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Forums - Sales Discussion - European console sales data from October 2023.

Train wreck said:

Is Sony back to luck boxing its way to this level of success?

The consensus on this site in 2020 was that the combination of Microsoft buying studios along with Gamepass, coupled with its two tier attack with the S and X, along with the Switch stealing 3rd party titles away from Sony in Japan would mean trouble for Playstation for the PS5 generation. I'm trying to figure out how that all is panning out now.

It is being a trainwreck for Xbox this gen even with all those alledged advantages and blaiming Don Mattrick for X1 failures.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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chakkra said:
jvmkdg said:

Xbox sales are not good at all

They are horrible indeed, but I will reserve my judgment until next month. I suspect that Microsoft reduced their production on purpose to appear a lot weaker to regulators. I think by around this time next month we will know for sure if I'm wrong on my theory.

Xbox was still plently available on most markets so they not producing more doesn't seem like a reason for poor sales the whole year.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
chakkra said:

They are horrible indeed, but I will reserve my judgment until next month. I suspect that Microsoft reduced their production on purpose to appear a lot weaker to regulators. I think by around this time next month we will know for sure if I'm wrong on my theory.

Xbox was still plently available on most markets so they not producing more doesn't seem like a reason for poor sales the whole year.

The data available tells a different story.  

chakkra said:
DonFerrari said:

Xbox was still plently available on most markets so they not producing more doesn't seem like a reason for poor sales the whole year.

The data available tells a different story.  

So for Black Friday they are sold out? How does that explain the low numbers on the previous 10 months?

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
chakkra said:

The data available tells a different story.  

So for Black Friday they are sold out? How does that explain the low numbers on the previous 10 months?

Maybe you should follow John Welfare. He is really good at keeping track of the market each month.

An like I said, if by around this time next month we don't see an improvement on Xbox's sales, I will concede that my theory was wrong.

Around the Network

There were no stock issues for the Xbox in Europe in October. Your theory is wrong.

Stock issues in America when it is heavily discounted during the holidays isn't proof at all, nor would sales improving next month be proof either.

Last edited by Zippy6 - on 23 November 2023

RolStoppable said:
Kyuu said:

1. These polls were made before any knowledge about MS acquiring ABK, before knowing COVID would be limiting PS5 sales for over 2 years, and inflation keeping productions costs too high. PS5 would have crushed Xbox were it not for developments that no one in this poll took into account. Microsoft lucked out, and yet it turns out Xbox got overestimated again.

2. The poll results still show a clear underestimation of PS5's performance (you will concede when the generation ends), and an even clearer overestimation of Xbox performance. Not many people took the PC day and date damage seriously, but soon enough everyone will.

3. The more "pessimistic" Xbox predictions came more often from Playstation players (including some multiplatform users who don't play on Xbox). And the more "optimistic" PS5 predictions also came more often from Playstation fans. In other words, Playstation fans skewed the data closer to the correct prediction ranges for both systems. This generation's hardware sales are looking notably more one sided than the previous one despite Microsoft's lucky start and major acquisitions. The consensus was that it would be much closer, the consensus was wrong again.

4. PS5's temporary deals are cancelled out by unpredictable price hikes (people expected permanent pridedrops by now). Xbox Series XS's crazy deals didn't move many systems in late 2022 when PS5 finally became available in decent quantities. Series XS is simply riddled with issues and inherent flaws that a lot of people chose to ignore.

5. Switch was massively underestimated due to a poor prior generation and doubts as to whether or not Nintendo was going combine their library into one platform. And contrary to Playstation and to a smaller extent Xbox, the pandemic significantly boosted its hardware sales. But I don't think anyone argues that it wasn't underestimated. No console in the internet age was more underestimated.

1. The polls are from 2020 because that is the year that Train wreck chose.

2. This generation's oddities of limited PS5 supply followed by fulfilling pentup demand are making people go crazy in both directions. In early 2022 we had Xbox fans go bonkers and predict the bestselling Xbox ever when it should have been clear that Xbox greatly benefited from the limited PS5 supply. Now in 2023 we have PS fans think that things will continue to be as lopsided as they are in 2023, but from next year onwards the PS5 isn't going to have the benefit of the pentup demand and sales will normalize.

3. Different fanbases having a different consensus is normal, so it's not worth pointing out unless one fanbase greatly outnumbers all others. The overall consensus (and that's what Train wreck was refering to) was nowhere near as off as Train wreck suggested in his post. Said actual consensus was roughly minus 10m for PS and plus 10m for Xbox which is not a big change for a total volume of approximately 175m combined.

