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APerfectCircle said:

Just ff7 rebirth, visions of mana and Star Wars outlaws anything else can wait for a sale I still play apex as my shooter as of now I tell ya one think they ruin gta 6 with woke ideology I’ll be upset

I cannot take a single person seriously when they unironically bitch about 'woke ideology'. 

Do these people really not understand that being anti-woke literally means 'I want to remain ignorant of cultural shifts and remain insensitive to the plight of minorities or other oppressed groups'? IE: I lack compassion and empathy and liked it better when I didn't have to think about how some people got a shit end of the deal and would rather just exist in my bubble where nobody matters but me and anyone trying to change/improve that is the problem.

Also, GTAVI has a female protag, which is 'woke' according to these morons. Fragile, fragile egos. 

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Korean about to dominate the world of gaming.


ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Korean about to dominate the world of gaming.

The Korean gaming industry already had made games for years. They just dont get much attention or are mainly MMOs.

Ragnarok Online is one.

Hopefully more single player games get made or get big like this.

I really like Gungrave Gore. Korean devs as well. China is also rising up. Asia in general dominating gaming again.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Took a lot longer than I was hoping it would lol but I finally got my platinum for Ghost of Tsushima along with getting 100% on the Iki Island expansion.

Fantastic game! Other than the dreadfully insane number of things to do and collect in the open world, it's probably my favorite game PS Studios has ever put out. The music, ambience, characters, combat, and visuals were incredible. But even the tedious open world activities were ingeniously interwoven with Japanese culture, or Mongol culture for the artifacts. I loved the sheer number of cosmetics you're able to collect and mix and match. Some really sick skins in this game. Probably loved the Sly Cooper setup the most.

Really my only major nitpick was the main villain. The Khan was in the game for what seemed to be just a few minutes lol. He certainly felt like he had a foreboding presence in the cutscenes he was in, and always had a cool, calm, "I'm the boss" demeanor about him, and he could've been a top tier villain if he had been more fleshed out.

Amazing game! I wish I had the time to delve into the Legends multiplayer mode, but my backlog would get to great at that point lol. 9/10! Can't wait for Ghost of Tsushima 2 if it is indeed what Sucker Punch are working on next.

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coolbeans said:
Leynos said:

I took a 2 year break but I finished the final few stages of Prodeus. Def prefer this game over the massive disappointment of Doom Eternal. Eternal does have better art and UI than 2016 but that's it. Prodeus is a better successor to Doom 2016 for me.

Them's fightin' words to a Mr. @MTZehvor !!! :P

Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

Even if that opinion is wrong =p

MTZehvor said:
coolbeans said:

Them's fightin' words to a Mr. @MTZehvor !!! :P

Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

Even if that opinion is wrong =p

Yes. You are.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Can anyone shed some light on why I might be sucking so badly at God of War Ragnarok? I don't feel like I'm doing poorly, as in I'm dodging and parrying quite well, but no matter what I do I can't dish out like ANY damage.

I have a shield and armor set up for 'high risk high reward' parries and focus on dodging and parries and stuff, so I know I'm prone to being attacked. I get that. I play Glass Cannon builds in a lot of my games so dying if I mess up is part of the game....but for some reason in addition to that high risk I'm not getting ANY reward. Fights are still lasting an exhausting length of time, meaning I have to go for what feels like an age without getting hit. And that's the thing....I'm still at what I think is a reasonable level. I've levelled my gear, my weapons, my armour, etc...I'm at a decent in-game level. I've been using all my weapons and unlocking all my skills. I've been levelling my Rune attacks.

By all means I shouldn't be having this much difficulty.

I'm on 'Give me Balance' mode, so I'm not on a higher difficulty.

And I just got to Muspelheim and tried some of the trials and I can't even come close to some of them. Even when I cranked the difficulty down to 'Give me a Story' I BARELY won and I don't feel right cheating the game like that. Even with all my advantages I can't dish out enough damage to achieve some of these bullshit requirements. I confess hate combat trials and time trials in all games (Hated them in FFXVI as well...and honestly literally every game I've ever played that has them regardless of how much I like the game otherwise) so my opinion might be biased. but like....For some reason I REALLY suck at this game.

