyiv unopposed."

Appease Putin? By putting actions on them because of Crimea?

I am mentioning facts and you answer by mind reading. Mind reading does not exist. An political analyst on media channels cannot mind read as well, so don't take those to seriously.

Chrkeller said:

I love how the "protect the unborn" types immediately stop caring about the child when it is born. Most have no interest in ensuring an unwanted child is well cared for.

Anti abortion was never about the child, it always was (and still is) about controlling women.

That is quite the take, assuming people don't care about children when they are born?

Children are a miracle, only in an evil world they are regarded as shackles.

Around the Network
Vinther1991 said:

Some other things Trump wants to do:
Invoke the Insurrection act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and direct the Department of Justice to pursue his adversaries.

Replace everybody within the legal, judicial, defense, regulatory and domestic policy branches with pure Trump loyalists.

Introduce "Berufsverbot" for Trump critics.

Grant himself and future presidents absolute immunity from prosecution for all past and future crimes, including murder.

He also wants to kill political opponents, which he considers vermin.

The Internet does provide fairy tails

Tober said:
Chrkeller said:

I love how the "protect the unborn" types immediately stop caring about the child when it is born. Most have no interest in ensuring an unwanted child is well cared for.

Anti abortion was never about the child, it always was (and still is) about controlling women.

That is quite the take, assuming people don't care about children when they are born?

Children are a miracle, only in an evil world they are regarded as shackles.

I think the poster is talking about exorbitant child care costs if you work, health insurance just to have the baby is more than some can afford, the average cost to raise a child to 18 is $260,000 which is more than someone making minimum wage makes in those 18 years.

Last edited by rapsuperstar31 - on 28 January 2024

Tober said:

The reason we got in the current situation is because an appartheid political wing in Israel did well in the last election is now part of Netayahu's cabinet. A part of the government that wants to genocide the palastinians and supports extending on the West Bank. If you want to blame Trump for that, go ahead. I think it's a pretty big though loop to jump through.

Russia invaded Ukraine after Trump left remember. The catalyst was to open the door for Ukraine to NATO that escalated the situation. But just as the above, sure we can speak through thought loops to blame Trump for that. That kind of reasoning can go any way and leaves us blind for the facts.

And that apartheid political wing gained support with Trump's 'help'.

In late 2018, negotiations with Israel for a long-term truce were underway and continued until the announcement in January 2020 of U.S. Pres. Donald Trump’s peace plan, which was embraced by Israel as a path forward but dismissed by the Palestinians as a nonstarter.

Netanyahu portrayed his bromance with Trump as the essential factor in the president’s many unreciprocated concessions to Israel — moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem; recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights; pulling the United States out of the Iran nuclear arms deal; ignoring and undermining the Palestinian Authority.

And Netanyahu was hardly taking a risk in conflating himself with Trump. A Pew Research Center poll in early 2020 found that 71% of Israelis approved of Trump. In other words, Israeli support for Trump exceeded by roughly 20 points the one-half share of Israeli voters who backed Netanyahu’s various right-wing coalitions in the last five Knesset elections.

Experts say Trump’s actions weakened Ukraine, divided NATO, emboldened Putin and helped get us to where we are today. And even with Trump no longer in office, his impact lives on in the form of Putin-friendly commentary in conservative media and from some Republican lawmakers.

“One of the key reasons Putin probably felt comfortable launching the invasion of Ukraine was the extent to which the West has been weakened and destabilized, and democracy undermined, and political divisions sown, in the five years since he attacked our election in 2016,” said Garrett Graff, a historian and journalist with expertise in national security and Cold War issues.

Then-President Donald Trump was withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Ukraine's defense as he was asking its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to investigate Trump's potential 2020 rival, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden. That 2019 call got Trump impeached. But the Senate acquitted him, and he dismissed the controversy as a politically motivated hit job — and his base went along. Now, with Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine and Zelenskyy being hailed around the world as a hero for his resolve, that call is put into a very different light.

"There's just a lot of evidence that Trump was wrong on this issue [Ukraine] and that in many ways, we undermined the NATO alliance and we undermined Zelenskyy's position in the eyes of Russia and Putin," said Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and former senior adviser on Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign.

Trump has shifted his positions on the war in Ukraine. Shortly before Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion, Trump called Putin "smart" and "savvy" because Putin had declared portions of Ukraine "independent," something Putin had no right to do.

After the invasion began, Trump defended saying that Putin was "smart," then called President Biden "weak" and described NATO countries as "not so smart." "The problem is not that Putin is smart — which of course he is smart," Trump told a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "But the real problem is that our leaders are dumb. Dumb. So dumb."

Dives into the incoherency of Trump's foreign policies, his stance on Crimea (seeming to favor letting Russia have it) and his efforts to get Russia back into the G8 not mentioning Russia was expelled for annexing Crimea.

Yes Trumped fucked up bad. He turned the USA into a laughing stock, making Putin feel confident he could rush into Ukraine and Netanyahu confident to keep escalating tensions in the West Bank and East Jerusalem which led to October 7th.

Tober said:

The Internet does provide fairy tails

Possible. I only refer to information that comes directly from Trump and his team. They should be credible sources, right?

Last edited by Vinther1991 - on 29 January 2024

I consider myself right wing, but some things about Trump scares me.