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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues


Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 19 July 2024

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Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

So……you didn’t actually read what I said? Or are you intentionally ignoring my points? Or do you simply not understand them?

My argument has been pretty straight forward so I thought a millionaire scientist who previously told me I lack reading comprehension would have no problem understating it.

Seriously, which part of my post is so confusing to you? I have now twice said that the commission itself is not an issue and yet you continue to respond with “why are liberals afraid of data”.

You talk about compromise but this is a prime example of why that is so difficult, you are straight up ignoring every single point I’ve made and just repeating the same line as if it’s a “gotcha” moment.

I understand perfectly.  Too bad you don't.  

There was a reason it was voted down.  But hey, whatever floats your boat.  

Question. If you understood his post, then are you on the side of victim blaming? Do you expect politicians to stamp political support to a victim blaming study when it goes against their politics and the wishes of their constituents because? Do you not agree that a study toward the abusive police forces would be vastly more effective to find out why US police are abusive?

I’m not accusing you of anything, but if you understood the post, then you’d know that the sort of answer you give makes you sound like you’re in favour of blaming the victim than finding a solution to the problem.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Chrkeller said:

I think many liberals, especially the elected ones, are scared of data.  We wouldn't want facts disrupting narratives.  

Call me crazy, but I'm with Einstien.  Granted I think most all scientists beleive in problem characterization with laser execution.

Pretty sure conservatives are the ones claiming that education is liberal brainwashing, science is bought, etc.

Chrkeller said:

Either way I can save us both the time and watch CNN in the morning to get your opinion on the next topic.  

Does anyone here even watch CNN? 

Chrkeller said:

I'll close by pointing out that if liberals were half as smart as they think they are, they wouldn't be struggling to beat Trump....  again.  

If math professors were half as good at math as they claim to be, this country wouldn't have problems with its math program. Clearly no one truly understands math.  

Chrkeller said:
zorg1000 said:

Ok, so you understand my points, just ignoring them. Got it!

Yes, the bill was voted down, because it was insufficient and not a good faith counter but you probably still think it’s because I’m just a dumb liberal who’s scared of data.

I think many liberals, especially the elected ones, are scared of data.  We wouldn't want facts disrupting narratives.  

Call me crazy, but I'm with Einstien.  Granted I think most all scientists beleive in problem characterization with laser execution.

Either way I can save us both the time and watch CNN in the morning to get your opinion on the next topic.  


I'll close by pointing out that if liberals were half as smart as they think they are, they wouldn't be struggling to beat Trump....  again.  

Yep it’s the liberals who are scared of data, that way they can continue to deny climate change, claim vaccines cause autism, accuse transgender people of  being groomers and believe that the 2020 election was stolen……oh wait, that’s conservatives who spout all that bullshit based on nothing! What specific data do you think liberals are scared of?

Also I never watch CNN so how about you do the bare minimum and actually respond to the actual points I make and get rid of these generalizations.

This whole conversation has gotten so stupid because you are so focused on one tiny aspect (the commission) and ignore everything else because you don’t have an actual rebuttal.

Just like a couple weeks ago when you claimed democrats don’t care about the middle class then ignored the list I made of pro-middle class things passed by this administration, then you changed your argument to being about messaging because you didn’t want to acknowledge that those things do in fact help the middle class.

Or when you talked about how both sides are radical and your only example for liberals was student loan forgiveness and how Biden is ignoring the SC ruling, then I laid out how Biden is not ignoring the SC ruling and explained the different categories that they were forgiving. You conveniently never responded after that, Why? Because you had no rebuttal.

The more you post in this thread, the more I’m  convinced you’re nothing but a troll, you probably haven’t lived in multiple countries like you claim, probably aren’t a millionaire like you claim and probably aren’t a scientist like you claim. Do you know why? Globe trotting, rich scientists are smart people and you’ve proven not to be because you can’t even respond to people on a video game forum without cherry picking their arguments.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
Chrkeller said:

I think many liberals, especially the elected ones, are scared of data.  We wouldn't want facts disrupting narratives.  

