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UN condemns killing of staffer in Gaza

Farhan Haq, a spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, says a UN staff member has been killed when “their vehicle was struck as they travelled to the European Hospital in Rafah this morning”.

“We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of a United Nations Department of Safety and Security staff member and an injury to another DSS staff member,” Haq said. “The secretary-general condemns all attacks on UN personnel and calls for a full investigation,” he added.

We reported earlier, quoting local sources, that a UN vehicle was hit by Israeli shelling in Rafah, injuring at least one of the vehicle’s occupants.

A UN vehicle that came under fire by Israeli forces in Rafah, killing a UN staffer, May 13

UN confirms killing of first international staff in Gaza in Israeli ‘attack’

The UN has confirmed its first international staff casualty in Gaza after a UN vehicle was hit in Rafah.

Farhan Haq, a spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said during a news conference that the total number of UN staff killed in Gaza since October 7 has reached 190.

The Government Media Office in Gaza has condemned the Israeli army for killing a foreign UN employee and injuring another staffer in Rafah while they were riding in a United Nations vehicle.

“They were targeted while they were riding in a United Nations vehicle bearing the United Nations flag and United Nations insignia”, a statement from the office says.

The statement shared on Telegram demanded “an end to the war of genocide” and blamed the US administration for Israel’s “war crimes”.

A spokesperson for the secretary-general confirmed that there were two individuals in Rafah in a UN-marked vehicle on their way to the European Hospital there as part of their duties.

The UN said they work for the Department of Safety and Security and that they came under fire, and one of them was killed, and that person is an international staff member of the UN. The UN is not confirming what country the individual is from as it is still waiting to inform family members.

The second individual was injured; we’re told their injuries are minor and that they expect to have a full recovery.

Palestinians displaced to dilapidated Khan Younis

The expanding Israeli ground offensive in Rafah in southern Gaza has pushed many thousands of Palestinians to nearby Khan Younis, large parts of which have been destroyed by countless air strikes and a ground assault.

Around the Network

Netanyahu is losing it. I can't not fault Israelis either as they did vote this psychopath back into power again. (23% of them, mostly Haredim)

‘We will not stop’: Israel’s Netanyahu promises revenge for October 7 attacks

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has signalled there will be no stopping the Israeli military’s latest incursions into the Gaza Strip during a state ceremony for remembering “victims of terrorism” on October 7.

“We do not forget the hostages, not for one second,” he said, promising to return all still held in Gaza, alive or dead.

But Netanyahu said the pounding of the besieged enclave will continue, as “the murders and their supporters” are now “suffering our wrath across the Gaza Strip”.

“We will not stop until we bring about the collapse of the Hamas terror regime. We will exact revenge from those who perpetrated the attack, till the very last one of them. We will sever their arms so that they can no longer raise them against Israel.”

Maldives to join South Africa’s ICJ genocide case against Israel

The government of Maldives has said it will formally join the lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which accuses Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement by the president’s office, the government of Maldives said the move comes due to “genocidal acts perpetrated by Israeli occupying forces under the guise of security concerns [which] have resulted in mass displacement, acute starvation, and blockage of humanitarian aid”.

The government also said that demands made by Israel for the immediate evacuation of thousands of Palestinian civilians seeking refuge in eastern Rafah “are a testament to its failure to adhere to the provisional measures ordered by the ICJ”.

Defence intelligence officer resigns in protest of US policy on Gaza war

US Army Major Harrison Mann, who works for the Defense Intelligence Agency, has announced his resignation, which he submitted on April 16, saying he “cannot justify staying silent any longer”.

In his letter, which he published on his public LinkedIn profile, Mann, who says he is a descendant of European Jews, wrote that the US “nearly unqualified support for the government of Israel … has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians”.

“As we were recently reminded, this unconditional support also encourages reckless escalation that risks wider war.”

The Biden administration faces growing internal dissent against its policies in the Middle East, most recently marked by the resignation of US Department of State Arabic language spokeswoman, Hala Rharrit.

