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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best Nintendo Controller


Best Nintendo controller

N64 3 10.71%
NES 2 7.14%
SNES 4 14.29%
Gamecube 7 25.00%
WII 1 3.57%
WII U 3 10.71%
Switch 7 25.00%
Virtua Boy 0 0%
other 1 3.57%

Yeah, The Switch pro controller is just so comfortable. Then again pretty much every Nintendo controller has been great...except the N64 controller of course.

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Switch Pro Controller

That battery life is amazing.

curl-6 said:

Wii remote + Nunchuk.

The pointer was an absolute gamechanger for aiming in games like Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy, RE4, Sin and Punishment 2, etc, and when used well motion controls really elevated the experience by adding a level of kinetic satisfaction.

As a left-hander it was my worst controller experience of all time. Felt the least in control lol

At best, I could manage to play very slow-paced games if I were to use the Wii remote + Nunchuk, but I resorted to playing most Wii games that could use Wii Classic controller, or wiimote sideways.


Switch pro controller would be favorite controller to date.

Switch Pro controller. Downside is the lack of analogue triggers but obviously no games on the Switch need them.

Wii U pro controller. Fantastic battery life and it could hang with my playing Splatoon. I have had to replace 5 Switch Pro controllers because they would develop drift in the left analog. Those are way to expensive to be replacing like that.

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Zippy6 said:

Switch Pro controller. Downside is the lack of analogue triggers but obviously no games on the Switch need them.

A tip for driving games is to (if the game allowing) to map throttle and brake to upp down on the right stick. 

SNES for me, worked wonders, basic as it is.
Switch Pro Controller is also pretty nice and comfortable. 

Subjectively, NES. Objectively, Wii-U Pro Controller. That thing, I swear... you can charge it to 100% and not have to charge again for another decade. Best battery life of all time, easily.

Wii U Gamepad. No, I'm not joking. It was super convinient as a second screen (off-screen play + gameplay conviniences + media center). It was also very comfortable to hold in my hands. Its weight was the only bad thing, but since I was playing mostly on my bed or on the couch, I could always put a pillow under it ^^

Vodacixi said:

Wii U Gamepad. No, I'm not joking. It was super convinient as a second screen (off-screen play + gameplay conviniences + media center). It was also very comfortable to hold in my hands. Its weight was the only bad thing, but since I was playing mostly on my bed or on the couch, I could always put a pillow under it ^^

My biggest problem with the WiiU gamepad was the insane battery drain while it was off. Every time I came back to my WiiU after a week or two of not using it the gamepad was always dead. It would have been a nice additional peripheral for off-tv play but as a main controller I hated it.