Call me crazy, but I'm with Einstien.  Granted I think most all scientists beleive in problem characterization with laser execution.

Either way I can save us both the time and watch CNN in the morning to get your opinion on the next topic.  


I'll close by pointing out that if liberals were half as smart as they think they are, they wouldn't be struggling to beat Trump....  again.  

Yep it’s the liberals who are scared of data, that way they can continue to deny climate change, claim vaccines cause autism, accuse transgender people of  being groomers and believe that the 2020 election was stolen……oh wait, that’s conservatives who spout all that bullshit based on nothing! What specific data do you think liberals are scared of?

Also I never watch CNN so how about you do the bare minimum and actually respond to the actual points I make and get rid of these generalizations.

This whole conversation has gotten so stupid because you are so focused on one tiny aspect (the commission) and ignore everything else because you don’t have an actual rebuttal.

Just like a couple weeks ago when you claimed democrats don’t care about the middle class then ignored the list I made of pro-middle class things passed by this administration, then you changed your argument to being about messaging because you didn’t want to acknowledge that those things do in fact help the middle class.

Or when you talked about how both sides are radical and your only example for liberals was student loan forgiveness and how Biden is ignoring the SC ruling, then I laid out how Biden is not ignoring the SC ruling and explained the different categories that they were forgiving. You conveniently never responded after that, Why? Because you had no rebuttal.

The more you post in this thread, the more I’m  convinced you’re nothing but a troll, you probably haven’t lived in multiple countries like you claim, probably aren’t a millionaire like you claim and probably aren’t a scientist like you claim. Do you know why? Globe trotting, rich scientists are smart people and you’ve proven not to be because you can’t even respond to people on a video game forum without cherry picking their arguments.

I enjoy how you get personal every time I've made a point.  Also amusing to watch the mods ignore your personal attacks.

Here is the thing, believe me or don't believe me, facts don't care about your opinion.  Plus not believing me, in a way, is a compliment.

I think both sides are extreme and stupid.  And you are whining about my posts being short and lacking details.. do you recall me saying a few times over I don't feel wholly comfortable giving my full opinion because of forced assimilation and mob mentality? 

It is what it is.  I look forward to your next personal attack.  


Oh and MAGA Republicans are complete and utter morons.  Can't stand them.  They are afraid of data as well.  

I also think most issues are far more complex than people think.  People are really good at oversimplification and choosing which side to cheerlead.  My understanding is cops have a 55% higher suicide rate than the general population.  Just an example of something we probably should understand in more depth.

Hence I welcome data.  

Also Biden's debt program just got blocked in appeals court and I did comment on it.  The debt program is illegal, he has been told as such more than once.  That is the reality. 

The irony is after SAVE was wholly blocked in court I commented and you didn't....  I guess you didn't have a rebuttal.

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 20 July 2024


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It's official: patience with the president has now reached its end. Today more than a dozen Congressional Democrats went public with calls for Biden to drop out of the race. We're also now up to four Democratic Senators doing so and the pattern there is notable: besides Peter Welch of Vermont, we've now added Jon Tester of Montana, Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio; all, aside from Welch, holders of especially vulnerable seats in purple or Republican-leaning states. Biden's main defenders? People like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and "Squad" Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, represented cozy, safe blue seats. It's clear there are serious worries about the down-ballot effect of having Biden at the top of the ticket. I expect another wave of defections today and every day until there is contrition from the president. Why? That's illustrated by two new polls out this week showing that we're now up to 64 to 65% of Democratic voters want Biden to exit the race and that Vice President Kamala Harris is now more popular than the president with those voters. There's no "coup" against democracy here. This is factually the will of Biden's party and it's only getting more pronounced over time.

