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zeldaring said:

I said put is a saint compared to Netanyahu they are both evil but so everyone in power for the most part. To be fair I don't follow the ukraine war much. I did some research of why it started and a few people say it was cause of the US  wanted nuclear weapons in Ukraine so they could get a regime change in russia

Thanks for confirming you blindly follow what the kremlin justifies for this conflict. You support the genocide of a people and the rape murder and kidnapping of Ukrainian children. You are ignorant.

Last edited by Libara - on 24 December 2023

Around the Network I only watched this video it was with Norman finkelstein and I trust him since he's on point with the Gaza and Israel war and only uses facts backed by credible sources

Libara said:
zeldaring said:

I said put is a saint compared to Netanyahu they are both evil but so everyone in power for the most part. To be fair I don't follow the ukraine war much. I did some research of why it started and a few people say it was cause of the US  wanted nuclear weapons in Ukraine so they could get a regime change in russia

Thanks for confirming you blindly follow what the kremlin justifies for this conflict. You support the genocide of a people and the rape murder and kidnapping of Ukrainian children. You are scum.

No need to attack @zeldaring. You fight disinformation with facts, not personal attacks.

Unfortunately propaganda and disinformation thrive on the internet and most people prefer to watch some you tube video over actually looking up the history of conflicts. What can you expect when you have presidents like Biden to keep beating the drum that it all started on October 7th and it's all about the hostages. Trump being buddies with Putin gave Putin's words more weight allowing more propaganda to get through unchecked.

I say always find multiple sources to confirm something, yet even that often falls short as many networks simply copy things without fact checking themselves. Like the stories of 40 beheaded babies which Biden claimed to have seen proof of himself... Hence history is so important not to fall into the same traps over and over. Motives, background, prior lies and conflicts, all hold more weight than the crap uttered out of these mouth pieces during war time.

And someone might be knowledgeable about one subject on you tube, yet talking out of their ass on another.

Now if you want to see some actual ignorant blind followers, just look at some of the you tube comments on Ukraine/Gaza videos. That stuff is just plain scary. (And also mixed with propaganda shills egging the ignorant on)

zeldaring said: I only watched this video it was with Norman finkelstein and I trust him since he's on point with the Gaza and Israel war and only uses facts backed by credible sources

"Russia had the right to invade Ukraine"

Yeah, I'm not even touching that, the dude is clearly a piece of shit and I'm not sure why anyone would seriously link that to help themselves in a debate, Lol. Russia has the right to invade and try to genocide an entire country? Look, just because someone is knowledgeable in one subject matter, doesn't make them knowledgeable in all and each foreign policy matter is its own complex matter. People can also be hypocrites as well, like those who hate American imperialism but look the other way at Russia's and jump through a thousand different reasons to justify it.

We've essentially had Russia straight up telling us "Yeah, we know we're bastards, we want to kill all the Ukrainians, they don't deserve to exist" and yet still people somehow make excuses for Russia, like JFC Russia doesn't even need to try anymore with their propaganda do they? Putin could straight up be like "I'll murder your family and rape your women" and people in the West will still jump in to make excuses for them, try to justify their actions, try to somehow blame the West.

You don't need to use some other dude to use common sense either, I've already explained how the NATO fear makes no sense, I've already explained how the nuke fear makes no sense, this isn't complicated either, it's basic common sense as to why these fears are clearly nonsense but lets pretend that Russia was genuinely afraid (Lol), that still does not give them the excuse to do what they did, I'm going to give quite the horrific thought experiment to you and maybe that will make you think otherwise, maybe not.

If your neighbour was paranoid (without good reason) that you were going to break into his home and so in his paranoia decided to strike first, he then breaks into your home, kills and rapes your family members and takes your home, then who is in the wrong here? Being paranoid about something doesn't justify going on a genocidal rampage but this is not about paranoia, it's about Russia wanting land/resources and Putin wanting to restore glory to Russia by the only way they know how, conquest.

Does Poland have the right to invade and slaughter Kaliningrad if they're afraid of Russia's possible nukes there?

Ukraine never showed any intention to invade Russia, to do harm to Russia, their military was nowhere near capable of that, quite the opposite in fact, it was Russia who stole Crimea from Ukraine by force and the West stood by and let it happen, it was Russia who incited insurrection in the Donbas, it is Russia who has stolen land from Moldova and Georgia and the West stood by and let it happen, it was Russia who stole and slaughtered Chechnya and the West stood by and let it happen.

