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Forums - Politics Discussion - Israel-Hamas war, Gaza genocide

PRCS expresses ‘grave concern’ over safety of its detained members

The Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) says six members of its team are still detained by Israeli forces. Their fate remains “unknown”, the group said in a post on X.

“Their families and colleagues are deeply concerned for them, especially as they are aware that they are currently being subjected to torture and humiliation based on the testimonies of their released colleagues,” PRCS said.

Gaza civil defence says recovered bodies after Israeli attack on Gaza City

Gaza’s civil defence crews have said they recovered three bodies from under the rubble of a “family home” in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza City after it was struck by Israeli warplanes. At least one other was wounded, they said, while nine others remain missing under the debris. The teams were working with their hands due to a lack of adequate equipment.

Video footage verified by Al Jazeera showed the direct aftermath, moments after the Israeli army attacked the home that was housing some 15 people. According to testimonies of the area’s residents, most of those who were in the house were children, women and elderly Palestinians.

The owner of the house, Mohammed al-Jazzar, says the structure was bombed without warning. He said his entire family, including his wife, children and grandchildren were in the house. “We have not yet been able to dig them out of the rubble,” al-Jazzar said. “My son was martyred just 15 days ago, and today, I lost my whole family,” he said.

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CNN Host’s Zionist BS Ripped To Shreds By Censored USC Valedictorian

Iran Is Not backing Down! Stuns Israel LIVE at UN Security Council Debate

Great speech by Iran's ambassabor, says it how it is and what needs to happen.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 18 April 2024

Arab Group: Defiant Promise After US Blocks Palestine's UN Membership Bid!

Oh shit

Reports of Israeli missile attack on site in Iran

US TV network ABC News, citing an unnamed US official, has reported that Israeli missiles have hit a site in Iran. Iran’s Fars news agency said an explosion was heard at an airport in the Iranian city of Isfahan but the cause was not immediately known, the Reuters news agency reports.

Iranian state media also reports that flights have been suspended over several cities including Isfahan, Shiraz and Tehran.

Reuters said that several Iranian nuclear sites are located in Isfahan province, including Natanz, which is considered the centrepiece of Iran’s uranium enrichment programme.

Tension between Israel and Iran has grown in recent weeks leading to the launching by Tehran of hundreds of drones and missiles in a retaliatory strike after a suspected Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy compound in Syria on April 1.

Iran activates air defence over several cities: State media

Iranian state media reports that air defence systems have been activated over several cities after explosions were heard near the central city of Isfahan. “Iran’s air defence has been activated in the skies of several provinces of the country,” the official IRNA news agency said.

The cause of the explosions heard in Isfahan remains unknown, according to Iranian media, though ABC News earlier reported a US official as saying that Israel had launched missiles against a target in Iran.

Explosions at military-linked sites in Syria

Iran’s official IRNA news agency has said a series of explosions in Syria targeted military sites. IRNA said attacks struck “Adra” and “Al-Thala” military airport and a radar battalion located between the city of “Adra” and the village of “Qarfa” in southern Syria.

In Iraq, meanwhile, explosions were reported in the al-Imam area of Babel.

Alert sirens activated in northern Israel

The Israeli military is saying alert sirens have been activated in northern Israel.

Israeli missile hits Iran, U.S. officials confirm

Two U.S. officials confirm to CBS News that an Israeli missile has hit Iran. The strike follows last weekend's retaliatory drone and missile attack against Israel, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had vowed to respond to.

Officials were tightlipped about the location or extent of the Israeli strike. When reached by CBS News, the Israeli Defense Forces had no comment on the attack. 

The semiofficial Fars and Tasnim news agencies reported the sound of blasts, without giving a cause. State television acknowledged "loud noise" in the area. Isfahan is home to a major airbase for the Iranian military, as well as sites associated with its nuclear program.

Dubai-based carriers Emirates and FlyDubai began diverting around western Iran about 4:30 a.m. local time. They offered no explanation, though local warnings to aviators suggested the airspace may have been closed.

Iran later announced it grounded commercial flights in Tehran and across areas of its western and central regions. Loudspeakers informed customers of the incident at Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran, online videos purported to show.

Iranian state television began a scrolling, on-screen alert acknowledging a "loud noise" near Isfahan, without immediately elaborating.

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"US had advance warning of Israel's retaliation against Iran but "didn't endorse" it, US official says"

Yes, when was the last time our the ultra right wing allies, be it the gulf states or Israel, have done what the USA asked them to do. 

