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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best Nintendo system, minus SNES and Switch


I think the best is...

NES 12 21.05%
Gameboy 2 3.51%
N64 8 14.04%
GBA 2 3.51%
GC 10 17.54%
DS 7 12.28%
Wii 6 10.53%
3DS 6 10.53%
Wii U 4 7.02%

Gamecube because of twilight, wind waker, prime, thousand year, sunshine, pikmin and luigi.  Rogue was also amazing.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

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The most I've enjoyed with a Nintendo system outside of the SNES and Switch.

Followed by #4 would be N64 and then GCN for #5.

Anyways for the longest of time, the SNES was my most favorite Nintendo system only to be topped by the Switch.

The numbers dont lie for my library

I think only one of those consoles had Pikmin 1+2, Smash Bros Melee, Zelda Windwaker, Luigi’s Mansion, Metroid Prime, and Star Fox Adventure. (GameCube: easy pick.)

OneTime said:

I'm surprised that the NES isn't steamrollering this more. I think the best N consoles were NES/SNES/GameBoy/3DS/Wii/Switch. If we don't go for a handheld then the choice is between NES and Wii

The NES was a generation's introduction to gaming and to Nintendo, but I feel like those who grew up after it either mostly never experienced it, or found it hard to get into compared to newer consoles because of how it has aged, similar to how a lot of folks who grew up in the 21st century find the N64's early 3D hard to stomach.

curl-6 said:
OneTime said:

I'm surprised that the NES isn't steamrollering this more. I think the best N consoles were NES/SNES/GameBoy/3DS/Wii/Switch. If we don't go for a handheld then the choice is between NES and Wii

The NES was a generation's introduction to gaming and to Nintendo, but I feel like those who grew up after it either mostly never experienced it, or found it hard to get into compared to newer consoles because of how it has aged, similar to how a lot of folks who grew up in the 21st century find the N64's early 3D hard to stomach.

The difference is that the N64 experience represents the early era of 3D graphics whereas the NES was already a big jump in 2D.  The more accurate comparison to PS/N64's early 3D would be Atari with early 2D, which hasn't aged even a modicum as well as the NES.

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archbrix said:
curl-6 said:

The NES was a generation's introduction to gaming and to Nintendo, but I feel like those who grew up after it either mostly never experienced it, or found it hard to get into compared to newer consoles because of how it has aged, similar to how a lot of folks who grew up in the 21st century find the N64's early 3D hard to stomach.

The difference is that the N64 experience represents the early era of 3D graphics whereas the NES was already a big jump in 2D.  The more accurate comparison to PS/N64's early 3D would be Atari with early 2D, which hasn't aged even a modicum as well as the NES.

Just saying, as someone who grew up with SNES, I find that NES games have always felt very rough and archaic to me, and from what I've read online this is a common sentiment among those who started gaming after the 3rd gen.

Some of it has to do with the fact that I'm old and saw it all unfold before my eyes. The jump that the NES provided, between the newer tech, a great controller (finally) and the sheer renaissance of gameplay ideas on it, was nothing short of revolutionary. Anyone, young or old, can pick up an NES controller then or now and appreciate the tight, solid gameplay of Zelda, any of the Mario titles, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, etc. Those games still play amazing today and their simple, clean graphics have aged with more of a "retro" label than a "dated" label like PS/N64 games.

archbrix said:

Some of it has to do with the fact that I'm old and saw it all unfold before my eyes. The jump that the NES provided, between the newer tech, a great controller (finally) and the sheer renaissance of gameplay ideas on it, was nothing short of revolutionary. Anyone, young or old, can pick up an NES controller then or now and appreciate the tight, solid gameplay of Zelda, any of the Mario titles, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, etc. Those games still play amazing today and their simple, clean graphics have aged with more of a "retro" label than a "dated" label like PS/N64 games.

Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate what the NES accomplished, and its best games like the Mario games absolutely hold up and play great today, it's just that most of its games don't feel good to me, since my baseline is the SNES era.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 29 November 2023

NES is iconic in so many ways and a few of the games still hold up well. It was the first system I played on but it is not a system I will go to today. almost every other system is better in almost every aspect.

N64 had great games, but kind of few and even if I like the controller it is a bit weird and the games have not aged well. Many of them feel almost unplayable with the low fps and clunky graphics. I was never really a fan.

Gameboy was the first system I had pretty much free access to and as such I played it a lot. Tetris is timeless and Pokémon is Pokémon. But that screen is so shitty. I must have had a lot better eyes when I was five because I actually could see it.

GBA the first system I bought with my own money. Much nicer to hold in my hand than the gameboy/gameboy color and a better screen but still not great. it gets an needed upgrade with a lit screen but I always preferred holding my hands on both sides of the screen instead. Recently bought a modded GBA with a backlit screen to play my favorite GBA-games on. It is still a good system but not my favorite from the big N. I even liked the Gameboy Micro. That small screen is gorgeous! That I could not play gameboy color games like Pokémon Crystal and the Zelda Oracle games sets it back from being great.

Gamecube. Now we're talking. that controller fit so nice in the hand. The cross is in a bit awkward position but otherwise it feels great. It was my favorite controller for many years until PS5 dual sense knocked it down from pole position. And the Cube hade so many great games that it felt like anything released on the system was worth playing. The small size made it easy to place around the TV. The wavebird got rid of pesky cords. If it wasn't for the fact that Wii play gamecube games it would be my favorite stationary system from Nintendo.

Wii. It is a better Gamecube and has Mario Galaxy in addition. Best home console from Nintendo.

WiiU and 3DS did not get much love from me. I do not like either system. I played my fair share of Mario Maker and Smash on WiiU and a few remakes and Ace Attorney games on 3DS. But for the most part not much stood out. I played many games on them both but they did not feel as good as the games I played on Wii and 3DS. i think most of the games I played on my 3DS was original DS games that I still liked to play.

That leaves us with the DS. And more precisely the DS lite. I could play from morning to midnight without having to charge the battery. I can play my favorite GBA games on it. It folds and have well lit screen while griping on the side of the screen keeping the best from all GBA models. Played almost all adventure games released for it. Played a hell of a lot of Mario Kart online on it. Played the best versions of the best Pokémon games on it in bed for days on it. I bought 3 DS lites. One when I got rid of the original DS. One more when the first one got to worn down and a third system that I have yet to use because they where cheep at the end of its life and I figured that in 2045 when the other one breaks I have a new fresh one to use. The only thing I miss for the system is an original GOOD Zelda game.

The DS is my favorite Nintendo system. I still rank it higher than Switch even if the switch might be able to take the crown.
The SNES while great is even down on a fifth place as I prefer both the Wii and GameCube.