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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Switch 2 has 12GB RAM and 512GB internal storage


These specs would be...

better than I've expected 33 66.00%
about what I've expected 14 28.00%
worse than I've expected 3 6.00%
Fight-the-Streets said:
RolStoppable said:

the specs are there because the technology is available, nothing more, nothing less.

My opinion actually isn't far off from yours. What a lot of people get wrong is that Nintendo has to go to its knees and beg the 3rd party developers to please, please release titles for their console. Although, it's true that (from reading interviews with 3rd parties) Nintendo has become more amicable to work with (probably since Iwata Satoru became President), even at its weakest stage (WiiU + 3DS era), Nintendo was never in a position where they had to beg to 3rd parties. Nintendo is financially too strong to weather out a weak or even two successive weak generations. With their strong IP's they simply have enough self-confidence that eventually they will be successful again.

What I quoted above from Rol is also my stand: The Switch 2 will (likely) have the technology to port AAA-3rd party games and they will likely be (much) easier to port than it was the case for Switch 1. It's up to the 3rd parties if they want to invest into Switch 2 or not. Will it be possible to port a technical state-of-the-art PS5/Xbox One X (open world) game? Probably not but that's fine.

I have to admit that sometimes I also fall a bit into the AAA-3rd party trap when it comes to the success of a Nintendo console. While they are nice to have, the grand majority of people buy a Nintendo console for their IP's. Although it's known how strong they are, sometimes I forget HOW strong they really are. In addition, all the indies and classic games fit Switch perfectly as they are nice to play on the go. 

The question I can't really answer is just how much and what kind of 3rd party support a Nintendo console needs? Clearly, as strong as the 1st party lineup is, ONLY with 1st party titles, a Nintendo console wouldn't sell well. So why is the Switch so successful (besides 1st party titles)? The AA- and AAA-ports are nice but I honestly don't think they drive console sales much. So, it must be the indie titles, but which indies? There are tons of them, much shovelware and cheap shit. I guess it must be mostly those games inspired by 8- and 16-bit games (RPG's, Action-Adventures, Jump n' Runs, Hack n' Slays and generally Roguelikes and Roguelites).

I think the issue is that you’re trying to look at it on an individual game/genre basis when you should be looking at the overall package.

Switch has a pretty well rounded variety of 3rd party games ranging from indies, Japanese titles, kid/family friendly titles, retro games, previous generation ports/remasters, free-to-play games and the occasional AAA showcase title which together span just about every genre.

It’s a combination of quality, quantity & variety.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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I think Switch 2 is going to have significantly better 3rd party support than Switch 1, which was already not that bad.

Developers are going to make a ton of ports to Switch 2 + Apple devices and then you still have XBox Series S ... all of these devices are going to push developers to make sure their games can scale well.

I thought that before the Apple stuff yesterday, but the Apple thing is going to help Nintendo a lot in terms of getting games IMO. You can't ignore that many potential customers, it is a customer base that dwarfs even PS5/XSX and ports between Apple devices and Switch 2 should be quite easy.

GTA V port based of PS5 version next year? Would sell a lot.

Radek said:

GTA V port based of PS5 version next year? Would sell a lot.

Think bigger.


Between Switch 2 and Apple devices it would sell a ton. 

Soundwave said:
Radek said:

GTA V port based of PS5 version next year? Would sell a lot.

Think bigger.


Between Switch 2 and Apple devices it would sell a ton. 

Given Rockstar is busy finishing VI for PS5 and Xbox Series, even PC version might be delayed like all Rockstar Games...

I would expect port of V first, made by the same team who did RDR port or PS5 port last year. 

That said GTA VI port could come in like 2 years from now.

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Soundwave said:

I think Switch 2 is going to have significantly better 3rd party support than Switch 1, which was already not that bad.

Developers are going to make a ton of ports to Switch 2 + Apple devices and then you still have XBox Series S ... all of these devices are going to push developers to make sure their games can scale well.

