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Great and chill FFXVI gameplay !

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PotentHerbs said:
ConservagameR said:

Guess I'm not the only one who thinks the CMA decision makes no sense.

MS can own COD and ABK because MS wouldn't make as much money if they made it all excusive? That's their conclusion?

Then why is Halo, Gears, Forza, etc, still exclusive then if making more money is the point? Why does Sony have so many exclusives if the right thing to do was make every game multi platform and cash in big?

If next gen doesn't start until around 2028, then MS has lot's of time to keep buying. There's plenty of reasons MS can give as to why they're still not as big or big enough to compete with PS, and how could anyone prove otherwise since the ABK deal won't show most results needed to properly analyze for years and years yet. Like with COD. If most people keep buying it on PS, MS will just argue XB is still unpopular, even though COD profits will be going to MS now, so MS needs even more acquisitions.

MS could keep buying, as they've said they will, large or small, up until next gen, then make everything exclusive. Maybe not things like COD due to longer term contracts, but how much is the penalty if MS breaks those contracts, and would that financial loss to MS be worth the exclusivity going forward? It's not like MS is afraid to lose billions with XB.

If XB goes into next gen with exclusivity for Zenimax, ABK, and anything else they acquire (minus a few titles like COD maybe), which would be a lot of games and possibly largely popular, how's Sony going to deal with that? They can't make their own version of every single one of those games, not even close, and how long would it take to just make a few of them? 2030? 2040? So much for Sony can just make their own versions.

If MS keeps buying like they are, big or small, Sony is going to need to do something so massive that it puts the Bungie purchase to shame, if they want to keep leading like they have been, or anywhere close.

It's crucial that Sony doesn't underestimate the damage all this M&A activity can cause them down the line. With their turnaround in the last decade, and how they repositioned and rebuilt themselves, I don't think they would be asleep at the wheel. Sony witnessed the movie industry consolidate first hand, and now they have another front seat to see it for the video game industry. The difference is, Sony Pictures was never the market leader, unlike PlayStation.

I do believe at a certain point Microsoft will stop with massive acquisitions. But that probably includes at least one more, mid size, publisher acquisition. I think at this point, Sony has to lock up their long time partners in Square and Capcom, consider the possibility of a small publisher like Sega or CDPR, and fill out the rest of their portfolio with independent studios like Deviation, Arrowhead, Ember Labs, etc. While none of these IP's have the same mindshare as Call of Duty, Sony will slowly become like Nintendo, where their first party strength is the driving factor for their ecosystem. 

That's not considering Sony's true strength, their ability to create and cultivate new IP's, which end up being major tentpole franchises. This factor is the reason I think Sony can maintain their position as market leader even if they don't have as much financial heft as their competitors. I just don't think it would be enough to solely rely on in this climate. It's going to be interesting to see what comes out during their financial report. 

I didn't realize how profitable Valve was. Based on estimates anyway. For that reason it would be a decent buy because it would cost quite a bit less than Take Two. Sort of another Bungie situation, kind if, just larger. Now would Gabe even consider selling? Would he even partner or merge? Could Jim work out a deal with him, because Gabes like a god. Then there's the positioning as to whether that would help PS out enough against MS directly with what they're doing, or would it just be a good useful efficient buy in general? I'd say agree to also make a full OS beyond Steam OS, and compete with Windows, if they were going to do this.

MS will stop, but not until they feel they've got Sony where they can't leap ahead again like last gen with PS4, or until regulators finally say enough, whenever that would be. Even then, MS can still (attempt to) buy medium and smaller studios, and if the regulators don't like it, then change the deals to be a lot like Sony and Bungie. As long as those borderline too much buys mean the studios can remain multi platform, it's going to be hard for the regulators to stop it, especially because that could screw over Sony real good too for their potential future buys. Either way, MS needs more yet, or they can just 180 again and make way more games exclusive than they implied they would. That would save them from buying too much more.

I'd say Sony needs more Western games. The brand has kept westernizing for a long time now. They've got plenty of everything else, and those Japanese devs will want to stick with Sony as long as they keep treating them right. I think ABK would be a cake walk for MS compared to trying to buy up Japanese studio's. If Sony let's MS buy up or partner with all the big western studios, their going to lose some of what they've gained. I dunno how much exactly, but it's not something to dismiss.

Sony's first party is stellar, but it depends on how much MS is allowed to keep buying. Every time Sony get's a bit ahead, I see MS making another purchase to counter it if they feel behind or even threatened. Imagine if Sony pulled what MS is doing right now, but back during PS1 or PS2. Have Sony bet the farm and just go on publisher and developer buying spree's, instead of go crazy with PS3 hardware. Can you imagine how much trouble MS would be in? Unless MS followed suit shortly after in which case, either way, things today would not only be way different, but not so great I'd argue.