Also, one way you can "not endorse" is by not sending 15 billions dollars worth of aid. But that's too logical for the puppets in charge.

Northern Israel sirens a ‘false alarm’: Military

The Israeli military has said the warning sirens that sounded early on Friday in northern Israel were actually a false alarm.

They began shortly after unconfirmed reports of Israeli strikes in Iran.

Iranian state television says three drones brought down over Isfahan

Iranian state television has been reporting more details on the situation around Isfahan. It says that at “around 12:30am GMT”, three drones were seen in the sky over Isfahan, air defence systems were activated and they “destroyed these drones in the sky”.

The city is considered a strategically important city and is the location of several important facilities, including military research and development sites, as well as bases. The nearby city of Natanz is home to one of Iran’s nuclear enrichment sites.

Iranian state media downplaying incident

Iranian media is certainly downplaying this incident. According to state TV, three small unknown flying objects were interecepted near the the city of Isfahan just after 4am local time.

The Iranian air defence systems were able to intercept and destroy these flying object, state TV said. The location in Isfahan province is an Iranian military airbase that belongs to the country’s army, and not the Revolutionary Guards. I think it’s important to highlight that.

This base houses multiple squadrons of F-14 Tomcat fighter aircrafts. This facility is also located near the Isfahan airport and as a result of all this the officials have now cleared the Iranian skies. Flights have been cancelled.

We also understand that the air defence systems over the city of Tabriz in the northwestern part of Iran was also activated.


Reports indicate how ‘fragile and tense’ situation is between Iran and Israel

Tensions are at an all-time high.

Things came to a head when Israel struck the consular building in Damascus and killed seven members of the country’s revolutionary guard. The Iranians responded on April 13 with an unprecedented – what many here call ‘historic’ – attack on Israel. They said the response was proportionate because no injuries were reported. Iranians said this was to create a new reality in the Middle East, and that this kind of “tit for tat” behaviour by Israel would no longer be tolerated.

Israel, of course, said they would respond and whether that is what we are seeing unfold today is that response is too early to say. It highlights just how fragile and tense the situation is.


Whatever it is that happened, the US claims it's an attack by Israel

Israel has attacked Iran, US official tells CNN

Israel has carried out a strike inside Iran, a US official told CNN Friday, a move that threatens to push the region deeper into conflict. The target is not nuclear, the official added.

Iran’s air defense systems were activated in several locations after three explosions were heard close to the airport and an army base in the Iranian city of Isfahan, state media reported early Friday morning.

Three explosions were heard near a military base where fighter jets are located in the northwest part of Isfahan, Iran’s semi-official FARS news agency reported.

“The defense is activated in response to an object that is likely to be a drone,” sources told FARS news. The news agency reported that a possible target of the blast was a military radar, and that the explosion broke several windows of office buildings in the area.

Tensions remain acute across the Middle East after a decades-long shadow conflict between Israel and Iran erupted into the open this month raising the prospect of an all out war.

Reports of the explosion come hours after Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told CNN that if Israel takes any further military action against Iran, its response would be “immediate and at a maximum level.”

It seems Iran has spoiled the attack and is downplaying the incident, calling it an act of sabotage. Iran speculates the sabotage act came from inside and will be hunting down the agents that carried out the attempted drone strike. Iran does not want war.

Here’s a quick recap

  • Iranian state media reports that Iran’s air defence systems were activated and three aerial objects were destroyed over the central city of Isfahan, as US media quoted anonymous US officials saying that Israel carried out an attack.
  • There has been no official comment from Israel.
  • Iran lifts flight restrictions in the country’s airspace, paving the resumption of flights in its major airports after several hours of suspension due to the reported explosions in Isfahan.
  • Iran’s semiofficial Mehr News Agency reports that Isfahan is “completely calm and secure”, and that the city is back to normal after the reported explosions early on Friday.
  • The Iranian state-owned news network Press TV reports that there was “no sign of explosion or damage” at a nuclear site near the city of Isfahan.
  • US media, quoting US officials, are reporting it was an Israeli attack, but there has been no comment by the Israeli military.
  • Syrian state media says Israel carried out a missile strike targeting an air defence unit in southern Syria, causing material damage.
  • Israeli officials had promised to hit back after Iran sent drones and missiles towards Israel on April 13.
  • That attack was in response for the bombing of the Iranian diplomatic mission in Syria on April 1 that killed seven IRGC members.

‘Desperate attempt’ failed: Iranian MP

Mehdi Toghyani, a member of the Iranian parliament from Isfahan, says the “desperate attempt” from Israel “with the help of local agents” had “failed and brought new disgrace for them”.