Every single country in NATO joined by choice, nobody was forced into it, these are all sovereign countries and it's the peak of Western arrogance to think that certain countries, such as Ukraine, or those already in NATO such as Poland, can't think for themselves and are being controlled by big scary America. Many of these countries are in NATO precisely because they're afraid of Russia and for good reason, because Russia has not evolved past its Soviet-era mindset, it still believes it is "owed" all these countries, all its leaders know are imperialism.

Germany changed post-WW2, Japan changed post-WW2. Russia didn't. They dropped the name Soviet Union but it's the same old Russia.

Ryuu96 said:
zeldaring said: I only watched this video it was with Norman finkelstein and I trust him since he's on point with the Gaza and Israel war and only uses facts backed by credible sources

"Russia had the right to invade Ukraine"

Yeah, I'm not even touching that, the dude is clearly a piece of shit and I'm not sure why anyone would seriously link that to help themselves in a debate, Lol. Russia has the right to invade and try to genocide an entire country? Look, just because someone is knowledgeable in one subject matter, doesn't make them knowledgeable in all and each foreign policy matter is its own complex matter. People can also be hypocrites as well, like those who hate American imperialism but look the other way at Russia's and jump through a thousand different reasons to justify it.

We've essentially had Russia straight up telling us "Yeah, we know we're bastards, we want to kill all the Ukrainians, they don't deserve to exist" and yet still people somehow make excuses for Russia, like JFC Russia doesn't even need to try anymore with their propaganda do they? Putin could straight up be like "I'll murder your family and rape your women" and people in the West will still jump in to make excuses for them, try to justify their actions, try to somehow blame the West.

You don't need to use some other dude to use common sense either, I've already explained how the NATO fear makes no sense, I've already explained how the nuke fear makes no sense, this isn't complicated either, it's basic common sense as to why these fears are clearly nonsense but lets pretend that Russia was genuinely afraid (Lol), that still does not give them the excuse to do what they did, I'm going to give quite the horrific thought experiment to you and maybe that will make you think otherwise, maybe not.

If your neighbour was paranoid (without good reason) that you were going to break into his home and so in his paranoia decided to strike first, he then breaks into your home, kills and rapes your family members and takes your home, then who is in the wrong here? Being paranoid about something doesn't justify going on a genocidal rampage but this is not about paranoia, it's about Russia wanting land/resources and Putin wanting to restore glory to Russia by the only way they know how, conquest.

Does Poland have the right to invade and slaughter Kaliningrad if they're afraid of Russia's possible nukes there?

Ukraine never showed any intention to invade Russia, to do harm to Russia, their military was nowhere near capable of that, quite the opposite in fact, it was Russia who stole Crimea from Ukraine by force and the West stood by and let it happen, it was Russia who incited insurrection in the Donbas, it is Russia who has stolen land from Moldova and Georgia and the West stood by and let it happen, it was Russia who stole and slaughtered Chechnya and the West stood by and let it happen.

Every single country in NATO joined by choice, nobody was forced into it, these are all sovereign countries and it's the peak of Western arrogance to think that certain countries, such as Ukraine, or those already in NATO such as Poland, can't think for themselves and are being controlled by big scary America. Many of these countries are in NATO precisely because they're afraid of Russia and for good reason, because Russia has not evolved past its Soviet-era mindset, it still believes it is "owed" all these countries, all its leaders know are imperialism.

Germany changed post-WW2, Japan changed post-WW2. Russia didn't. They dropped the name Soviet Union but it's the same old Russia.

You  make some good points and like I said I'm not really invested in the Ukraine war as palestine as I'm half Palestinian, and the US has killed millions in the middle east to support a apartheid country that main goal is ethnically cleanse Palestinians so I don't trust western media.

Around the Network
zeldaring said:

You  make some good points and like I said I'm not really invested in the Ukraine war as palestine as I'm half Palestinian, and the US has killed millions in the middle east to support a apartheid country that main goal is ethnically cleanse Palestinians so I don't trust western media.

That's a healthy attitude as long as you apply that to all media. And no doubt Russia has a more positive appearance in Middle Eastern media atm as it's still a semi super power demanding a ceasefire and supporting Palestine. But make no mistake, Putin doesn't do this out of empathy for Palestinians. Prior to the current war Russia had a deal with Israel not to sell weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, for Russia not to sell weapons to Iran.

