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Wman1996 said:

I think I'm about halfway through Final Fantasy X HD (never played X), and these bosses are making me salty. I think I have one or two more attempts in me before I shelve it or potentially abandon it for good since I hear the final boss is a doozy.

It's been many years sine I played FFX, but I don't recall the bosses being exceptionally difficult. Maybe there was some fine-tuning for the HD ports. 

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I think the game can be a little challenging if you run through it. I usually grind a bit early on, and it's usually fairly easy. 

Wman1996 said:

I think I'm about halfway through Final Fantasy X HD (never played X), and these bosses are making me salty. I think I have one or two more attempts in me before I shelve it or potentially abandon it for good since I hear the final boss is a doozy.

The late game bosses are pretty tough especially if it's your first time playing through. I remember i had a hard time with them as well.

It's good to do some grinding here and there to keep up with the enemies. Having a good strategy can help a lot too. Don't be afraid to use a guide if you feel the need.

the-pi-guy said:

I think the game can be a little challenging if you run through it. I usually grind a bit early on, and it's usually fairly easy. 

I made it to Macalania Temple (Where Shiva fights Anima) without touching the sphere grid. I was going for a "No Sphere Grid Challenge", but I couldn't do it at that point. 

I did find it difficult but the thing that changed with FFX from prior games was that...Status effects actually WORKED. You really gotta blind and silence and sleep your enemies in that game to counter their zombies and such. Once I figured out that the status effects didn't have like 5% success rates in the game it vastly changed how I played and made it so much better. I even did the 100% platinum run on the PS4 version (Including all the mega hard bosses and filling the ENTIRE sphere grid, even filling in the empty ones, on all characters.)

It would be a shame to have him quit though. The late/endgame bosses and hunts were legitimately my favourite part of that game. 

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Runa216 said:

I made it to Macalania Temple (Where Shiva fights Anima) without touching the sphere grid. I was going for a "No Sphere Grid Challenge", but I couldn't do it at that point. 

I did find it difficult but the thing that changed with FFX from prior games was that...Status effects actually WORKED. You really gotta blind and silence and sleep your enemies in that game to counter their zombies and such. Once I figured out that the status effects didn't have like 5% success rates in the game it vastly changed how I played and made it so much better. I even did the 100% platinum run on the PS4 version (Including all the mega hard bosses and filling the ENTIRE sphere grid, even filling in the empty ones, on all characters.)

It would be a shame to have him quit though. The late/endgame bosses and hunts were legitimately my favourite part of that game. 

With Zombies you can use phoenix down and generally take them out pretty quickly.

With the Zombie Evrae boss, you can use two phoenix downs and wipe him out immediately like that.

I wouldn't say I'm very good at games, but the first half of FFX, is generally pretty straightforward. 

The second half of the game tends to require more strategy or grinding.


Especially with I think two of the Seymour fights in particular. 

Kimahri's Ronso fight can also be a bit challenging if you haven't done anything with him.

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the-pi-guy said:
Runa216 said:

I made it to Macalania Temple (Where Shiva fights Anima) without touching the sphere grid. I was going for a "No Sphere Grid Challenge", but I couldn't do it at that point. 

I did find it difficult but the thing that changed with FFX from prior games was that...Status effects actually WORKED. You really gotta blind and silence and sleep your enemies in that game to counter their zombies and such. Once I figured out that the status effects didn't have like 5% success rates in the game it vastly changed how I played and made it so much better. I even did the 100% platinum run on the PS4 version (Including all the mega hard bosses and filling the ENTIRE sphere grid, even filling in the empty ones, on all characters.)

It would be a shame to have him quit though. The late/endgame bosses and hunts were legitimately my favourite part of that game. 

With Zombies you can use phoenix down and generally take them out pretty quickly.

With the Zombie Evrae boss, you can use two phoenix downs and wipe him out immediately like that.

I wouldn't say I'm very good at games, but the first half of FFX, is generally pretty straightforward. 

The second half of the game tends to require more strategy or grinding.


Especially with I think two of the Seymour fights in particular. 

Kimahri's Ronso fight can also be a bit challenging if you haven't done anything with him.

Seymour is the issue right now. I guess I'm not using haste and null fast enough. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Back in 2011 after the attack to PSN and Sony giving two games as compensation I chose Dead Nation and Infamous. One of my best gaming decisions ever, I fell in love completely with Sucker Punch (I never played Sly before the ps3) and Housemarque.

So when whatever happened last weekend started I wasn't angry, I saw it as an opportunity LOOOL.

I am going to try my best to will in existence a 1-2-3 of Ape Escape love.
1. Snake Eater w/ Snake vs. Monkey (leaked by trailer)
2. Ape Escape 2 PS2 Classics
3. New Ape Escape from Team Asobi

If this doesn't happen, I think we can all agree that the thought of it was good enough to get us all excited for the upcoming SoP (that may or may not be announced)

Read this morning on reddit that the God of War Greek saga will be remastered and announced at a SoP, and oh look, nice timing! BELIEVE!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:

Read this morning on reddit that the God of War Greek saga will be remastered and announced at a SoP, and oh look, nice timing! BELIEVE!

Omega Boost remake! Maybe a Metal Gear Rising 2 to counter MS Ninja Gaiden 4. C'mon! PLEASE!

Yeah may as well put on my mask as none of that is happening.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!