“Let them know that we are at peak readiness to protect our dear Iran,” he wrote on X.

Israeli official says Israel carried out Iran attack: Report

As we’ve previously reported, US media have quoted US officials as saying that Israel had carried out the attack. The Washington Post also quoted an Israeli official as saying that it was Israel’s military that carried out strikes inside Iran in response to the Iranian retaliatory assault on April 13.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military matters, said it was intended to send a message to Iran that Israel had the ability to strike inside the country, according to the report.

It also quoted a person familiar with a briefing on the attack, who also spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorised to speak about it, describing the strike as “carefully calibrated”.

‘Biden looks weak’

Neither side has been listening to him. Many responses from US Congress members have been largely supportive of Israel but also critical of Biden and in an election year this is not going to help him.

He is not exercising influence on the Israelis and not being persuasive with the Iranians as well. Biden also tried to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and that hasn’t worked either – so this is not looking good on the US president.

Jean-Noel Barrot, deputy French foreign minister:

“All I can say is that France’s position is to call on all actors for de-escalation and restraint.”

Yoshimasa Hayashi, Japan’s chief cabinet secretary:

“Japan is deeply concerned about the situation in the Middle East and strongly condemn any actions that lead to the escalation of the situation. “Japan will continue to make all necessary diplomatic efforts to prevent the situation from worsening further.”

Ben Saul, UN special rapporteur on counterterrorism and human rights:

“Israel’s latest strikes on Iran are another violation of the prohibition on the use of military force under international law & the UN Charter, and threaten the human right to life.”

More countries call for restraint

The attack in Iran has raised fears of a further escalation in the region. Here are the latest international reactions:

  • Russia’s Foreign Ministry says it is looking into reports of the attack and urges all sides to exercise “restraint” to prevent further escalation.
  • Turkey’s Foreign Ministry has also called for de-escalation, saying the priority of the international community should be “to stop the massacre in Gaza and to ensure lasting peace” .
  • For his part, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said that “Everyone must ensure now and in the near future that there is no further escalation of the war".
  • The Netherlands says ‘recent developments very worrying’
  • Italy urges ‘de-escalation’
  • EU chief urges restraint
  • China says opposes actions that ‘escalate tensions’
  • UK’s Sunak: Significant escalation not in anyone’s interest
  • Foreign minister says Russia told Israel ‘Iran doesn’t want escalation’
  • UAE, Jordan join chorus urging de-escalation
  • Oman condemns ‘Israeli attack’ on Iran
  • G7 asks ‘all parties’ to prevent further Middle East escalation
  • All Blinken says is US not involved in offensive action
  • The G7 ministers’ communique, meanwhile, warned of new sanctions against Iran for its April 13 drone and missile attack on Israel and called on both sides to avoid an escalation of the conflict.

Oil prices surge

Oil prices have rallied amid fears of a wider escalation in the Middle East.

This morning’s reports sent shivers through markets, with both main oil contracts surging more than 3 percent on worries about supplies from the crude-rich region, while fears of a regional conflict saw equities tumble.

Tokyo, Seoul and Taipei each plunged more than 3 percent, while Hong Kong and Sydney were off more than 1 percent. There were also losses in Shanghai, Singapore, Wellington, Manila and Jakarta.

The rush for safety also saw the yen rally against the US dollar and gold jump more than 1 percent past $2,400, while US Treasuries climbed.

“It is now clear that the escalating shadow warfare between Israel and Iran … has finally ignited the powder keg in the Middle East, and we have moved decisively out of the shadows and into the glaring light of open conflict,” Stephen Innes, of SPI Asset Management, said.

“It should be noted that this is not a staged response to an Iranian drone attack but rather an indication that we have entered a new phase of this conflict, one that is likely to have significant and far-reaching consequences for Middle East peace and least of all risk markets.”

‘No plan for immediate retaliation’

A senior Iranian official has told Reuters there is no plan for immediate retaliation, adding that there was no clarity yet on who was behind the incident.

“The foreign source of the incident has not been confirmed. We have not received any external attack, and the discussion leans more towards infiltration than attack,” the official said on condition of anonymity.

Isfahan has been hit by quadcopters before

A military factory belonging to the Iranian army in Isfahan was attacked by multiple quadcopters in January 2023. The small drones had failed to damage the facility that was protected by air defence batteries and mesh wiring on its roof to counter small unmanned aerial vehicles.