In 2019, Netanyahu even launched his election campaign with large posters of himself shaking hands with the Russian president. Netanyahu sought to portray himself as a leader of the same standing as Putin—perceived in Israel as the head of a great power—and to convey the message that his close ties with Putin would help ensure Israel’s security following Russia’s 2015 military intervention in Syria. The Israeli leader had long boasted that his alleged “personal friendship” with Putin was key to ensuring limited Russian support for Iran and getting Moscow to turn a blind eye to Israeli strikes against Iranian targets in Syria. 

Unlike other Western states, Israel did not fundamentally change its approach to Russia following the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. Israel did not impose any financial sanctions on Russia, declined to send weapons to Kyiv despite repeated requests from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and failed to name Russia when addressing attacks against Ukraine. Israel was unwilling to sever ties with Russia, and even started to adopt a cooperative approach in the second half of 2023 by signing new bilateral agreements in nonsensitive sectors, such as the cultural field.

Currently Russia sees an opportunity to gain more influence in the Middle East by isolating the USA in the UN and world opinion by appearing to be against genocide, while actively engaged in their own genocide.

The US has made many mistakes in the Middle East, mostly while cleaning up the mess the UK and other imperialist countries left behind. The UK 'gave' Palestine to the Jews to get their support. In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

The British government hoped that the declaration would rally Jewish opinion, especially in the United States, to the side of the Allied powers against the Central Powers during World War I (1914–18). They hoped also that the settlement in Palestine of a pro-British Jewish population might help to protect the approaches to the Suez Canal in neighbouring Egypt and thus ensure a vital communication route to British colonial possessions in India.

Britain gained Palestine from the French in the Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916

The Sykes-Picot Agreement launched a nine-year process—and other deals, declarations, and treaties—that created the modern Middle East states out of the Ottoman carcass. The new borders ultimately bore little resemblance to the original Sykes-Picot map, but their map is still viewed as the root cause of much that has happened ever since.

secret convention made during World War I between Great Britain and France, with the assent of imperial Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. The agreement led to the division of Turkish-held Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine into various French- and British-administered areas.

And In 1947, Britain handed the 'Palestine problem' to the United Nations, which voted for partition into Arab and Jewish states.

The year after Israel was created

Which led to the Nakba in 1948

And thus we have two traumatized populations fighting over the same land. Which turned into an asynchronous endless conflict as indeed the US uses Israel as a way to exert their control over the Middle East.

History teaches many lessons yet also keeps conflicts going. As long as each side refuses to see things from the other side, it will never end. As long as people keep thinking in terms of us and them, conflicts will keep happening.
Those seeking power know all too well how to exploit people and blind them with hatred for the others.

The only solution is learning to live together and let go of the past, without forgetting the past. Bring the leaders to justice, but don't hate the people. It's an unfortunate evolutionary trait that anger trumps empathy, a trait that is abused by politics to get people's support.

Mobilize out of empathy, not out of anger. Anger only clouds judgement, causes tunnel vision and leads to what we're seeing unfolding right now. Netanyahu is using anger to get his way, Trump did the same, Putin no different. The shift to the right in Europe, also fueled by directing anger towards immigrants. And yes, it's very hard not to get angry with everything going on :(

SvennoJ said:
zeldaring said:

You  make some good points and like I said I'm not really invested in the Ukraine war as palestine as I'm half Palestinian, and the US has killed millions in the middle east to support a apartheid country that main goal is ethnically cleanse Palestinians so I don't trust western media.

That's a healthy attitude as long as you apply that to all media. And no doubt Russia has a more positive appearance in Middle Eastern media atm as it's still a semi super power demanding a ceasefire and supporting Palestine. But make no mistake, Putin doesn't do this out of empathy for Palestinians. Prior to the current war Russia had a deal with Israel not to sell weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, for Russia not to sell weapons to Iran.

In 2019, Netanyahu even launched his election campaign with large posters of himself shaking hands with the Russian president. Netanyahu sought to portray himself as a leader of the same standing as Putin—perceived in Israel as the head of a great power—and to convey the message that his close ties with Putin would help ensure Israel’s security following Russia’s 2015 military intervention in Syria. The Israeli leader had long boasted that his alleged “personal friendship” with Putin was key to ensuring limited Russian support for Iran and getting Moscow to turn a blind eye to Israeli strikes against Iranian targets in Syria. 