Rharrit is the first career diplomat to resign publicly, protesting the government’s response to Israel’s war on Gaza.

Josh Paul is the highest-ranking Biden administration official to resign over its approach to the war in Gaza, and Tariq Habash, a policy adviser at the US Department of Education, also resigned from his post in recent weeks.

‘We need to see an end to indiscriminate killing of children’: UNICEF

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been forced to flee Rafah in southern Gaza as the Israeli military attacks from ground and air. More Palestinians, many of them children, are being killed every day.

“As somebody who was on the ground and has spent a lot of time in hospitals in Gaza, including in Rafah, I saw the impact of this fighting on children’s bodies and it is horrific,” said UNICEF spokesperson Tess Ingram in Gaza in an interview with US broadcaster ABC.

“I saw a nine-year-old girl who was clinging to life on a hospital bed in Rafah with major blast wounds down one side of her body, and when I met her, she had been that way 16 days because the medical ability in Gaza to repair those wounds was non-existent.”

“We need to see an end to the fighting and the indiscriminate killing of civilians, especially children.”

Pro-Palestine campus protests ‘essential’ to democracy: Ben and Jerry’s board

The board of the ice cream brand owned by Unilever has said that the pro-Palestine protests sweeping US college campuses and graduation ceremonies are “essential” to democracy.

The Vermont-based frozen dairy dessert maker, sold on some college campuses, called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza in January.

“Lunch counter sit-ins, student-led protests against the Vietnam War and Apartheid South Africa, and now the campus protests in solidarity with Gaza, all are part of our rich history of free speech and non-violent protest that makes change and is essential to a strong democracy,” the independent board said in a statement.

Three years ago, Ben and Jerry’s announced it would stop selling its ice cream in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, saying it was “inconsistent” with its values, and leading parent company Unilever to look for a “new arrangement” for selling the ice cream in Israel.

Unilever then offloaded its Israeli Ben and Jerry’s business to a local licensee, keeping the ice cream for sale in the country.


University of Manchester sprayed with red paint in protest to Gaza war

The walls of the University of Manchester have been sprayed with red paint by activists protesting against the killing of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestine Action network of activists said in a post that the move is also aimed at making the university divest from Israel.

Israel police reject Nakba Day event near Tel Aviv University: Report

Israeli police are refusing to issue a permit for a gathering of Palestinians to mark Nakba Day on Wednesday in the plaza outside Tel Aviv University, according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

It said this is the first time since the establishment of the annual event 12 years ago that the gathering is being denied a permit, and that organisers were not given an official reason for the refusal.

If only israel had a leader that valued all lives , no matter what country you're from. All he has done is ensure the cycle of war and division continues well into the future. Even with a weaker hamas, who will eventually build up, the amount of hatred and anger he has created amongst the young people who have had to witness the carnage. Netanyahu and his gvt, will be viewed as terrorists. And they will want revenge when they grow up. Groups or factions will form, and iran will most likely aid them.

This is what I believe will happen. As israel keep pushing in trying to "root out" hamas, there will eventually be militarized zones in larger numbers. As Palestinians act out revenge act, israel further streches out it's military presence, and as more palestinians get pushed out, I believe israel will slowly but surely keep building settlements and taking more territory.

If netanyahu remains in charge, it's only going to get much worse going forward.

They're fast tracking building more settlements rather than slowly but surely. And Ben G'Vir wants to resettle Gaza as well.

Yes, without intervention this will drag on and only get worse. Israel build the Netzarim corridor, splitting Gaza in half, connecting to the US pier on the other side. Easy access for the military and whatever long term plans Israel has for the floating port. (Which still hasn't received any aid, it's mid May now)

On the other side, as long as Israel keeps up the occupation, recruiting new militants will be easier than ever. 17,000 orphans and many others that have lost everything else to live for. And with tons of unexploded ordnance laying around (about 10% fails to detonate) they have access to years of supplies for more rockets and IEDs.

