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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game will be the GOTY for 2023?


Which one is going to be the GOTY?

Alan Wake II 0 0%
Baldur's Gate III 37 64.91%
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 14 24.56%
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 3 5.26%
Resident Evil 4 1 1.75%
Super Mario Bros. Wonder 2 3.51%

My GOTY is TOTK, but BG3 is the critical darling. Don't get me wrong, BG3 is worthy of a GOTY.

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zeldaring said:

spider man 2 for me, but zelda or Bulders gate 3 will win.

You phrase that as though Spider-Man 2 should have been the winner…but BG3/TotK has stolen it. Here’s my advice: Branch out and try titles which aren’t necessarily exclusive to one console or the other. You’re really missing out on some wonderful (e.g. Super Mario Wonder) experiences.

firebush03 said:
zeldaring said:

spider man 2 for me, but zelda or Bulders gate 3 will win.

You phrase that as though Spider-Man 2 should have been the winner…but BG3/TotK has stolen it. Here’s my advice: Branch out and try titles which aren’t necessarily exclusive to one console or the other. You’re really missing out on some wonderful (e.g. Super Mario Wonder) experiences.

Thats his or her pick for this year. They might not even have played either or SMW, or have any interest in playing it.

Tbh I don't rate SM Wonder that highly. Its a good platformer if a little overrated. Some put it up against SM World and I just don't see it. Feels like a Sonic CD release with its Wonder gimmick. Its just fine for a 2D Mario, nothing outstanding. The level design is fine if a little unimaginative (ironically) and the new abilities like the bubble and elephant are quite fun to use. Bosses are a bit meh. Highly polished and fun but against other games like BG3 and TotK, it doesn't hold a candle to.

hinch said:
firebush03 said:

You phrase that as though Spider-Man 2 should have been the winner…but BG3/TotK has stolen it. Here’s my advice: Branch out and try titles which aren’t necessarily exclusive to one console or the other. You’re really missing out on some wonderful (e.g. Super Mario Wonder) experiences.

Thats his or her pick for this year. They might not even have played either or SMW, or have any interest in playing it.

Tbh I don't rate SM Wonder that highly. It’s a good platformer if a little overrated. Some put it up against SM World and I just don't see it. Feels like a Sonic CD release with its Wonder gimmick. It’s just fine for a 2D Mario, nothing outstanding. The level design is fine if a little unimaginative (ironically) and the new abilities like the bubble and elephant are quite fun to use. Bosses are a bit meh. Highly polished and fun but against other games like BG3 and TotK, it doesn't hold a candle to.

You missed my point entirely. (i) I mentioned Mario Wonder because of my choice of adjective “wonderful” (notice the play on word *wonder*…I wasn’t actually saying Mario Wonder’s better than SM2 lol). Additionally, (ii) I have not the slightest amount of care in the world if somebody felt Spider-Man 2 was their GotY: my 2022 GotY was literally Splatoon 3.

(iii) To restate my initial comment with intentions explicitly stated: I was commenting on the fact that his choice of words suggest a belief that actually SpiderMan 2 was objectively the best game that was released this year, but the popularity of Zelda and Balder’s Gate ultimately triumph at the game awards. This sort of thinking is one which almost requires being called out and critiqued for it is entirely irrational…but that’s just me.

edit: In hindsight, the OP’s comment really didn’t suggest anything of the sort that “Spider-Man’s been cheated out of GotY”. With that, I think it only makes since that…we just call my initial comment a little misdirected. However, it still holds relevancy in the context of the console warriors who roam Twitter and such.

firebush03 said:
zeldaring said:

spider man 2 for me, but zelda or Bulders gate 3 will win.

You phrase that as though Spider-Man 2 should have been the winner…but BG3/TotK has stolen it. Here’s my advice: Branch out and try titles which aren’t necessarily exclusive to one console or the other. You’re really missing out on some wonderful (e.g. Super Mario Wonder) experiences.

I have no clue what you are going on about. Spiderman 2 is my goty. Totk and bg3 are more popular and have a over 95 metracritic so those will usually win.

As for mario, I will play it at some point but to me it's a cute fun platformer and not the type of game that will blow me away.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 16 November 2023

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firebush03 said:

(iii) To restate my initial comment with intentions explicitly stated: I was commenting on the fact that his choice of words suggest a belief that actually SpiderMan 2 was objectively the best game that was released this year, but the popularity of Zelda and Balder’s Gate ultimately triumph at the game awards. This sort of thinking is one which almost requires being called out and critiqued for it is entirely irrational…but that’s just me.

The opening post of this tread also asked people to add their personal GOTY, on top of who they think will win.

I for example said I think BG3 will win, but my personal GOTY is RE4, since that's the only one I properly played.

Tears of the Kingdom! But it's more or less the only game I have played this year because I'm getting old lol