Unlike other Western states, Israel did not fundamentally change its approach to Russia following the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. Israel did not impose any financial sanctions on Russia, declined to send weapons to Kyiv despite repeated requests from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and failed to name Russia when addressing attacks against Ukraine. Israel was unwilling to sever ties with Russia, and even started to adopt a cooperative approach in the second half of 2023 by signing new bilateral agreements in nonsensitive sectors, such as the cultural field.

Currently Russia sees an opportunity to gain more influence in the Middle East by isolating the USA in the UN and world opinion by appearing to be against genocide, while actively engaged in their own genocide.

The US has made many mistakes in the Middle East, mostly while cleaning up the mess the UK and other imperialist countries left behind. The UK 'gave' Palestine to the Jews to get their support. In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

The British government hoped that the declaration would rally Jewish opinion, especially in the United States, to the side of the Allied powers against the Central Powers during World War I (1914–18). They hoped also that the settlement in Palestine of a pro-British Jewish population might help to protect the approaches to the Suez Canal in neighbouring Egypt and thus ensure a vital communication route to British colonial possessions in India.

Britain gained Palestine from the French in the Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916

The Sykes-Picot Agreement launched a nine-year process—and other deals, declarations, and treaties—that created the modern Middle East states out of the Ottoman carcass. The new borders ultimately bore little resemblance to the original Sykes-Picot map, but their map is still viewed as the root cause of much that has happened ever since.

secret convention made during World War I between Great Britain and France, with the assent of imperial Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. The agreement led to the division of Turkish-held Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine into various French- and British-administered areas.

And In 1947, Britain handed the 'Palestine problem' to the United Nations, which voted for partition into Arab and Jewish states.

The year after Israel was created

Which led to the Nakba in 1948

And thus we have two traumatized populations fighting over the same land. Which turned into an asynchronous endless conflict as indeed the US uses Israel as a way to exert their control over the Middle East.

History teaches many lessons yet also keeps conflicts going. As long as each side refuses to see things from the other side, it will never end. As long as people keep thinking in terms of us and them, conflicts will keep happening.
Those seeking power know all too well how to exploit people and blind them with hatred for the others.

The only solution is learning to live together and let go of the past, without forgetting the past. Bring the leaders to justice, but don't hate the people. It's an unfortunate evolutionary trait that anger trumps empathy, a trait that is abused by politics to get people's support.

Mobilize out of empathy, not out of anger. Anger only clouds judgement, causes tunnel vision and leads to what we're seeing unfolding right now. Netanyahu is using anger to get his way, Trump did the same, Putin no different. The shift to the right in Europe, also fueled by directing anger towards immigrants. And yes, it's very hard not to get angry with everything going on :(

Yea it impossible not feel angry especially in Israel case when we knows they are targeting woman and children and the causality rate is 70-75% woman and children, and living in america it makes it even worse because they can easily stop it.

SvennoJ said:

That's a healthy attitude as long as you apply that to all media. And no doubt Russia has a more positive appearance in Middle Eastern media atm as it's still a semi super power demanding a ceasefire and supporting Palestine. But make no mistake, Putin doesn't do this out of empathy for Palestinians. Prior to the current war Russia had a deal with Israel not to sell weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, for Russia not to sell weapons to Iran.

In 2019, Netanyahu even launched his election campaign with large posters of himself shaking hands with the Russian president. Netanyahu sought to portray himself as a leader of the same standing as Putin—perceived in Israel as the head of a great power—and to convey the message that his close ties with Putin would help ensure Israel’s security following Russia’s 2015 military intervention in Syria. The Israeli leader had long boasted that his alleged “personal friendship” with Putin was key to ensuring limited Russian support for Iran and getting Moscow to turn a blind eye to Israeli strikes against Iranian targets in Syria. 

Unlike other Western states, Israel did not fundamentally change its approach to Russia following the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. Israel did not impose any financial sanctions on Russia, declined to send weapons to Kyiv despite repeated requests from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and failed to name Russia when addressing attacks against Ukraine. Israel was unwilling to sever ties with Russia, and even started to adopt a cooperative approach in the second half of 2023 by signing new bilateral agreements in nonsensitive sectors, such as the cultural field.

Currently Russia sees an opportunity to gain more influence in the Middle East by isolating the USA in the UN and world opinion by appearing to be against genocide, while actively engaged in their own genocide.