The only way out is ending the war asap, military out, peace keeping forces in, flood Gaza with aid, start rebuilding and let the Palestinians form their own government of hope, pushing out Hamas politically. End the occupation of the West Bank, halt new Settlements, remove the recently established ones and crack down on militant Settlers. As well as end the apartheid, military courts, administrative detention and free the Palestinian prisoners / hostages from the brutal Israeli detention centers.

It seems an insurmountable task, yet the alternative is another Oct 7, likely an even bigger horrific event.

Israel needs new elections and recognize Palestinians as human beings. Stop the dehumanization, on both sides. Best would be if schools in Israel start teaching Arabic and schools in Gaza/West Bank Hebrew as a second language. The people need to live together and the language barrier only leads to dehumanization. In the end Israel/Palestine has to become a bilingual nation, safe for both Jews and Muslims. Then it can become one of the most progressive combined nations, two people united through overcoming the worst historic events people have had to endure.

It will be a long process, taking multiple generations. Yet you have to start with the young, hence start with schools teaching respect and understanding both ways.

First Biden needs to get his fingers out of his ass and end this war. He has the power to stop Netanyahu. If not, he will let Netanyahu drag the USA down with him. China and Iran are already getting more vocal and are ready to get more power over the Middle East. The weaker Netanyahu makes the USA, the more brazen Iran, China and Russia get. And don't wait too long, Netanyahu is ready to invade Lebanon as well and Egypt is losing its patience with Israel.

Around the Network

Displaced in northern Israel won’t go home if Gaza war persists: Nasrallah

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hasan Nasrallah says residents of northern Israel would not be able to return home for the start of the next school year if their government presses on with its war on the Gaza Strip.

Hezbollah has been exchanging fire with the Israeli military across Lebanon’s southern border in parallel with the war on the besieged coastal enclave. The group said it is launching rockets at Israel both to support Hamas and to deter Israel from launching an attack on Lebanon.

In a televised address on Monday, Nasrallah repeated that Hezbollah would keep fighting as long as Israel continued its assault on Gaza. “The link between the supportive Lebanese front and Gaza is definitive, final and conclusive,” he said. “No one will be able to delink them.”

Israel said it wants to secure the north for residents to return home either through a mediated diplomatic agreement or a military attack against Lebanon. Families displaced from northern Israel had been hoping to return home by September 1 for the start of the academic year.


Israeli military says it hits Hezbollah launchers ready for attack

The Israeli military has released aerial footage of what it says is an air strike on a site where Hezbollah was about to launch rockets at Israeli positions.

It said its fighter jets hit the site in southern Lebanon’s Ayta al-Shaab, which led to secondary explosions and a rocket flying out, indicating the apparent presence of weapons ready to launch.

The armed Lebanese group has managed to carry out multiple launches at northern Israel in the past few hours, setting off sirens in Upper Galilee. But the Israeli military said the launches inflicted no casualties.

Hezbollah claims seven attacks on Israeli positions

The armed Lebanese group says in its end-of-day report that its fighters carried out seven attacks throughout Monday, with the latest hitting Israeli soldiers in the settlement of Metulla.

Hezbollah said the attack was in response to Israeli assaults on southern Lebanese villages and civilian homes, most recently in Odaisseh.

It also reported a drone attack on an Israeli army site in Beit Hillel, resulting in casualties, along with a rocket attack on Kfarchouba and an antitank guided missile attack on a Merkava tank.

Gaza war is ‘adding instability in Yemen’: UN relief chief

Israel’s war on Gaza continues to have wide-ranging ramifications for the region and beyond, including exacerbating a long-running humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

“The last seven months of misery and pain in the wider region, of course, I am referring to the conflict in the Middle East, in Gaza, have added instability in Yemen,” said Martin Griffiths, the head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

“Attacks on vessels in and around the Red Sea have disrupted global trade, but we cannot, we must not, let developments in the region of the Red Sea stand in the way of peace in Yemen.”

The Houthis in Yemen have been launching attacks on commercial and military vessels in the key waterway near their shores to oppose the war on Gaza and express solidarity with the Palestinians.

