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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation Nation |OT| Playing Astro Bot on the Horizon Until Dawn

-Adonis- said:

Move your ass Sony, faster and do this :

Am I misremembering, or did SMS help out with PSABR? I feel like they could do a sequel justice. 

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-Adonis- said:

Move your ass Sony, faster and do this :

This image suffers from one of the main problems with the first game. No cohesive art style. Too many clashing looks. This is something Smash perfected is no matter the character or game series. Smash creates a cohesive art style. You have to do the same for any fighting game. I know it's fan-made but still, it just shows why this would not work.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Of course, I'm not talking about the fan made cover. I'm talking about the game ^^
Yes SMS was there and Superbot did the first game.

When this theme was on :

Last edited by -Adonis- - on 11 April 2024

-Adonis- said:

Move your ass Sony, faster and do this :

I actually did really like PS All-Stars but...why would they? It reviewed poorly, sold poorly, and just had a funk of trying too hard to emulate Nintendo. I do think if they put in the time and effort they could really make it work but...I dunno, I just don't see it happening. 

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PotentHerbs said:

Am I misremembering, or did SMS help out with PSABR? I feel like they could do a sequel justice. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again: use the GOWA MP mode as a base for a new PSBR.

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I do wish games would tone it down with how long they are. I was just replaying Mass Effect. I got everything done minus the side missions involving finding some small emblems. Took about 25 hours. I think that's the perfect amount of time.

IMO if you have more story to tell just find a good ending spot and save it for a sequel. Get the game out quicker and we don't have to spend 2 months trying to finish it.

For whatever reason the Ratchet and Clank (2016) only DLC (which I guess was either not available or had cost something) is now free per Wario64 notification on Twitter/X.

Grabbed it and....perfect timing cause as soon as I am done with what I am playing currently, that will be my next game I was planning to play lol.

I think it's safe to say Sea of Thieves is going to be pretty big on PS5 lol

G2ThaUNiT said:

I think it's safe to say Sea of Thieves is going to be pretty big on PS5 lol

Good hopefully it will force MS to release more of their games on PS.

method114 said:

I do wish games would tone it down with how long they are. I was just replaying Mass Effect. I got everything done minus the side missions involving finding some small emblems. Took about 25 hours. I think that's the perfect amount of time.

IMO if you have more story to tell just find a good ending spot and save it for a sequel. Get the game out quicker and we don't have to spend 2 months trying to finish it.

Honestly, when I see that a Platinum trophy is going to take 150 hours +- to achieve (which means it'll take longer for me) I straight up nope out of the game.

I could play with out regard for the trophies but I like the sense of finality they give me once I achieve them, so I like to pursue them.