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I've played Ys Origins on Steam back in 2013 lol

I have it on PS4, Xbox and Switch - should play the PS4 version.

Anyways, been playing GTA 5 - 38 hours in, last few missions, nearing the end.

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Finally finished Valhalla DLC.

I'll start this by saying that my overall impressions of the DLC are better than they were a few days ago. I think once the story aspect is completed, the general flow of things works a lot better. As much as I appreciate the randomness involved, I can't help but feel that too many of my runs were resulting in me getting skills options that just weren't beneficial to how I'd approach combat. Now I understand the point is to have the player be more flexible, but that doesn't mean it's more enjoyable: especially if it's acting as roadblock.

Nevertheless, my solution was ultimately to buff the spear. Extra dmg, extra stun, constant elemental cycling, and you have a recipe for victory. Add in realm shifting and boss battles can end up feeling trivial.

Ultimately, I liked everything about the game (except the general gameplay loop, but post-story it feels like I'm playing an old skool beat-em up (in terms of surviving to the end). I really appreciated the story, and how it tied Kratos' past present and future together. The fact this is free is incredible.

I have high hopes for the future of the IP, and look forward to seeing where it goes.

On a side note, I'm going to look to get the TLoU2 DLC, but I know for a fact that I won't engage with Returnal. 

twintail said:

Finally finished Valhalla DLC.

I'll start this by saying that my overall impressions of the DLC are better than they were a few days ago. I think once the story aspect is completed, the general flow of things works a lot better. As much as I appreciate the randomness involved, I can't help but feel that too many of my runs were resulting in me getting skills options that just weren't beneficial to how I'd approach combat. Now I understand the point is to have the player be more flexible, but that doesn't mean it's more enjoyable: especially if it's acting as roadblock.

Nevertheless, my solution was ultimately to buff the spear. Extra dmg, extra stun, constant elemental cycling, and you have a recipe for victory. Add in realm shifting and boss battles can end up feeling trivial.

Ultimately, I liked everything about the game (except the general gameplay loop, but post-story it feels like I'm playing an old skool beat-em up (in terms of surviving to the end). I really appreciated the story, and how it tied Kratos' past present and future together. The fact this is free is incredible.

I have high hopes for the future of the IP, and look forward to seeing where it goes.

On a side note, I'm going to look to get the TLoU2 DLC, but I know for a fact that I won't engage with Returnal. 

I liked how the game made me play differenly every time, specially because I was doing all kinds of challenges as possible with what I was being presented to choose every run. I think the DLC made me a way better player than I was before, as you said, had to be flexible, and at least for me it was really fun.

But what TLoU2 DLC are you talking about?

Edit: I found Returnal quite fun too, btw, even as I did not finish it, I finished what I think was one full run and didn't knew how many times I should do it, even as it was clear the story would develop on that I just stopped there, unlike with Valhalla.

BraLoD said:

But what TLoU2 DLC are you talking about?

It's not a DLC, but the PS5 version includes a bunch of new features like a Roguelike mode. Supposed to be similar but not as good as Valhalla.  

twintail said:

Finally finished Valhalla DLC.

I'll start this by saying that my overall impressions of the DLC are better than they were a few days ago. I think once the story aspect is completed, the general flow of things works a lot better. As much as I appreciate the randomness involved, I can't help but feel that too many of my runs were resulting in me getting skills options that just weren't beneficial to how I'd approach combat. Now I understand the point is to have the player be more flexible, but that doesn't mean it's more enjoyable: especially if it's acting as roadblock.

Nevertheless, my solution was ultimately to buff the spear. Extra dmg, extra stun, constant elemental cycling, and you have a recipe for victory. Add in realm shifting and boss battles can end up feeling trivial.

Ultimately, I liked everything about the game (except the general gameplay loop, but post-story it feels like I'm playing an old skool beat-em up (in terms of surviving to the end). I really appreciated the story, and how it tied Kratos' past present and future together. The fact this is free is incredible.

I have high hopes for the future of the IP, and look forward to seeing where it goes.

On a side note, I'm going to look to get the TLoU2 DLC, but I know for a fact that I won't engage with Returnal. 

I really need to go back and play it. I'm just not a huge fan of roguelitelike whatever they call it. Returnal was the only one that did it for me and that's just because the gameplay is so damn fun. Even then when I would die on Returnal sometimes I would just want to stop playing the game in general. I would have enjoyed Returnal a lot more as just a normal point a to point b game personally. 

