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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 27, 2023 (Jun 26 - Jul 02)

Farsala said:
Kakadu18 said:

No you're completely wrong. It was in May once last year because it was delayed from the previous summer because of Covid. The very next one was on August 29th last year.

On Installbase several Japanese speaking members had the book pretty quickly and one of them posted the stuff there very quickly. You don't need to translate everything if 90% of the game sales didn't change at all from the previous year and it would never take that long anyways. It's just numbers and game names. This isn't like localizing a game. And it's released to the public by CESA, not a random individual on the internet.

Here's a link:

Post in thread 'Nintendo software and hardware sales data from 1983 to present'

I just checked and it seems it is likely to be August 23rd this year since CESA has some event there.

weird. some people ask Chris for CEsA sneak peaks, and he seems to provide. I am not a member and I don't frequent those forums often, so I can't check the post in question.

I've never seen that. People ask when CESA is releasing the white book and if he's buying it but apart from that, idk.

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Shatts said:
RolStoppable said:

The Final Fantasy discussion this week and the last one has been longwinded, and despite this, has been missing the most basic point:

Sony pays for Final Fantasy on PlayStation and Square-Enix happily takes the money.

As long as this persists (and it will), there's really no point to all the other discussion.

Honestly I'm just surprised people are talking about FF16 so much. Didn't know so many people here were so passionate about Final Fantasy.

It's not really about people liking the series, but rather what it stands for: It's at the center of the gaming forum perception of Sony vs. Nintendo ever since Final Fantasy left Nintendo's home consoles. So for Sony fans it's all about keeping FF away from Nintendo while for Nintendo fans it's all about getting FF back; that the series is hardly respected anymore doesn't matter.

Even in the beginning (Final Fantasy VII) it was about Squaresoft taking Sony's money in one of the biggest deals ever - Squaresoft moved their whole output to PlayStation, not just the FF series. Although this event is largely remembered as Nintendo using cartridges instead of CDs, and Nintendo being very hard to work with, because that's how the narrative was formed back in the mid to late 1990s. It wasn't until 20 years later that Squaresoft's staff admitted in Final Fantasy VII's oral history that they got a fat deal, but it's hard for the actual truth to replace the perceived "truth" that has persisted for more than two decades by now. Hence why it's still common that people argue about Final Fantasy as if Sony didn't and doesn't pay significant amounts of money for FF.

Sony is likely to continue to pay for FF, even if it's more for PR reasons than FF's ability to sell PS hardware. One reason is the narrative that Sony originally fueled as part of the PS mythos, another reason is that it now works as proof that Japan isn't irrelevant to Sony, nowadays a US-based console manufacturer.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

-Adonis- said:
curl-6 said:

Wow, what a mature response. Bet you've never played it.

I didn't play it but I saw my friend playing it. It was awful. Really awful. And not only the image quality but also the fps.

As a PC player I begin to think I should stop going to famitsu's threads because some of you really have ultra low standard.

You come across like you think your standards make you better. Most of your responces here were immature idiocy. The game runs totally fine on Switch. I played it and I never had any significant frame rate drops. Actually I barely noticed any to begin with.

Do you remember in what state the game originally released in? In comparison the Switch version was the most polished by far when it launched.

But sure it was butchered because it was 30fps.

Try to act like you're an actual adult.

Shatts said:
curl-6 said:

That's a steep drop for Final Fantasy.

Also satisfying to see Everybody 1-2 Switch fall flat with just 3320 copies sold week 1, good grief that game looks like horseshit.

Oh that came out this week? Yeah Nintendo barely marketed that, they didn't even put it on Nintendo Direct, not even a sec lol. 

There was an overview trailer before the direct.

zorg1000 said:

How is a series momentum determined? By the sales of individual titles or the total sales of a larger number of titles?

Lets say I release a game series

2023-Zorg 1000 Adventure (3 million sales)

2025-Zorg 1000 spin-off #1 (800k sales)

2027-Zorg 1000 Adventure 2 (2 million sales)

2027-Zorg 1000 spin-off #2 (500k sales)

2028-Zorg 1000 Adventure remaster (1.2 million sales)

2028-Zorg 1000 spin-off #3 (300k sales)

2023-2026, 3.8 million sales (1 mainline+1 spin-off)

2027-2028, 4 million sales (1 mainline+2 spin-offs+1 remaster)

Would this be a series in decline or upward momentum?