I thought that before the Apple stuff yesterday, but the Apple thing is going to help Nintendo a lot in terms of getting games IMO. You can't ignore that many potential customers, it is a customer base that dwarfs even PS5/XSX and ports between Apple devices and Switch 2 should be quite easy.

Agree on Switch 2 getting a lot more third party support. First off, there will probably be lots of PS4/XBox1 games coming to Switch 2 running as good if not better on Switch 2 than they did on those consoles. Since plenty of games, I think especially on Playstation, have been cross-gen between PS4 and PS5, that also means Switch 2 will probably be getting some PS4 ports of current gen games that just came out in the past few years.

Furthermore, Switch will probably be able to get games ported from current gen consoles just by turning down the settings and progamming in DLSS to work with minimal other changes other than maybe the most high end current gen console games. So Switch 2 should get a lot more current console ports than Switch because the main reason to not port a game from PS4/XB1 to Switch was the amount of downgrading work that was required which usually ends up with just a game that looks much worse than games that were built for the Switch.

That's a very different situation than the Switch which got a handful of current console ports (usually years after they came out on the consoles) and decade old PS360 games.

I don't know what the Apple news is but I assume it is something about Apple trying to get more non-mobile-like games on mobile?

I would expect Switch 2 specs around the ballpark of a Steam Deck. Well, this seemed impossible for the Switch last year, given the target price point (min $300, max $400), and the fact that Steam Deck was a huge battery hungry handheld(!) with a mediocre screen because Nintendo would definitely want to release a rather compact handheld with reasonable battery life and a decent screen. However, this seems more and more feasible in the next year. Steam Deck has 16 gigs of RAM, so 12 gigs sounds reasonable for Switch 2. So in essence, I expect a a rather compact switch 2 around the ballpark performance of a steam deck but with a better screen and battery life shooting for a target price around $300 or $400.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

freedquaker said:

I would expect Switch 2 specs around the ballpark of a Steam Deck. Well, this seemed impossible for the Switch last year, given the target price point (min $300, max $400), and the fact that Steam Deck was a huge battery hungry handheld(!) with a mediocre screen because Nintendo would definitely want to release a rather compact handheld with reasonable battery life and a decent screen. However, this seems more and more feasible in the next year. Steam Deck has 16 gigs of RAM, so 12 gigs sounds reasonable for Switch 2. So in essence, I expect a a rather compact switch 2 around the ballpark performance of a steam deck but with a better screen and battery life shooting for a target price around $300 or $400.

 Steam deck is just a laptop crammed in a smaller format. Won't be hard for Switch 2 to outperform it and have newer feature sets.

Last edited by Leynos - on 13 September 2023

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Steam Deck/PS4 base performance is what I'd expect a 4nm Tegra Switch 2  to achieve in handheld mode.

Even with a 7nm Ampere Tegra chip, I'd expect the Switch 2 to moderately outperform the Steam Deck in docked mode. Low-powered Ampere/Turing chips tend to outperform low-powered RNDA3/RDNA2 iGPU chips at the same power-level. A docked mode Switch 2 should be running at the same 15W total as the Steam Deck. 


I wouldn't expect this to change much at the Steam Deck/Switch 2 TDP's (15W)

Last edited by sc94597 - on 13 September 2023

shikamaru317 said:

I hope this is true, I've now seen these details from 2 separate sources. Would love to see Nintendo trying a bit harder on specs this time around, never been a big fans of their blue ocean strategy of weak specs relative to the competition, like Wii and Switch, prefer when they try to compete on specs like on N64 and Gamecube. The closer the specs on Switch 2 get to Series S, the better imo, and if they actually have Series S beat on RAM amount by 2GB, even better still, as it will make Switch 2 ports of current gen games much more likely and cut down on the number of games with huge resolution or framerate hits just to get them to run on Switch 2.

Microsoft historically was able to be more efficient with it's memory usage than Sony or Nintendo.

So the raw "Ram amounts" doesn't tell the entire story until we know how much the OS in the next-gen Switch gobbles up, leaving a smaller part of the pie for developers/games.

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