The US has made many mistakes in the Middle East, mostly while cleaning up the mess the UK and other imperialist countries left behind. The UK 'gave' Palestine to the Jews to get their support. In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

The British government hoped that the declaration would rally Jewish opinion, especially in the United States, to the side of the Allied powers against the Central Powers during World War I (1914–18). They hoped also that the settlement in Palestine of a pro-British Jewish population might help to protect the approaches to the Suez Canal in neighbouring Egypt and thus ensure a vital communication route to British colonial possessions in India.

Britain gained Palestine from the French in the Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916

The Sykes-Picot Agreement launched a nine-year process—and other deals, declarations, and treaties—that created the modern Middle East states out of the Ottoman carcass. The new borders ultimately bore little resemblance to the original Sykes-Picot map, but their map is still viewed as the root cause of much that has happened ever since.

secret convention made during World War I between Great Britain and France, with the assent of imperial Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. The agreement led to the division of Turkish-held Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine into various French- and British-administered areas.

And In 1947, Britain handed the 'Palestine problem' to the United Nations, which voted for partition into Arab and Jewish states.

The year after Israel was created

Which led to the Nakba in 1948

And thus we have two traumatized populations fighting over the same land. Which turned into an asynchronous endless conflict as indeed the US uses Israel as a way to exert their control over the Middle East.

History teaches many lessons yet also keeps conflicts going. As long as each side refuses to see things from the other side, it will never end. As long as people keep thinking in terms of us and them, conflicts will keep happening.
Those seeking power know all too well how to exploit people and blind them with hatred for the others.

The only solution is learning to live together and let go of the past, without forgetting the past. Bring the leaders to justice, but don't hate the people. It's an unfortunate evolutionary trait that anger trumps empathy, a trait that is abused by politics to get people's support.

Mobilize out of empathy, not out of anger. Anger only clouds judgement, causes tunnel vision and leads to what we're seeing unfolding right now. Netanyahu is using anger to get his way, Trump did the same, Putin no different. The shift to the right in Europe, also fueled by directing anger towards immigrants. And yes, it's very hard not to get angry with everything going on :(

Douglas Abbott Macgregor is a retired U.S. Army colonel and government official, and an author, consultant, and television commentator. He was a leader in an early tank battle in the Gulf War and was a top planner in the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. also Blames america for the war and he says US doomed Ukraine for it's own benefit.  at 8:00 he asks what the united states could have done to not have this war.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 24 December 2023

zeldaring said:
Ryuu96 said:

"Russia had the right to invade Ukraine"

Yeah, I'm not even touching that, the dude is clearly a piece of shit and I'm not sure why anyone would seriously link that to help themselves in a debate, Lol. Russia has the right to invade and try to genocide an entire country? Look, just because someone is knowledgeable in one subject matter, doesn't make them knowledgeable in all and each foreign policy matter is its own complex matter. People can also be hypocrites as well, like those who hate American imperialism but look the other way at Russia's and jump through a thousand different reasons to justify it.

We've essentially had Russia straight up telling us "Yeah, we know we're bastards, we want to kill all the Ukrainians, they don't deserve to exist" and yet still people somehow make excuses for Russia, like JFC Russia doesn't even need to try anymore with their propaganda do they? Putin could straight up be like "I'll murder your family and rape your women" and people in the West will still jump in to make excuses for them, try to justify their actions, try to somehow blame the West.

You don't need to use some other dude to use common sense either, I've already explained how the NATO fear makes no sense, I've already explained how the nuke fear makes no sense, this isn't complicated either, it's basic common sense as to why these fears are clearly nonsense but lets pretend that Russia was genuinely afraid (Lol), that still does not give them the excuse to do what they did, I'm going to give quite the horrific thought experiment to you and maybe that will make you think otherwise, maybe not.

If your neighbour was paranoid (without good reason) that you were going to break into his home and so in his paranoia decided to strike first, he then breaks into your home, kills and rapes your family members and takes your home, then who is in the wrong here? Being paranoid about something doesn't justify going on a genocidal rampage but this is not about paranoia, it's about Russia wanting land/resources and Putin wanting to restore glory to Russia by the only way they know how, conquest.

Does Poland have the right to invade and slaughter Kaliningrad if they're afraid of Russia's possible nukes there?