I don't get the people still "ridin' with Biden" at this point. They're behaving like a cult, inventing ludicrous conspiracy theories for why Biden lost the debate that Biden himself is enabling and accusing anyone who criticizes of treason. Seriously, Biden's principal defenders these days are Fox News and other assorted conservative media outlets. I've likewise noticed that Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet about his rival since his hour and a half senior moment last month. It's almost like they want to run against Biden because they know he's easier to beat. () And there are Democrats falling for their shit and acting like them. (I liked Mr. Hasan's "blue anon" characterization. ) Seriously, I don't get it. What the hell is so appealing about Joe Biden that no other Democrat will do? What is it? No one can explain this to me. And that simple fact illustrates why this crowd's numbers continue to shrink by the day.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 20 July 2024

Jaicee said:

It's official: patience with the president has now reached its end. Today more than a dozen Congressional Democrats went public with calls for Biden to drop out of the race. We're also now up to four Democratic Senators doing so and the pattern there is notable: besides Peter Welch of Vermont, we've now added Jon Tester of Montana, Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio; all, aside from Welch, holders of especially vulnerable seats in purple or Republican-leaning states. Biden's main defenders? People like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and "Squad" Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, represented cozy, safe blue seats. It's clear there are serious worries about the down-ballot effect of having Biden at the top of the ticket. I expect another wave of defections tomorrow and every day until there is contrition from the president. Why? That's illustrated by two new polls out this week showing that we're now up to 64 to 65% of Democratic voters want Biden to exit the race and that Vice President Kamala Harris is now more popular than the president with those voters. There's no "coup" against democracy here. This is factually the will of Biden's party and it's only getting more pronounced over time.

I don't get the people still "ridin' with Biden" at this point. They're behaving like a cult, inventing ludicrous conspiracy theories for why Biden lost the debate that Biden himself is enabling and accusing anyone who criticizes of treason. Seriously, Biden's principal defenders these days are Fox News and other assorted conservative media outlets. I've likewise noticed that Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet about his rival since his hour and a half senior moment last month. It's almost like they want to run against Biden because they know he's easier to beat. () And there are Democrats falling for their shit and acting like them. (I liked Mr. Hasan's "blue anon" characterization. ) Seriously, I don't get it. What the hell is so appealing about Joe Biden that no other Democrat will do? What is it? No one can explain this to me. And that simple fact illustrates why this crowd's numbers continue to shrink by the day.

I think the big appealing thing about Biden is that he beat Trump in the last election. People don't really want Trump again so they want to go with the safe option of someone who already demonstrated that they can beat Trump.

Jaicee said:

It's official: patience with the president has now reached its end. Today more than a dozen Congressional Democrats went public with calls for Biden to drop out of the race. We're also now up to four Democratic Senators doing so and the pattern there is notable: besides Peter Welch of Vermont, we've now added Jon Tester of Montana, Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio; all, aside from Welch, holders of especially vulnerable seats in purple or Republican-leaning states. Biden's main defenders? People like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and "Squad" Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, represented cozy, safe blue seats. It's clear there are serious worries about the down-ballot effect of having Biden at the top of the ticket. I expect another wave of defections tomorrow and every day until there is contrition from the president. Why? That's illustrated by two new polls out this week showing that we're now up to 64 to 65% of Democratic voters want Biden to exit the race and that Vice President Kamala Harris is now more popular than the president with those voters. There's no "coup" against democracy here. This is factually the will of Biden's party and it's only getting more pronounced over time.

I don't get the people still "ridin' with Biden" at this point. They're behaving like a cult, inventing ludicrous conspiracy theories for why Biden lost the debate that Biden himself is enabling and accusing anyone who criticizes of treason. Seriously, Biden's principal defenders these days are Fox News and other assorted conservative media outlets. I've likewise noticed that Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet about his rival since his hour and a half senior moment last month. It's almost like they want to run against Biden because they know he's easier to beat. () And there are Democrats falling for their shit and acting like them. (I liked Mr. Hasan's "blue anon" characterization. ) Seriously, I don't get it. What the hell is so appealing about Joe Biden that no other Democrat will do? What is it? No one can explain this to me. And that simple fact illustrates why this crowd's numbers continue to shrink by the day.

I think Biden should step aside now but I disagree with labelling those who are still team Biden as a cult or "Blue Maga". Many are simply afraid, it's naïve to believe that switching candidate is a simple solution to victory, whether they stick with Biden or switch to Harris, both options come with extreme risks at this stage, it will not be an easy victory at all even with a candidate swap, it is not a guaranteed victory, in fact, it still leans towards a loss for Democrats but there's a few months to hopefully change that for the new candidate but something like this has never been done before in American history (IIRC), it's an extremely risky move and that's why people are afraid, Biden is the "safe" option to them.