Iran’s Khamenei backs Houthis in book fair visit

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, used a visit to the Tehran International Book Fair earlier on Monday to renew his support for the Houthis in Yemen amid the war on Gaza.

Khamenei was filmed briefly meeting with a member of the Houthis who said he brings greetings from the group’s leader Abdel-Malik al-Houthi.

“I love the courageous and brave people of Yemen,” Khamenei said, also conveying a greeting for the Houthi leader.

The Yemeni group, which the US says have been receiving arms from Iran for years, has been behind many attacks using missiles and drones on vessels in the Red Sea, carried out in opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza and Western support for it.

Houthi military threatens to expand operations

The Houthis in Yemen promise to launch more attacks – and at new scales – to oppose the war on Gaza, according to spokesman Yahya Saree.

“Gaza is a red line for us,” he said during a speech earlier today.

“We can target things that the enemy hasn’t thought of and can’t imagine, things that neither the Yemeni people nor the people of the [Islamic] nation can imagine,” he said without elaborating.

The Houthis have already promised to level up their attacks to target vessels in the Mediterranean Sea if attacks on Palestinians persist.

HRW calls for ‘international action’ after UN staffer killed in Gaza

NGO Human Rights Watch said on X that the killing of a foreign UN staff member in Rafah earlier today is proof that “there is nowhere safe to go in Gaza”.

The organisation pointed out that the vehicle carrying the staff member who was killed – and another who was wounded – was on its way to a hospital when it was struck and heavily damaged by Israeli fire.

Red Cross head offers condolences to killed UN staffer’s family

Jagan Chapagain, the head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, says on X that “humanitarians and civilians must be protected” in Gaza.

“On behalf of the IFRC, I send my deepest condolences to those who lost their loved one and wish full recovery to the injured”.

His words come after Israeli fire on a clearly marked UN vehicle killed one foreign staff member and wounded another in Rafah earlier today.

Israelis torch area around UNRWA headquarters

According to HaMoked, an Israeli rights group, a group of young Israelis set fire to the perimeter of the East Jerusalem headquarters of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.

This is the second incident of arson targeting UNRWA in a week. On May 9, the UNRWA compound was targeted while staff were inside.

“While there were no casualties among our staff, the fire caused extensive damage to the outdoor areas. The UNRWA headquarters has on its grounds a petrol and diesel station for the agency’s fleet of cars,” said UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini at the time.

“This is an outrageous development. Once again, the lives of UN staff were at a serious risk,” he said.

Protesting students chant for Palestine at University of Geneva

Pro-Palestinian protests are rippling across European universities with the University of Geneva seeing demonstrations starting last week.

Students have called on the University of Geneva to divest from Israel.

Translation: “Long live, long live Palestine.” Hundreds of pro-Palestine students staged a sit-in on the campus of the Swiss University of Geneva.

Public university in New York threatens pro-Palestine students with suspension

Students protesting the war on Gaza and calling for divestment from Israel on campuses in the City University of New York (CUNY) system have been threatened with “emergency suspension” if they fail to break up their demonstrations.

The Palestinian solidarity encampment at City College of New York, part of CUNY, released a letter from the division of student affairs, which claimed demonstrators are in violation of rules and that they must disband within minutes.

This comes after a police raid at the start of May led to hundreds of arrests at CUNY.

Columbia student arrested at pro-Gaza protest gives impassioned graduation speech

Tamara Rasamny, a master’s student at Columbia University’s Climate School, delivered the remarks during her school’s class day last week.

In April, Rasamny was arrested by New York City police and suspended by the university for her participation in the Gaza solidarity protests on campus.

Columbia University administration and police have been heavily criticised for their harsh response to the non-violent protests, which, after beginning at Columbia have since spread to campuses across the US and the globe.

“Demonstrating students are demanding their institutions divest from all investments made in Israel and businesses linked to it, as well as financial transparency.

“As students, we have historically been moral compasses of our world. … And now students [are] demanding that their education doesn’t come at the cost of Palestinian lives or any human life”, she said in her speech.