It seems like every enemy encounter, every mini boss, every berserker...I'm just not able to do a damn thing to them.

Like, my first berserker I was like 'okay, this is supposed to be endgame, right?" so I fought it, got my ass handed to me. Okay, I need to learn the ropes. No problem. And I managed to do it eventually. Then the second berserker I beat first try and I wasn't challenged at all. then my third one was a goddamn endurance fight that killed me in 2-3 hits every time, took me like three hours of just going again and again and again.....And when I finally DID beat it, it didn't feel satisfying. Just like I managed to avoid bullshit for once.

I don't get it. We all know God of War Ragnarok is amazing. I love like 95% of the game. But in spite of all that I just don't understand why I'm doing so poorly at it. Is there a chance I'm missing something? I'm not bad at video games. I play shit like the Souls games and don't find them too hard. a challenge, sure, but not BS like this and I rarely feel like it's the game's fault I died. In Ragnarok it really does feel like the game is cheating me.

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Runa216 said:

Can anyone shed some light on why I might be sucking so badly at God of War Ragnarok? I don't feel like I'm doing poorly, as in I'm dodging and parrying quite well, but no matter what I do I can't dish out like ANY damage.

I have a shield and armor set up for 'high risk high reward' parries and focus on dodging and parries and stuff, so I know I'm prone to being attacked. I get that. I play Glass Cannon builds in a lot of my games so dying if I mess up is part of the game....but for some reason in addition to that high risk I'm not getting ANY reward. Fights are still lasting an exhausting length of time, meaning I have to go for what feels like an age without getting hit. And that's the thing....I'm still at what I think is a reasonable level. I've levelled my gear, my weapons, my armour, etc...I'm at a decent in-game level. I've been using all my weapons and unlocking all my skills. I've been levelling my Rune attacks.

By all means I shouldn't be having this much difficulty.

I'm on 'Give me Balance' mode, so I'm not on a higher difficulty.

And I just got to Muspelheim and tried some of the trials and I can't even come close to some of them. Even when I cranked the difficulty down to 'Give me a Story' I BARELY won and I don't feel right cheating the game like that. Even with all my advantages I can't dish out enough damage to achieve some of these bullshit requirements. I confess hate combat trials and time trials in all games (Hated them in FFXVI as well...and honestly literally every game I've ever played that has them regardless of how much I like the game otherwise) so my opinion might be biased. but like....For some reason I REALLY suck at this game.

It seems like every enemy encounter, every mini boss, every berserker...I'm just not able to do a damn thing to them.

Like, my first berserker I was like 'okay, this is supposed to be endgame, right?" so I fought it, got my ass handed to me. Okay, I need to learn the ropes. No problem. And I managed to do it eventually. Then the second berserker I beat first try and I wasn't challenged at all. then my third one was a goddamn endurance fight that killed me in 2-3 hits every time, took me like three hours of just going again and again and again.....And when I finally DID beat it, it didn't feel satisfying. Just like I managed to avoid bullshit for once.

I don't get it. We all know God of War Ragnarok is amazing. I love like 95% of the game. But in spite of all that I just don't understand why I'm doing so poorly at it. Is there a chance I'm missing something? I'm not bad at video games. I play shit like the Souls games and don't find them too hard. a challenge, sure, but not BS like this and I rarely feel like it's the game's fault I died. In Ragnarok it really does feel like the game is cheating me.

I'm not sure, aside from a few things I don't remember having much trouble.

You just got to Muspelheim for the first time? That's like halfway through the game. 

The berserkers range from easy to end game, make sure you maxed out all your stats stuff. 

You have attachments for your weapons and all that stuff?

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 02 April 2024

Radirgy 2 and 1 down on PS1. Dragon's Dogma II is unplayable on PS5 for me. The frame pacing is so bad I was getting dizzy. Worse than Bloodborne. Not to mention the frames constantly dropping in towns. So sticking with the Sci Fi mood. Cyberpunk games. Stellar Blade can't get here soon enough.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!