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US defence chief on the way to Middle East

Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin is headed to the Middle East where he will meet with Bahrain on “US efforts to convene multilateral coalitions to respond to aggression at sea that threatens shipping and the global economy”, a statement says.

Yemen’s Houthi rebels have launched a series of drone and missile strikes on vessels near the strategic Bab el-Mandab Strait at the southern tip of the Red Sea, saying they are pressuring Israel over its devastating war.

In Israel, Austin will highlight the US’s steadfast support of its ally but also “discuss steps Israel is taking to mitigate civilian harm”, it said. He is to meet Israeli military leaders on “the next steps in the conflict after an eventual cessation of high-intensity ground operations and air strikes”.

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Netanyahu is facing more criticism at home as well since the hostage screw up

A columnist in the Hebrew-language newspaper Maariv wrote about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “The truth is simple: The man who was once the great wizard of Israeli politics, no longer has his charms. He always needs an outside enemy, an imagined enemy from which the public can be frightened and to ensure salvation.”

Meanwhile, the liberal publication Haaretz published a scathing editorial saying, “One can also not blur what is emerging from the [Israeli army]’s preliminary investigation, which is that there is insufficient discrimination between Hamas fighters and civilians when striking. This time, Israeli hostages tragically paid the price.”

And in the Times of Israel, a journalist wrote, “Captives and their families now carry the added fear that, even an improbable escape from captivity might lead to their deaths, in such hitherto unthinkable circumstances, as occurred on Friday morning.”

The turning point in the Israeli media narrative comes after the killing of the Israeli captives but also follows an admission from journalists and activists that Israeli mainstream media are barely showing images of what’s happening in Gaza and that journalists are not doing their jobs.

Public support in Israel for the war will take a hit as more of the truth trickles through into Israeli media. The problem is, the more Netanyahu feels backed into a corner, the more destructive he gets.

Latest war crimes and atrocities

Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila has called for an “urgent probe” after Israeli forces were accused of crushing Palestinians, including wounded patients, using bulldozers in the yard of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza.

On Saturday, doctors and other witnesses said Israeli forces bulldozed tents housing displaced Palestinians near the hospital and crushed them to death. Witnesses told Al Jazeera that civilians were deliberately targeted.

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs said that women arrested by the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip were subjected to torture and brutal abuse.

According to a testimony from one of the prisoners, the Israeli prison administration deliberately singled out female detainees from Gaza for the worst type of treatment.

The Commission quoted the prisoner as saying: “An elderly woman, 80 years old from Gaza, arrived at the prison walking on a crutch and without a cover on her head. Her body and clothes were full of blood and she did not know anything. It seemed that she was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.”

The Commission said that all the female prisoners in the Gaza Strip had their clothes confiscated and replaced them with summer clothes. They were subjected to many beatings and assaults, in addition to non-stop insults, with some of them spending seven days outdoors in the rain and in the cold.

The UN’s human rights office says it received reports from the north of Gaza of mass detentions, ill-treatment and forced disappearances of possibly thousands of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli soldiers.

They include more than 100 women and girls, most rounded up as they attempted to move south or were taken during operations conducted on their homes, hospitals, schools and other places of refuge.

OHCHR in the occupied Palestinian territory also said:

  • Reports claim children as young as 12 and people as old as 70 are among those detained.
  • Reports suggest many of the detained were subjected to serious ill-treatment, which in some instances may amount to torture.
  • Credible information was also received about 140 women and girls arbitrarily detained and being held in undisclosed locations.
  • Civilians have been killed, including in apparent extrajudicial executions, in places of refuge, particularly schools.

An airstrike Sunday morning killed at least 24 people in Jabalya, northern Gaza, the Hamas-controlled health ministry in the territory said. At least 90 people were wounded in addition to the 24 dead, and there are "many more feared under the rubble of a house," according to Dr. Munir Al-Bursh, director-general of the Ministry of Health.