I loved the original Zorg 1000 Adventure, but it was a shame how the lead developer left before Zorg 2. It was his passion that drove the series and the sequel is just an empty cash grab without him. That's why sales slumped and they had to resort to remastering the first game to pull in more revenue.

Jokes aside, I don't play Final Fantasy so I don't have a dog in the fight, but I agree, that it doesn't sound like port begging to say that Square Enix would be more successful by porting to the Switch going forward. I can see why they wouldn't port to the original Switch as the specs aren't on par with what FFXVI needed, but between DLSS and the diminishing returns of more powerful hardware that sounds like a good way to earn more on what must be a very expensive game to make.

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psychicscubadiver said:

I loved the original Zorg 1000 Adventure, but it was a shame how the lead developer left before Zorg 2. It was his passion that drove the series and the sequel is just an empty cash grab without him. That's why sales slumped and they had to resort to remastering the first game to pull in more revenue.

Jokes aside, I don't play Final Fantasy so I don't have a dog in the fight, but I agree, that it doesn't sound like port begging to say that Square Enix would be more successful by porting to the Switch going forward. I can see why they wouldn't port to the original Switch as the specs aren't on par with what FFXVI needed, but between DLSS and the diminishing returns of more powerful hardware that sounds like a good way to earn more on what must be a very expensive game to make.

Ironically it's not just about the Switch this whole argument began funny enough in the last thread when talking about porting to Xbox and PC to make up for the decline in Japan, really it's more about them being full on multiplatform to offset any decline the whole port begging comment just comes across as not having a viable response to this point tbh.

As for the whole Sony paying for the series that someone else brought up well no company has infinite money to continue it just for the sake of PR and shareholders as someone pointed out are a factor for both sides, to keep footing the bill for a game's development for PR will raise questions internally like why not just fund our own first party instead they're selling equivalent or more units at this point even more so if we're going by the narrative of being more of a western draw, the return on the investment is always the priority.

RolStoppable said:
Shatts said:

Honestly I'm just surprised people are talking about FF16 so much. Didn't know so many people here were so passionate about Final Fantasy.

It's not really about people liking the series, but rather what it stands for: It's at the center of the gaming forum perception of Sony vs. Nintendo ever since Final Fantasy left Nintendo's home consoles. So for Sony fans it's all about keeping FF away from Nintendo while for Nintendo fans it's all about getting FF back; that the series is hardly respected anymore doesn't matter.

Even in the beginning (Final Fantasy VII) it was about Squaresoft taking Sony's money in one of the biggest deals ever - Squaresoft moved their whole output to PlayStation, not just the FF series. Although this event is largely remembered as Nintendo using cartridges instead of CDs, and Nintendo being very hard to work with, because that's how the narrative was formed back in the mid to late 1990s. It wasn't until 20 years later that Squaresoft's staff admitted in Final Fantasy VII's oral history that they got a fat deal, but it's hard for the actual truth to replace the perceived "truth" that has persisted for more than two decades by now. Hence why it's still common that people argue about Final Fantasy as if Sony didn't and doesn't pay significant amounts of money for FF.

Sony is likely to continue to pay for FF, even if it's more for PR reasons than FF's ability to sell PS hardware. One reason is the narrative that Sony originally fueled as part of the PS mythos, another reason is that it now works as proof that Japan isn't irrelevant to Sony, nowadays a US-based console manufacturer.

Ye although I was being partially sarcastic. 

Shatts said:
RolStoppable said:

The Final Fantasy discussion this week and the last one has been longwinded, and despite this, has been missing the most basic point:

Sony pays for Final Fantasy on PlayStation and Square-Enix happily takes the money.

As long as this persists (and it will), there's really no point to all the other discussion.

Honestly I'm just surprised people are talking about FF16 so much. Didn't know so many people here were so passionate about Final Fantasy.