Another issue is that the DNC seemingly have no fucking clue what comes after, it's all well and good saying "Drop Biden" but they all need to be on the same page for what comes after and some of them seemingly are not on the same page and according to AOC, some Democrats want to drop Harris too (which would be utterly fucking stupid). Some can't even decide whether Harris should just take over or it should be an open convention (another stupid idea, Imo). You cannot just be like "Yay we dropped Biden!....What now?..." and as an outside observer, the DNC look like a bunch of headless chickens right now, they look less like the French Left and more like the Tory Party.

I'm seeing a lot of "Drop Biden!" but not a lot of "and put forth Harris!" which is a problem. What should happen is Biden should step aside, immediately endorse Harris. Hakeem, Schumer and dozens of other House/Senate members should publicly get behind her, Obama/Pelosi/Hillary won't hurt either. Everyone else should immediately shut up and back Harris 100%. There should be no open convention, they don't have the time to fuck around attacking each other and licking bitter wounds after they lose instead of focusing on Trump only for Harris to ultimately win the damn thing anyway and waste everyone's time. Right now, I'm not convinced that will happen but maybe they'll prove me wrong and once Biden steps aside, they'll be more like the French Left and less like the Tory Party.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 July 2024

Ryuu96 said:
Jaicee said:

It's official: patience with the president has now reached its end. Today more than a dozen Congressional Democrats went public with calls for Biden to drop out of the race. We're also now up to four Democratic Senators doing so and the pattern there is notable: besides Peter Welch of Vermont, we've now added Jon Tester of Montana, Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio; all, aside from Welch, holders of especially vulnerable seats in purple or Republican-leaning states. Biden's main defenders? People like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and "Squad" Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, represented cozy, safe blue seats. It's clear there are serious worries about the down-ballot effect of having Biden at the top of the ticket. I expect another wave of defections tomorrow and every day until there is contrition from the president. Why? That's illustrated by two new polls out this week showing that we're now up to 64 to 65% of Democratic voters want Biden to exit the race and that Vice President Kamala Harris is now more popular than the president with those voters. There's no "coup" against democracy here. This is factually the will of Biden's party and it's only getting more pronounced over time.

I don't get the people still "ridin' with Biden" at this point. They're behaving like a cult, inventing ludicrous conspiracy theories for why Biden lost the debate that Biden himself is enabling and accusing anyone who criticizes of treason. Seriously, Biden's principal defenders these days are Fox News and other assorted conservative media outlets. I've likewise noticed that Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet about his rival since his hour and a half senior moment last month. It's almost like they want to run against Biden because they know he's easier to beat. () And there are Democrats falling for their shit and acting like them. (I liked Mr. Hasan's "blue anon" characterization. ) Seriously, I don't get it. What the hell is so appealing about Joe Biden that no other Democrat will do? What is it? No one can explain this to me. And that simple fact illustrates why this crowd's numbers continue to shrink by the day.

I think Biden should step aside now but I disagree with labelling those who are still team Biden as a cult or "Blue Maga". Many are simply afraid, it's naïve to believe that switching candidate is a simple solution to victory, whether they stick with Biden or switch to Harris, both options come with extreme risks at this stage, it will not be an easy victory at all even with a candidate swap, it is not a guaranteed victory, in fact, it still leans towards a loss for Democrats but there's a few months to hopefully change that for the new candidate but something like this has never been done before in American history (IIRC), it's an extremely risky move and that's why people are afraid, Biden is the "safe" option to them.

Another issue is that the DNC seemingly have no fucking clue what comes after, it's all well and good saying "Drop Biden" but they all need to be on the same page for what comes after and some of them seemingly are not on the same page and according to AOC, some Democrats want to drop Harris too (which would be utterly fucking stupid). Some can't even decide whether Harris should just take over or it should be an open convention (another stupid idea, Imo). You cannot just be like "Yay we dropped Biden!....What now?..." and as an outside observer, the DNC look like a bunch of headless chickens right now, they look less like the French Left and more like the Tory Party.