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Finished my first game in 2025.

Grand Theft Auto V on PS5 for 50 hours - in 2025. A lot of fives. I probably will do something funny and just play a lot of "5" games , ironically I have some planned ahead that I didnt think about having a "5" in the title such as Devil May Cry 5 and Persona 5 which I plan to play this year. Also playing Shin Megami Tensei V on Switch right now and will finish it this year too lol. Might as well toss Metal Gear Solid 5 as well.

Game: Grand Theft Auto V
Genre: Action (Sandbox)
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Rockstar Games
System: Playstation 5 (PS5)
Year of Release: 2022
Length of Playthrough: 50 Hours

Score: 97 out of 100

+Remastered graphics and frame rate, played with Performance RT at 1440p at 60 FPS, faster loading times

-Some bugs in the game that crashes game in torture mission (supposedly happens in PS5 version only) and another mission (Monkey business) where the marker disappears unless you walk away a bit from the area

Score wise comparison to the rest of the series I played...

Grand Theft Auto III (PC): 73
Grand Theft Auto IV (PC): 86
Grand Theft Auto V (PS5): 97
Grand Theft Auto Vice City (PS2): N/A
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (PS2): N/A

Last edited by BasilZero - on 04 January 2025

BasilZero said:

Finished my first game in 2025.

Grand Theft Auto V on PS5 for 50 hours - in 2025. A lot of fives. I probably will do something funny and just play a lot of "5" games , ironically I have some planned ahead that I didnt think about having a "5" in the title such as Devil May Cry 5 and Persona 5 which I plan to play this year. Also playing Shin Megami Tensei V on Switch right now and will finish it this year too lol. Might as well toss Metal Gear Solid 5 as well.

Game: Grand Theft Auto V
Genre: Action (Sandbox)
Developer: Rockstar North
Publisher: Rockstar Games
System: Playstation 5 (PS5)
Year of Release: 2022
Length of Playthrough: 50 Hours

Score: 97 out of 100

+Remastered graphics and frame rate, played with Performance RT at 1440p at 60 FPS, faster loading times

-Some bugs in the game that crashes game in torture mission (supposedly happens in PS5 version only) and another mission (Monkey business) where the marker disappears unless you walk away a bit from the area

Score wise comparison to the rest of the series I played...

Grand Theft Auto III (PC): 73
Grand Theft Auto IV (PC): 86
Grand Theft Auto V (PS5): 97
Grand Theft Auto Vice City (PS2): N/A
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (PS2): N/A

Nice. I tried to get into GTA 5 multiple times but I just couldn't do it. The story is horrible. I loved GTA 4 so 5 was a huge let down for me.

method114 said:

Nice. I tried to get into GTA 5 multiple times but I just couldn't do it. The story is horrible. I loved GTA 4 so 5 was a huge let down for me.

Really? I loved the story in GTA 5.

GTA4's story was good as well but I just didnt like the visual design (an issue with games released during that era) and the gameplay, I was not a fan of.

Its been a decade since I played GTA4 - I might play it again since I have it on Xbox as well.

Kinda wish they would remaster it but going by what happened with the GTA Trilogy....I dont think they have any interest in it :(

BasilZero said:
method114 said:

Nice. I tried to get into GTA 5 multiple times but I just couldn't do it. The story is horrible. I loved GTA 4 so 5 was a huge let down for me.

Really? I loved the story in GTA 5.

GTA4's story was good as well but I just didnt like the visual design (an issue with games released during that era) and the gameplay, I was not a fan of.

Its been a decade since I played GTA4 - I might play it again since I have it on Xbox as well.

Kinda wish they would remaster it but going by what happened with the GTA Trilogy....I dont think they have any interest in it :(

Yea at least we are getting Max Payne remastered but they did have to give that to Remedy to do. Maybe they can give GTA 4 to another studio to do a proper remaster. I never did get a chance to play the DLC but yea I don't think rockstar cares they got to many other things on their plate right now.

method114 said:

Yea at least we are getting Max Payne remastered but they did have to give that to Remedy to do. Maybe they can give GTA 4 to another studio to do a proper remaster. I never did get a chance to play the DLC but yea I don't think rockstar cares they got to many other things on their plate right now.

I actually enjoyed the DLC for GTA4, sad what they did to one of the main characters in the DLC in GTA5 though....