Desperation has set in

Commenting on the scenes of people rushing aid trucks at the Rafah crossing, Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara says it is another sign that the “collective punishment” of Palestinians in Gaza is continuing unabated.

“They have cut off communications longer than before. Not only are they starving people but also denying them medical help, clean water, electricity and communication,” he said. “People in Gaza are suffering like no people have ever suffered before in modern times. It’s documented. It’s in plain sight.”

He added that the recent statements by the UK and German foreign ministers calling for a “sustainable ceasefire” were “delusional” in light of the suffering faced by the people in Gaza.

“After non-stop bombings that failed to defeat Hamas, they are still talking about a sustainable ceasefire … It’s just not in touch with reality.”

The humanitarian situation has become very desperate, not only for the residents of Rafah city but also for the one million displaced Palestinians here who are becoming hungry, thirsty and traumatised as the war pounds on.

Whatever the amount of aid has been let in, it is not enough. People are without anything – without a home, without access to food, without water and without medical supplies. So the scenes at Rafah crossing are a natural response; when people starve to death, when they are hungry, this is what we will see happening.

People are trying to survive, they’re in survival mode right now.

The UN has been warning that people in Gaza have become so “desperate for food” that they are stopping aid trucks and immediately eating what they find.

The deputy head of the UN World Food Programme on Thursday also confirmed that about half of all people in Gaza “are starving”, with no idea where their next meal is coming from.

The death toll in Gaza is now up to 18,787 deaths, 50,897 wounded with another 8,000 missing, stuck under collapsed buildings.
In the West Bank it's up to 297 killed, 3,365 wounded
Israel 1,139 killed (revised down from 1,400), 8,730 wounded, 121 soldiers killed.

Jakarta protests outside the US embassy

Biden pull the plug. Nobody is going to trust the US anymore. The Middle East is already looking more towards China and Russia with this genocide raging out of control. This is not enough, not even close, rather just an insult to what's going on:

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will push Israeli officials to define milestones for its war against Hamas in Gaza, a senior US defense official tells CNN, marking the second visit of a top US official aimed at communicating US expectations to Israel as civilian casualties mount.

During his visit on Monday, the senior defense official said Austin will “receive specific updates on how the war cabinet Minister of Defense (Yoav) Gallant and the Israel Defense Forces assess their progress in the current phase of the campaign in Gaza to dismantle the military infrastructure of Hamas.”

Austin, the official added, will press Israeli officials on “what metrics they're looking at in order to transition to the next phase of their campaign in Gaza,” noting that he will work to “drill down” on efforts to increase humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza and also work to mitigate harm to civilians.

"Drill down", the next step after "extremely serious conversations". No doubt followed by we stand firmly behind Israel, unconditional support etc.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will push Israeli officials to define milestones for the war with Hamas during a visit Monday, a senior defense official said.

Austin will press the Israelis on "what metrics they're looking at in order to transition to the next phase of their campaign in Gaza," the official said, noting he will also work to "drill down" on efforts to increase humanitarian aid to civilians.

Nobody believes it will lead to anything anymore, the opposite actually

People in Gaza have shown little enthusiasm over the visit of US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to Israel, saying multiple past visits by US officials have not made their lives any better. “This visit will not change anything in the Gaza Strip,” Huda Hijaz told Al Jazeera, adding that the amount of humanitarian aid that has entered Gaza was not up to par with expectations. “People will continue dying.”

Another resident, Ashraf Shannon, said Austin’s visit brought him “more fear” that Israel would further escalate the crisis.

“The US has been the strongest supporter of Israel since its establishment in 1948. I think with this visit we should expect more Israeli violence towards us Palestinians in Gaza, more destruction and maiming,” he said.

While the IDF is blaming the UN for not being ready to deliver aid...

Martin Griffiths (Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator at the United Nations) says he has seen no evidence that Israel’s assault on southern Gaza is more precise than that carried out in the north. “I’ve been disappointed . . . We were promised this. The Americans did a lot of diplomacy on this. The truth of the matter is we have not seen it at all in the south. On the contrary, we’ve seen it grow more,” the UN’s under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs told the Financial Times.