Iran blamed Israel for the attack and arrested four people for operating on behalf of Mossad, the Israeli spy agency.

‘You’ve seen Iran’s response already’

According to army officials and state TV, three small unknown flying objects were shot down near an Iranian army air base, just northeast of the city of Isfahan, within Isfahan province.

This base is known as the 8th Tactical Air Base, which is home to Iran’s fleet of US-made F-14 Tomcats, which were purchased before the 1979 revolution.

An Iranian commander had told Iranian media that shots were fired at some objects and there was no damaged caused.

When he was asked whether or not this will incite the Iranians, he said, “You have seen Iran’s response already”, indicating that this attack most likely by Israel, could be for now, the end of this back-and-forth threats and counter-threats that have been made by Iranian officials as well as their Israeli counterparts.

Syria reports ‘material losses’ after strike on air defence sites

Syria’s official news agency SANA has quoted a military source as saying that missile strikes in the early hours of the morning had caused material damage to air defence sites in the country’s southern region.

The report did not specify the exact location and the extent of the damage but blamed Israel.

Israel’s Ben-Gvir on X: ‘Feeble!’

The far-right security minister has written “Feeble!” on the social media platform.

Itamar Ben-Gvir’s one-word posting followed reports of what some have described as an apparently limited Israeli strike in Iran that so far appeared to have elicited a muted response from Iranian officials.

Israeli opposition leader slams Ben-Gvir over social media post

“Never before a minister has done such a heavy damage to the country’s security, its image, and its international status,” opposition leader Yair Lapid wrote on X. “In an unforgivable tweet of one word, Ben-Gvir managed to sneer and shame Israel from Tehran to Washington,” he said.

The opposition leader was referring to a social media post by the far-right security minister suggesting that the suspected Israeli strike on Iran was weak. Ben-Gvir has been calling for a harsh military response after Iran’s retaliatory attack against Israel on April 13.


Apart from doing damage to Syria, Israel has only further shown what a pariah state it is. Re-affirming they're the aggressor in all the current conflict in the ME. But they managed to divert more attention away from Gaza, the West bank and the US' veto on Palestinian state recognition.

Meanwhile Israel is starting to treat the West bank more and more like Gaza

Large blast targets Israeli military during raid in occupied West Bank

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic have shared video footage that shows the moment a large explosion targets Israeli military vehicles during a raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem city.

There were no reports from the Israeli military of possible casualties from the attack.

Clashes reported in occupied West Bank’s Nur Shams refugee camp

Palestinian fighters and Israeli forces have engaged in gun battles in the Nur Shams camp, located to the east of Tulkarem city. Footage verified by Al Jazeera Arabic captures the sound of heavy gunfire in the camp where overnight a large explosive device targeted Israeli military vehicles.

Two Israeli soldiers wounded in Nur Shams refugee camp

Two Israeli soldiers have been injured while raiding Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, according to Israel’s Army Radio. The soldiers were “lightly wounded” by shrapnel while exchanging fire with fighters there, according to the report.

Israeli raid in West Bank’s Nur Shams causes ‘worst destruction’ in decades

The Israeli military went into Nur Shams refugee camp late Thursday night, and on Friday morning, they were still there. In 12 hours of raids, they destroyed roads, buildings, shops and houses, and tore up sewage lines.

On Friday morning, the raids were ongoing.

Locals describe the mayhem being carried out by the Israeli military as the worst destruction of infrastructure they’ve seen in the West Bank since the destruction of the Jenin refugee camp during the second Intifada in the early 2000s.

Residents say they are worried that this escalation and intensity is a signal that once the Israeli military is done with Gaza, the West Bank will be next.

Raid of Nur Shams camp ongoing, at least 1 killed and 3 injured

The raid has been going on for about 15 or 16 hours now and there seems to be no letup in sight. We know that at least three Palestinian residents of the camp have been injured, and at least one person has been killed by an Israeli sniper’s bullets.

We’ve been hearing the sound of drones overhead for hours – and multiple large, loud explosions.

Sustained small-arms fire, indicative of active firefights, is ongoing. The Israeli military has at least 40 military vehicles, with potentially dozens of Israeli soldiers fighting against Palestinian armed resistance fighters who are using small arms as well as explosives.

We also know that the Israelis have taken in new military bulldozers that are capable of driving directly through houses – and that’s what they’ve been doing. Dozens of homes are destroyed and demolished. Israeli soldiers have been carrying out raids in homes, carrying out on-site interrogations.

This is likely to carry on for several hours. The situation remains very dangerous inside the camp.