Sony can't just rely on trying to make new games or similar better games as good as they are at it. There's too much to that for it to work out long term against MS when they can just buy like they can. Acquisitions or even just money hatting once PS is running on cash fumes would eventually become a major problem.

The XB nice guy, we love old games, we want cross play and sharing, we believe Sony's way is the wrong way, BS was clear to some before but should be crystal clear now. Sony's way is mostly right, just Sony doesn't have near enough money, where as MS does.

Time for Sony to stop playing nice back.

ConservagameR said:

I didn't realize how profitable Valve was. Based on estimates anyway. For that reason it would be a decent buy because it would cost quite a bit less than Take Two. Sort of another Bungie situation, kind if, just larger. Now would Gabe even consider selling? Would he even partner or merge? Could Jim work out a deal with him, because Gabes like a god. Then there's the positioning as to whether that would help PS out enough against MS directly with what they're doing, or would it just be a good useful efficient buy in general? I'd say agree to also make a full OS beyond Steam OS, and compete with Windows, if they were going to do this.

MS will stop, but not until they feel they've got Sony where they can't leap ahead again like last gen with PS4, or until regulators finally say enough, whenever that would be. Even then, MS can still (attempt to) buy medium and smaller studios, and if the regulators don't like it, then change the deals to be a lot like Sony and Bungie. As long as those borderline too much buys mean the studios can remain multi platform, it's going to be hard for the regulators to stop it, especially because that could screw over Sony real good too for their potential future buys. Either way, MS needs more yet, or they can just 180 again and make way more games exclusive than they implied they would. That would save them from buying too much more.

I'd say Sony needs more Western games. The brand has kept westernizing for a long time now. They've got plenty of everything else, and those Japanese devs will want to stick with Sony as long as they keep treating them right. I think ABK would be a cake walk for MS compared to trying to buy up Japanese studio's. If Sony let's MS buy up or partner with all the big western studios, their going to lose some of what they've gained. I dunno how much exactly, but it's not something to dismiss.

Sony's first party is stellar, but it depends on how much MS is allowed to keep buying. Every time Sony get's a bit ahead, I see MS making another purchase to counter it if they feel behind or even threatened. Imagine if Sony pulled what MS is doing right now, but back during PS1 or PS2. Have Sony bet the farm and just go on publisher and developer buying spree's, instead of go crazy with PS3 hardware. Can you imagine how much trouble MS would be in? Unless MS followed suit shortly after in which case, either way, things today would not only be way different, but not so great I'd argue.

Sony can't just rely on trying to make new games or similar better games as good as they are at it. There's too much to that for it to work out long term against MS when they can just buy like they can. Acquisitions or even just money hatting once PS is running on cash fumes would eventually become a major problem.

The XB nice guy, we love old games, we want cross play and sharing, we believe Sony's way is the wrong way, BS was clear to some before but should be crystal clear now. Sony's way is mostly right, just Sony doesn't have near enough money, where as MS does.

Time for Sony to stop playing nice back.

You know what would be great? If every time Sony got ahead Microsoft....created something to counter them. As opposed to just buying companies. 

That's really my only problem here. I think it shows a lack of skill, talent, and creativity on MS's part to just buy companies (Many of which have no association with the company and some even had closer ties to Sony in the past) rather than doing what the competition did in the past to gain their market dominance. Nintendo dominated the console market because of innovation in design and technology paired with many of the most iconic and successful IP/Franchises/characters in the history of the medium. Sony dominated the market by appealing to a broad audience by making their first two consoles easy to develop for and embracing media in all its forms while also cultivating an incredible first party lineup. Microsoft has repeatedly only gotten success because they have infinitely deep pockets and can afford to drop billions on a mistake and just keep rolling. 

The first Xbox was fine, and the only reason the 360 did well was because of Sony's hubris. Even with the red ring of death - which to this day STILL baffles me it was allowed to go out like that - they still sold a bunch. the One had a disastrous launch and basically flopped its second half while the Series has not really had much in terms of identity, yet in spite of them never being the market leader they still have infinite money to buy companies. bought Rare and basically did nothing with them for 20 years. Bought 23 studios since 2016 and the only one that's actually producing material consistently is Obsidian. 7 years since the acquisition blitzkrieg and we're still seeing almost no fruits of that. 

