firebush03 said:
I agree with everything you’ve said here. Perfect solutions imo. I love how Upvotes/Downvotes work on YT, and even more if they were just gone. Outside of the Political forums, I’m not one to be receiving many downvotes…but even still, seeing as to how many comments — of which are *typically* entirely valid, but just don’t conform to the overall opinion of the community — will typically be sent into “-10” territory, I believe this is a big problem. |
There's some cases where people deserve it but I've even seen in the past the most harmless of opinions receive downvotes and it's made me scratch my head wondering why, it's cause I feel it's basically a "I agree, "I disagree" system, so someone could say "I like Apples" and receive -5 downvotes by people who don't like apples and it just feels mean spirited, Lmao. And as I said, I think it hurts discussion too, instead of responding it's so much easier to just click the thumbs up or down button.
But people voted for it to remain so I'm not going to force that decision on the majority even if I disagree with it
Not like we have the manpower to implement a bunch of functional changes anyway, Lol.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 August 2024