I'm seeing a lot of "Drop Biden!" but not a lot of "and put forth Harris!" which is a problem. What should happen is Biden should step aside, immediately endorse Harris. Hakeem, Schumer and dozens of other House/Senate members should publicly get behind her, Obama/Pelosi/Hillary won't hurt either. Everyone else should immediately shut up and back Harris 100%. There should be no open convention, they don't have the time to fuck around attacking each other and licking bitter wounds after they lose instead of focusing on Trump only for Harris to ultimately win the damn thing anyway and waste everyone's time. Right now, I'm not convinced that will happen but maybe they'll prove me wrong and once Biden steps aside, they'll be more like the French Left than the Tory Party.

Harris has problems as a viable candidate, perhaps not as bad as Biden but enough to make her less viable.  Have you ever heard her talk?  She talks like a schizophrenic person with her word salad thing.  Something ain't right with her and I couldn't see a president that is not able to orally express themselves without coming across like they have a cognitive impairment.  

shavenferret said:
Ryuu96 said:

I think Biden should step aside now but I disagree with labelling those who are still team Biden as a cult or "Blue Maga". Many are simply afraid, it's naïve to believe that switching candidate is a simple solution to victory, whether they stick with Biden or switch to Harris, both options come with extreme risks at this stage, it will not be an easy victory at all even with a candidate swap, it is not a guaranteed victory, in fact, it still leans towards a loss for Democrats but there's a few months to hopefully change that for the new candidate but something like this has never been done before in American history (IIRC), it's an extremely risky move and that's why people are afraid, Biden is the "safe" option to them.

Another issue is that the DNC seemingly have no fucking clue what comes after, it's all well and good saying "Drop Biden" but they all need to be on the same page for what comes after and some of them seemingly are not on the same page and according to AOC, some Democrats want to drop Harris too (which would be utterly fucking stupid). Some can't even decide whether Harris should just take over or it should be an open convention (another stupid idea, Imo). You cannot just be like "Yay we dropped Biden!....What now?..." and as an outside observer, the DNC look like a bunch of headless chickens right now, they look less like the French Left and more like the Tory Party.

I'm seeing a lot of "Drop Biden!" but not a lot of "and put forth Harris!" which is a problem. What should happen is Biden should step aside, immediately endorse Harris. Hakeem, Schumer and dozens of other House/Senate members should publicly get behind her, Obama/Pelosi/Hillary won't hurt either. Everyone else should immediately shut up and back Harris 100%. There should be no open convention, they don't have the time to fuck around attacking each other and licking bitter wounds after they lose instead of focusing on Trump only for Harris to ultimately win the damn thing anyway and waste everyone's time. Right now, I'm not convinced that will happen but maybe they'll prove me wrong and once Biden steps aside, they'll be more like the French Left than the Tory Party.

Harris has problems as a viable candidate, perhaps not as bad as Biden but enough to make her less viable.  Have you ever heard her talk?  She talks like a schizophrenic person with her word salad thing.  Something ain't right with her and I couldn't see a president that is not able to orally express themselves without coming across like they have a cognitive impairment.  

She's fine, I've seen multiple of her speeches lately and she makes me energised even, she is far better than what she was in the 2020 debates and I think she is more in her element when it's 1v1 rather than 1v1v1v1v1. She beat Pence in the debates 4 years ago, she will be able to beat that moron Trump who lets remember, was also terrible in his debate against Biden, his speeches lately have been absolute lunacy and his RNC speech was completely boring even to his biggest fans, Lol.

The only reason we aren't going "what the actual fuck is Trump talking about?" is because Biden looks worse right now. And ultimately, at this stage in the game, she is the only viable option, it's Biden or Harris and I'd take my chances with Harris because Biden isn't getting any younger and those stumbles take all the air out of the room so instead of focusing on Trump's insane ramblings, we're now focused on Biden's old man moments.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 July 2024