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Took a lot longer than I was hoping it would lol but I finally got my platinum for Ghost of Tsushima along with getting 100% on the Iki Island expansion.

Fantastic game! Other than the dreadfully insane number of things to do and collect in the open world, it's probably my favorite game PS Studios has ever put out. The music, ambience, characters, combat, and visuals were incredible. But even the tedious open world activities were ingeniously interwoven with Japanese culture, or Mongol culture for the artifacts. I loved the sheer number of cosmetics you're able to collect and mix and match. Some really sick skins in this game. Probably loved the Sly Cooper setup the most.

Really my only major nitpick was the main villain. The Khan was in the game for what seemed to be just a few minutes lol. He certainly felt like he had a foreboding presence in the cutscenes he was in, and always had a cool, calm, "I'm the boss" demeanor about him, and he could've been a top tier villain if he had been more fleshed out.

Amazing game! I wish I had the time to delve into the Legends multiplayer mode, but my backlog would get to great at that point lol. 9/10! Can't wait for Ghost of Tsushima 2 if it is indeed what Sucker Punch are working on next.