He said that last month, he had worked on a 10-point plan that included the creation of relief distribution centres and was based on greater Israeli restraint. “I just threw it in the bin,” he said in the interview.  ”I was a fool to even think that it was sensible . . . We turn around and find out the truth: the war ain’t over yet, it ain’t half over . . . I don’t think we’re halfway through this yet. We’ve got weeks and weeks to go of this savage war.”

Griffiths also said “impunity” has been rampant in the war and said special tribunals have the best record of bringing accountability. “Maybe there is a need for a special tribunal [for Gaza],” he added.

Also more CNN double standards on display. While most non US news networks report the Pope condemning the church shootings as terrorism

VATICAN CITY, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday again suggested Israel was using "terrorism" tactics in Gaza, deploring the reported killing by the Israeli military of two Christian women who had taken refuge in a church complex.

CNN does report on the incident yet refuses to actually publish Francis' remarks

The sniper shot and killed a mother and daughter and injured seven others inside the Holy Family Parish in Gaza on Saturday, according to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, in an incident also condemned by Pope Francis.

Pope Francis on Sunday addressed the deaths at the Holy Family Parish, lamenting that “unarmed civilians are targets for bombs and gunfire” in Gaza.

Why is CNN even censoring the words of Pope Francis.

Pope condemns attacks on civilians in Gaza: ‘It is war; it is terrorism’

Pope Francis launches a heartfelt appeal for an end to the “terrorism” of war, and condemns an Israeli military attack on Gaza’s Holy Family Catholic Parish, which killed two Christian women and destroyed a convent of the Missionaries of Charity.

“Some say, ‘This is terrorism. This is war.’ Yes, it is war. It is terrorism,” he said. “That is why the Scripture affirms that ‘God stops wars… breaks the bow, splinters the spear’ (Psalm 46:10). Let us pray to the Lord for peace.”

I'm guessing it's because the US doesn't want to lose support from Christian Zionism?

At the 41 minute mark War Expert Prof. Paul Roger explains where the support in the US for this war comes from
41:03 (you tube transcript)
"people are surprised at is why is Biden still supporting Israel so much yeah yeah it's not the Jewish Lobby it's the
Israel Lobby and what one has to remember is that many American Jews probably proportionately more than in
Britain are bitterly opposed to what the Israeli government is doing what you're forgetting about them people always
forget about that other phenomenon Christian Zionism yeah and Christian Zionism is that branch of Evangelical
Christianity which believes that God gave the land of Israel to the Jews to
protect until the final days and it goes back 120 130 years in fact probably 160
years to the 1820s and essentially it is supported by far more people in the United States than the Jewish Ry I mean
there are seven million or so Jews in the United States you're talking about 20 to 30 million Evangelical Christians
who basically take this View out of the 100 million plus Evangelical Christians
U um they tend to vote Republican and they tend to vote more than the average and we have a a presidential election
coming up in less than a year one has to factor that in in terms of understanding where Biden is coming from domestic us
politics plays quite a role in this I know it's apart from what we were talking about it's a point that people constantly
miss that is it's a really excellent point which I I'm glad you made and actually what's so striking is the
number if you look at the United States obviously there a much bigger Jewish population than here in Britain but some of the often the the new generation of
the left that's emerged in the US many of the leading figures are drawn from um
the Jewish Community historically of course the left has always been disproportionately shaped by the contributions of Jewish people which is
partly which the the anti-semites of course the early 20th century seized upon and talks about International
Jewish bullsh conspiracies the Nazis Etc that happen didn't it there hatred of Jews the disproportionate always
contribution of Jewish people to movements against oppression against Injustice um and it's really heartening
a younger generation of Jewish people I mean it's interesting younger Generations in America and elsewhere the most Pro Palestinian ever but that does
also include of course that that next generation of of young Jews so it's a very very important point to make"

Excellent interview, draws a lot of parallels with (extended) Iraq war and the bombing of Mosul.