Ukraine never showed any intention to invade Russia, to do harm to Russia, their military was nowhere near capable of that, quite the opposite in fact, it was Russia who stole Crimea from Ukraine by force and the West stood by and let it happen, it was Russia who incited insurrection in the Donbas, it is Russia who has stolen land from Moldova and Georgia and the West stood by and let it happen, it was Russia who stole and slaughtered Chechnya and the West stood by and let it happen.

Every single country in NATO joined by choice, nobody was forced into it, these are all sovereign countries and it's the peak of Western arrogance to think that certain countries, such as Ukraine, or those already in NATO such as Poland, can't think for themselves and are being controlled by big scary America. Many of these countries are in NATO precisely because they're afraid of Russia and for good reason, because Russia has not evolved past its Soviet-era mindset, it still believes it is "owed" all these countries, all its leaders know are imperialism.

Germany changed post-WW2, Japan changed post-WW2. Russia didn't. They dropped the name Soviet Union but it's the same old Russia.

You  make some good points and like I said I'm not really invested in the Ukraine war as palestine as I'm half Palestinian, and the US has killed millions in the middle east to support a apartheid country that main goal is ethnically cleanse Palestinians so I don't trust western media.

Those affected by that have all the rights to be angry at America but it's a mistake to apply it to everything, yes the West has done a lot of bad but that doesn't mean everything they do is bad, in the case of supporting Ukraine, it is morally the right thing to do to support Ukraine (even if some peoples intentions aren't necessarily entirely about simply "doing the right thing" but beneficial to them in other ways).

It's also a mistake to paint all western media with the same brush, this isn't Russia after all and there are western media capable of speaking out against atrocities committed by our allies or by ourselves and can do so without fear of being thrown in prison for "discrediting the country/military" as Russia does so regularly lately.

And it's not just America/Europe which supports Ukraine but also eastern countries and countries around the world.

This is a vote to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine and demand a full withdraw from Ukraine territory. Most of the abstains are from countries who need Russia and thus they're sitting on the fence. The only countries showing support consist of Belarus, North Korea, Russia and Syria, Lol. Hardly a group of countries that you'd want to be aligned with on a morality scale, Lol.

Even though they abstained, relations between Russia and Armenia are breaking down, Armenia who is part of CSTO, Russia's NATO equivalent and Kazakhstan (also a member of CSTO) is slowly coming out of Russia's influence, Russia is losing allies all over. Like I said though, you don't need the majority of the world to tell you that what Russia is doing is wrong, it's basic morality and easy to form that opinion by yourself.

Nothing excuses or justifies Russia's illegal invasion and attempted genocide of Ukraine.

zeldaring said:

Douglas Abbott Macgregor is a retired U.S. Army colonel and government official, and an author, consultant, and television commentator. He was a leader in an early tank battle in the Gulf War and was a top planner in the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. also Blames america for the war and he says US doomed Ukraine for it's own benefit.  at 8:00 he asks what the united states could have done to not have this war.

That's a lot of rambling and disinformation. Did your mother never tell you never to trust anyone wearing a suit ;)

Anyway @Ryuu96 already repeatedly debunked many of his points and I don't know how old that interview is but the current situation is nothing like he describes. Russia is the one sending conscripts to be killed en masse, 10x as many losses as Ukrainian defenders. Currently the war is about liberating Crimea and driving the Russians out of Eastern Ukraine:

Does that look like Ukraine has already lost?

But indeed, Republicans are stalling further budget for Ukraine, and are reluctant to send the goods to shorten the war. Why, because they rather want to control immigration at the Southern border.

EU has provided most of the financial support though and the Ukrainian economy has been showing great recovery already

The Ukrainian economy continues to show remarkable resilience, and recent economic developments point to a stronger-than-expected economic recovery in 2023, with continued, albeit softer growth in 2024. However, the outlook remains extremely uncertain as exceptionally high war-related uncertainty persists.

Russia is not controlling Ukraine's economy nor has it collapsed.

Putin has brought on the collapse of Russia's economy though

Yes war is expensive (but also very profitable, all that military assistance creates more jobs in the US, keeps the military-industrial complex going) But what is the alternative? Let Russia take whatever they want showing China and others they can do the same without consequences?

The mistake that was made was not stepping in when Russia annexed Crimea. And exactly because that went so easy for Russia, they thought they could do the same to the rest of Ukraine. See what inaction leads to?