I have a problem with the idea that they can basically strong-arm the industry due to their ability to just buy everything instead of actually learning from mistakes or giving people what they want. I don't like the idea of them having so much power if they genuinely aren't that good at using it. That's my problem with the whole thing. I don't think Microsoft buying Activision-Blizzard is going to hurt Sony or Nintendo, I just don't like the idea of them being able to hold such a large market share despite not really doing anything within the gaming sphere to deserve it. All their money comes from computer software. GamePass is a money pit. The RRoD and the backlash from Kinect and the terrible launch and subsequent whimpering end of the One should have sunk the company, but they can just shrug it off and keep influencing the market. 

They Just aren't good at it. and I wish they were. but history is not on their side and I feel they need to earn their place in the hearts of the medium before they should be allowed to do this sort of thing. Ethically, not legally. If they have 68 billion dollars to burn through, then use that money to support the 23 studios they already have. Invest in potentially risky games or indies or quality titles like they did with the 360's early years. Make their own VR. Spend money and find a way to stream Xbox games to your phone. Make a better controller. give Xbox an identity other than raw american power. I wanna see them make something risky and unique like Returnal. Or something pure fun like Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart. I want to see them making games with impact on the medium like God of War or Horizon. I want to see people talking about Xbox games beyond just 'man, the latest update for Halo Infinite sucks'. I want them to have recognizable characters like Link or Mario or Kirby or Samus or Pikachu. Right now they have Master Chief and his games haven't been iconic since 2011 or something (Whenever Reach came out). 4, 5, and Infinite were fine, but they lack the impact the Bungie-made games had. 

I can't over-emphasize this enough. Microsoft buying Activision is bad for the industry. Not because of a monopoly or for lack of competition, not because of some weird false balance or what-have-you, but because it means that Xbox can 'win' through sheer brute force instead of actually offering us what we want. 

Disney is similar. They bought Lucasfilm and Marvel and Pixar and tonnes of other companies for their banner....and while you certainly see people complaining about it I don't personally have an issue with it because, at the very least, they're at least making something out of it. Star Wars movies continue to be mega popular, Pixar and Disney Animated movies continue to be outstanding, Marvel is the most successful film franchise in history with most of their movies not only being insanely popular but successful and well reviewed. I don't like Disney as a corporation either, but when they buy up something they actually do something with it (most of the time). They show that even though they're a mega popular super corp, they still make good products. 

The last decade or so (2013-now) Shows that Microsoft just ain't good at this, and rather than actually proving their worth or having something of value to offer they're just buying things up so they can control the medium. 

If they were good at this I wouldn't care and would be cheering them on. I think competition is good, and the heavily western-based style of Activision games is a great fit for Xbox, but that's just not the reality of the situation. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

CloudxTifa said:

Great and chill FFXVI gameplay !

The environments look amazing and it's great to see that they're finally showing some exploration, personally I like that it's not fully open world, area design seems kinda like FFXII but more extensive. Also, the save screen having sprites for the characters is such a nice touch. Definitely seems like the most focused Final Fantasy since the PS2 era.

Last edited by Link_Nines.XBC - on 26 March 2023

I ordered a PS5.

I could go pick it up right now but I'm gonna wait - gonna re-arrange stuff in my media room before I pick it up.

Now that my WiiU is dead, I got more space. Maybe its fate lmao.

Anyways I got the PS5 God of War Ragnarok bundle - its $509 instead of $559.

I know there's a rumor of a new SKU for PS5 but its sounding like a Slim/w detached disc drive - so its whatever. If a "Pro" version comes out, I guess I can get that in a few years assuming the jump is big enough.

Edit: With this purchase, I'm pretty much up to date with all 3 consoles of the current gen which is a first.

My gaming platform history looks like this now...

SNES - 1991
N64 - 1998
GBC - 1999
GCN - 2001
GBA - 2002
PS2 - 2003
PSP - 2005
DS - 2007
Wii - 2008
PS3 - 2011
3DS - 2013
WiiU - 2014
iPhone 6 Plus 128 GB - 2015
PS4 - 2015
Switch - 2020
iPhone 13 Pro Max 1 TB - 2021
Xbox Series S - 2022
PS5 - 2023

Next platform in my future....

SECOND GAMING LAPTOP - 2024 (Maybe, 10% chance)
THIRD GAMING DESKTOP - 2025 (90% chance)
Next Nintendo system - 2026 (30% chance assuming it comes out in 2024)
Next iPhone purchase - 2026 (80% chance)

Last edited by BasilZero - on 26 March 2023

Around the Network
axumblade said:

Please get your votes in here for Most Wanted April edition

Cracking that whip. lol

gooch_destroyer said:
axumblade said:

Please get your votes in here for Most Wanted April edition

Cracking that whip. lol

I used to do it every month. Trying to get you guys back on your toes. Can’t have Nintendo win every month and with Zelda coming in May, there’s gonna be an opening for number 1 xD 

BasilZero said:

I ordered a PS5.