They are not. But there is an ongoing agenda here that people want a push as hard as possible. What people here really wants is to Square Enix to essentially change how they make their mainline FF games, so they can have a new big Japanese third party to play on Nintendo. In the end, it's really only that. 

FF XVI on Switch wouldn't sell that much better than it sold on Playstation. To make my case, I'll bring Monster Hunter. MHW+I sold 5.7 million combined in Japan as of November 2020 (, with base version account for ~3,2 million. Sadly we don't have a perfect breakdown for how MHR+S sold, also seems like people heavily leaned toward buy thr expansion digitally, regardless the base version sold 2.5 million physically and with a doable 40% digital ratio this would lead to around 4,1 million sales for the physical release. I don't believe """just""" 1 million copies.

Monster Hunter Rise should have sold significantly better than Monster Hunter World, the franchise a huge history of sucess on Nintendo platforms was released in a plataform that will end with four times PS4 userbase. It's clear most of Switch userbase just don't care for games like Monster Hunter, and won't care for Final Fantasy either

Japanese gamers tastes changed and Final Fantasy gameplay changed as well. We have generations of gamers who don't play JRPGs, and a market that don't favor Action RPGs either. For a market who LOVES portable gaming, a game with 12 hours worth cinematic scenes will never be appealing. Final Fantasy is a franchise curated for home consoles, to be played stationary mode and I don't believe this is how most Japanese use theirs Switches

The platform the game is released won't change that. FF XVI would be flopping in Japan regardless. Capcom did everything they could to make Resident Evil 2 appealing, they made a game that was loyal to the original in EVERYTHING but graphics, and Japanese look at that masterpiece that was RE 2 remake and simply shrugged "we ain't buying that" while the rest of the world still jamming it (it became a evergreen title that moves half million copies every quarter). 

There is nothing Enix can do to revive Japan interest on FF. If they want more money they can make lower budget Final Fantasy spin offs,  make them turn based maybe. I'm sure it can at least match the current sales of mainline FF, if released on Switch. I would personally LOVE that, as both FF fan and Switch owner who has a sweet spot for classic FF, but I don't want this to be the standard mainline FF going forward.

Needless to say, people here expecting Japan to save the franchise are deluding themselves. For FF to keep being financially viable with their current budget they need the convince the rest of the world their game is good, because Japan in lost, Japan is irrelevant to Final Fantasy in our current day and age.

It's also quite funny to look at FF XV and see a user here claiming it was a "successful exception" when the same person here HATE that game and believe it to be the worst FF of all, a feeling that is shared by almost every bitter turn based FF player. So in the end, the game they liked the least and didn't wanted SE to repeat is the game that actually set a precedent on maybe how FF should be going forward: Clue, it's not appealing to Switch owners

RolStoppable said:

The Final Fantasy discussion this week and the last one has been longwinded, and despite this, has been missing the most basic point:

Sony pays for Final Fantasy on PlayStation and Square-Enix happily takes the money.

As long as this persists (and it will), there's really no point to all the other discussion.


I don't think we can have a meaningful discussion about the success or failure of XVI without knowing the details of the deal that was made. Sony is handling the marketing for the game, helped with the development on the technical side of things, and probably payed a big cheque to sequre the exclusivity, and probably the adding the game on PS+ in the future.

Maybe VIIR and XVI could have matched XV numbers if they were multiplatform, but that doesn't necessarily mean XV was more successful from SE perspective.

Last edited by Astrals - on 09 July 2023

RolStoppable said:

The Final Fantasy discussion this week and the last one has been longwinded, and despite this, has been missing the most basic point:

Sony pays for Final Fantasy on PlayStation and Square-Enix happily takes the money.

As long as this persists (and it will), there's really no point to all the other discussion.

For Square Enix' sake, I hope that check was nice and fat. Because FF is just gonna keep trending down if it keeps up. And if it does, Sony's gonna have to ask themselves at some point "Is it really worth paying ALL this money just to keep a diminishing, declining brand off the other platforms?"

And Square Enix will have to ask themselves: "Is this money we're getting from Sony really enough to offset the losses we're eating for keeping our game on one platform instead of all of them?"

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 09 July 2023