4. It looks like Sony adopted the morally questionable strategy of using an inflated MSRP to make their deals look a lot better than they really are, a practice that is particularly widespread among Black Friday across all kinds of products. They'll have to keep doing this at least once per quarter to keep sales high enough for additional years of 20m+ sales.

5. I added the Switch poll to provide a broader perspective. The PS5 before launch wasn't any more underestimated than Switch was after we already had 4.5 years of sales data for it.

I highly recommend that you read Train wreck's post again. It's such a rubbish post and once you acknowledge how wrongly it portrayed the year 2020, then there's really not much to argue about here.

If the consensus for sales predictions for Switch 2 ends up being 135m even if we assume that Nintendo is doing mostly everything right again, then I wouldn't complain and call that "people do expect trouble for Switch 2." But I do remember that Train wreck isn't the only guy who throws/threw a fit over the PS5 being predicted to sell "only" 105-110m units in its lifetime. I do understand people getting upset by bullshit predictions such as quickrick's for Switch or The_Liquid_Laser's for the PS5, but surely everyone realizes what world of difference there is between them and a consensus that had the PS5 sell 10m less than the PS4 and the Xbox Series X|S sell 10m more than the Xbox One.

Yes he exaggerated what the consensus thought (and mentally excluded Playstation fans it seems). Probably got annoyed by a few users and let it cloud his better judgement, I'm sometimes guilty of the same. But of the vocal community (comments), I recall quite a few respected users expecting Xbox to do at least 70-80 million units vs PS5's 90-100 million. Poll results often differ from the general comments which leave a stronger impression.

PS5's demand was met by April, and its new sales baseline is still blowing Xbox out of the water (despite 2023 being considered one of the strongest years for Xbox software as opposed to one of the weakest in Playstation history). It certainly is a possibility that the coming years will be just as if not more one-sided for PS5. We know from the leak for the revised Series X that prices will not go down anytime soon outside the temporary deals. PS5 costs Sony quite a bit less to manufacture than Series X, so unless Microsoft is willing to lose a ton on hardware (a tactic they seemingly backed off on in favor slightly better profitability), Sony is at a natural pricing advantage. A permanent PS5 pricedrop in FY 2024 + GTA6 (even as a multiplat) could easily make the next year just as dominant for Sony as 2023 was.

With that said, I don't think many Playstation fans or anyone have made up their mind about how the next years will play out. With ABK in the mix, Microsoft's acquisitions can still be a gamechanger long before the next generation starts. But it does feel that they're going to bleed millions of players over to PC.

DonFerrari said:
chakkra said:

They are horrible indeed, but I will reserve my judgment until next month. I suspect that Microsoft reduced their production on purpose to appear a lot weaker to regulators. I think by around this time next month we will know for sure if I'm wrong on my theory.

Xbox was still plently available on most markets so they not producing more doesn't seem like a reason for poor sales the whole year.

Its black friday... so ofc I looked up PS5 and Series costs on a few pages here in DK.
Theres PS5 bundles out of stock, certain places.... while if you want a Series consol, its avaliable everywhere it should be.

Also because of the thread about when the PS4 production is stopping, I looked for new PS4 models.... which granted stores still have, but what surprised me was the price of a new PS4 was like 250$, while you can get a Series S for like 189$ here.  Basically in denmark, your better off just going straight for the PS5 (than a PS4), or getting a Series S, if budget is your issue.

JRPGfan said:
DonFerrari said:

Xbox was still plently available on most markets so they not producing more doesn't seem like a reason for poor sales the whole year.

Its black friday... so ofc I looked up PS5 and Series costs on a few pages here in DK.
Theres PS5 bundles out of stock, certain places.... while if you want a Series consol, its avaliable everywhere it should be.

Also because of the thread about when the PS4 production is stopping, I looked for new PS4 models.... which granted stores still have, but what surprised me was the price of a new PS4 was like 250$, while you can get a Series S for like 189$ here.  Basically in denmark, your better off just going straight for the PS5 (than a PS4), or getting a Series S, if budget is your issue.

Yes the stock and price of new PS4/Pro is quite odd, in Brazil when you see that during BF there have been promos for PS5 under 3k (600USD) or 33% discount from MSRP (4.5k) you see PS4 bundles with GoW (don't remember if Pro) for like 2.6k

And with Series S going up to 3.6k there is no doubt that you either pick a PS5 if either budget or their exclusives is important to you or Series X if you don't mind expending more and prefer MS offers or GP, there is no point on PS4 or Series S in Brazil at the moment.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Zippy6 said:

There were no stock issues for the Xbox in Europe in October. Your theory is wrong.

Stock issues in America when it is heavily discounted during the holidays isn't proof at all, nor would sales improving next month be proof either.

This. And for this month, I was on a french shop earlier, there was many Series S on the shelves.