I could go pick it up right now but I'm gonna wait - gonna re-arrange stuff in my media room before I pick it up.

Now that my WiiU is dead, I got more space. Maybe its fate lmao.

Anyways I got the PS5 God of War Ragnarok bundle - its $509 instead of $559.

I know there's a rumor of a new SKU for PS5 but its sounding like a Slim/w detached disc drive - so its whatever. If a "Pro" version comes out, I guess I can get that in a few years assuming the jump is big enough.

Edit: With this purchase, I'm pretty much up to date with all 3 consoles of the current gen which is a first.

My gaming platform history looks like this now...

SNES - 1991
N64 - 1998
GBC - 1999
GCN - 2001
GBA - 2002
PS2 - 2003
PSP - 2005
DS - 2007
Wii - 2008
PS3 - 2011
3DS - 2013
WiiU - 2014
iPhone 6 Plus 128 GB - 2015
PS4 - 2015
Switch - 2020
iPhone 13 Pro Max 1 TB - 2021
Xbox Series S - 2022
PS5 - 2023

Next platform in my future....

SECOND GAMING LAPTOP - 2024 (Maybe, 10% chance)
THIRD GAMING DESKTOP - 2025 (90% chance)
Next Nintendo system - 2026 (30% chance assuming it comes out in 2024)
Next iPhone purchase - 2026 (80% chance)

I'm waiting FFXVI to take mine.

gooch_destroyer said:
axumblade said:

Please get your votes in here for Most Wanted April edition

Cracking that whip. lol

Ff16 for first place lets go boys


ConservagameR said:

I didn't realize how profitable Valve was. Based on estimates anyway. For that reason it would be a decent buy because it would cost quite a bit less than Take Two. Sort of another Bungie situation, kind if, just larger. Now would Gabe even consider selling? Would he even partner or merge? Could Jim work out a deal with him, because Gabes like a god. Then there's the positioning as to whether that would help PS out enough against MS directly with what they're doing, or would it just be a good useful efficient buy in general? I'd say agree to also make a full OS beyond Steam OS, and compete with Windows, if they were going to do this.

MS will stop, but not until they feel they've got Sony where they can't leap ahead again like last gen with PS4, or until regulators finally say enough, whenever that would be. Even then, MS can still (attempt to) buy medium and smaller studios, and if the regulators don't like it, then change the deals to be a lot like Sony and Bungie. As long as those borderline too much buys mean the studios can remain multi platform, it's going to be hard for the regulators to stop it, especially because that could screw over Sony real good too for their potential future buys. Either way, MS needs more yet, or they can just 180 again and make way more games exclusive than they implied they would. That would save them from buying too much more.

I'd say Sony needs more Western games. The brand has kept westernizing for a long time now. They've got plenty of everything else, and those Japanese devs will want to stick with Sony as long as they keep treating them right. I think ABK would be a cake walk for MS compared to trying to buy up Japanese studio's. If Sony let's MS buy up or partner with all the big western studios, their going to lose some of what they've gained. I dunno how much exactly, but it's not something to dismiss.

Sony's first party is stellar, but it depends on how much MS is allowed to keep buying. Every time Sony get's a bit ahead, I see MS making another purchase to counter it if they feel behind or even threatened. Imagine if Sony pulled what MS is doing right now, but back during PS1 or PS2. Have Sony bet the farm and just go on publisher and developer buying spree's, instead of go crazy with PS3 hardware. Can you imagine how much trouble MS would be in? Unless MS followed suit shortly after in which case, either way, things today would not only be way different, but not so great I'd argue.

Sony can't just rely on trying to make new games or similar better games as good as they are at it. There's too much to that for it to work out long term against MS when they can just buy like they can. Acquisitions or even just money hatting once PS is running on cash fumes would eventually become a major problem.

The XB nice guy, we love old games, we want cross play and sharing, we believe Sony's way is the wrong way, BS was clear to some before but should be crystal clear now. Sony's way is mostly right, just Sony doesn't have near enough money, where as MS does.

Time for Sony to stop playing nice back.

I mean, Microsoft won't end up buying every publisher on the market, they just ignited the arms race for the industry to consolidate. 

As for what Valve brings to PlayStation, its similar to Bungie, in that Sony will get another, arguably more prestigious, FPS/multiplayer developer that can fill the void if/when Microsoft pulls Activision Blizzard from the platform: Half Life, Counterstrike, Team Fortress 3, DOTA, Left 4 Dead, and upcoming projects like Neon Prime. The best part of this hypothetical is Sony would passively recoup their investment via Steam. 

It's a safe play, but it would instantly make Sony Corp more profitable, while simultaneously giving Sony Interactive a massive boost.