Amsterdam University closed for two days after police move in on protesters

The University of Amsterdam says it will remain closed for two days after police were called in to crack down on pro-Palestinian protests at one of the school’s campuses earlier on Monday.

The university’s board said it had cancelled all classes through Wednesday, and all buildings will remain closed as it said it cannot guarantee safety for those on campus.

Demonstrators demanding divestment from Israel and opposing the war on Gaza have clashed several times with riot police in the past week at the university. But the board says the demonstrations had turned violent.

Why are social media users blocking celebrities over Israel’s Gaza war?

The growing protest efforts against Israel’s war on Gaza have now spawned a cyberspace movement that has erupted in the past few days, targeting celebrities who are seen as being insensitive towards, or even supportive of, the death and destruction in the Palestinian enclave.

The campaign that took off after the Met Gala on May 6 has earned the names: Blockout 2024, celebrity block list and digitine. The idea is to block famous celebrities on social media networks such as Instagram, X and TikTok.

But what’s it all about, why are parallels to the French Revolution coming up, does blocking a celebrity hurt them, and is the campaign seeing any impact?

The Blockout 2024 is an online movement where social media users are carrying out a digital boycott of famous celebrities ranging from Hollywood actors to social media influencers for their silence on Israel’s war on Gaza, or in some cases, their purported support for the war.

Various TikTok, Instagram and X users have begun circulating lists of celebrities and their businesses to block. The point of the move is to reduce the earnings the celebrities make through ads on social media platforms.

The Blockout movement was set off by this year’s Met Gala, which took place in New York on May 6.

Social media users were upset when images of the lavishly dressed celebrities surfaced online at the annual fundraiser. They pointed out that some of these celebrities had never made online statements or addressed the continuing war on Gaza, where Israel’s relentless bombardment has killed more than 35,000 people, most of them women and children.

On May 7, a video surfaced of TikTok influencer Haley Kalil, lip-syncing the words “let them eat cake”, outside the Met Gala. Kalil has 9.9 million followers on her TikTok account @haleyybaylee.

Those infamous words, often attributed to Marie Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution, have in popular imagination become synonymous with an elite so disconnected with the lives of citizens unable to find even bread that they suggest cake as an alternative.

Kalil’s video stirred anger because of the backdrop of the starvation crisis in Gaza. Insufficient food has been on the rise over the seven months of war. Only two days before the Met Gala, on May 4, Cindy McCain, the head of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said in a news interview that northern Gaza is experiencing “full blown famine”.

Users online have now started calling the Blockout, the “digitine” or the digital guillotine, leaning into the French Revolution reference.

More of this stuff (that goes way over my head) here

On Saturday, NPR reported that Taylor Swift lost roughly 300,000 followers on TikTok and about 50,000 followers on Instagram over the past week.

I don't have a Twitter account, tweets never expand for me on this site unless someone else posts a tweet on the same page. But it seems to be another avenue to protest. I'm not following anyone so can't participate in cancel culture.

Qassam Brigades claims drone attack on Israeli tank in Gaza

The armed wing of Hamas says intense fighting with Israeli ground forces is ongoing in northern Gaza.

The Qassam Brigades said its fighters managed to drop a Yassin-105 anti-tank shell on an Israeli Merkava tank east of the Jabalia refugee camp using a drone.

The group claimed attacks on four tanks in the same area.

Palestinian paramedic shocked after seeing grandchild among killed

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has released this video that shows how volunteer paramedic Ali Khalil abruptly found out that his grandchild was among those killed by the Israeli military in Jabalia, northern Gaza.

He has two sons who are also paramedics, the relief group said.

Fourteen killed in Israeli bombing of central Gaza

The Wafa news agency says that 14 Palestinians were killed after the Israeli army conducted an air strike on a house in the Nuseirat refugee camp.

Wafa cites Gaza medical sources as saying that casualties from the strike include dead children and “dozens” wounded. The air strike hit a three-story house in the southern part of the camp.