Israel has gone into full denial over the church attack as well as about the accusations of using hunger as a weapon of war

Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of using starvation as a "weapon of war" in Gaza. Israel calls it a lie

Human Rights Watch’s Israel and Palestine director, Omar Shakir, told CNN that Israeli authorities "have for months been deliberately depriving Gaza’s population of food and water, willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, intentionally destroying objects indispensable to survival, including bakeries, grain mills and water and sanitation facilities, and apparently razing agricultural areas." 

The report is based on interviews with 11 displaced Palestinians in Gaza, public statements by members of the Israeli government and statements by organizations including the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, World Food Programme, Oxfam and the Norwegian Refugee Council. 

"Statements from high-level Israeli officials show that this is a deliberate policy to starve civilians as a weapon of war," Shakir said.

The Human Rights Watch report notes that "high-ranking Israeli officials, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, and Energy Minister Israel Katz have made public statements expressing their aim to deprive civilians in Gaza of food, water and fuel" and that this "policy" is "being carried out by Israeli forces." 

Other Israeli officials have publicly stated that humanitarian aid to Gaza "would be conditioned either on the release of hostages unlawfully held by Hamas or Hamas’ destruction," Human Rights Watch added. 

"That is an abhorrent war crime, compounding its collective punishment of Palestinian civilians and blocking of humanitarian aid, which are also war crimes," Shakir told CNN. "World leaders should speak out and take urgent action to prevent further atrocities—the lives of hundreds of thousands hang in the balance.”

Israel calls it straight up lies

Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy forcefully dismissed the watchdog's claims on Monday, saying Hamas was to blame for any shortages in Gaza. 

"This is a lie,” he said in response to a social media post from Shakir on X. “Israel has excess capacity to inspect more than twice as many aid trucks as are entering Gaza. We’re still pumping water into Gaza through two pipelines and have placed no restrictions on entry of food and water," Levy said. "Direct your anger to Hamas, which hijacks aid.” 

More lies. You know when Israel's government is lying when they use the English language...

Gaza water system ‘completely collapsed’

The lack of water or sanitation could soon become equally “dangerous” as the ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza, according to a member of Doctors without Borders, known by its French initials MSF.

“The water system isn’t working anymore – it has completely collapsed,” Ricardo Martinez, who spent four weeks in Gaza during the war, said in an interview posted on the aid group’s website.

“People are being pushed to the limit, having to fight for their survival. At most, people have one litre of water per day – that’s for drinking, washing and cooking,” added Martinez, a logistics coordinator for MSF.

EU parliamentarian slams Israeli delays at Rafah border crossing

A member of the European Parliament says he has “no doubt” that Israel is deliberately frustrating international humanitarian efforts to get aid into Gaza. Speaking after a parliamentary visit to the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing, Barry Andrews, the MEP for Dublin, said there were hundreds of trucks parked outside the crossing “as far as the eye can see”.

However, the vehicles were all being held up because anything going inside Gaza must be approved by Israel, which has listed thousands of items as being banned for “dual use”, meaning they can be used for both civilian and military purposes. “Humanitarian access is a basic requirement for any conflict,” Andrews posted on X. “There would be more truck movements at a busy supermarket in Ireland and yet, behind the gates at Rafah, 2.3 million people are suffering for want of food, water, medicine & fuel.”

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin "drilling down" in Israel

In his meeting with Israeli officials, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he discussed pathways “toward a future for Gaza after Hamas,” the protection of civilians in Gaza and the need “to take urgent action to stabilize the West Bank.”

“Attacks by extremist settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank must stop,” Austin said at a joint news conference with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. “And those committing the violence must be held accountable.”

“It would compound this tragedy if all that was waiting for the Israeli people and your Palestinian neighbors at the end of this awful war was more insecurity, fury, and despair,” he added. “As I have said, Israelis and Palestinians have both paid too bitter a price to just go back to October 6.”

Again not addressing the elephant in the room, the current situation, playing into Israel's distraction tactics

Aljahzeera's take:

‘Nothing new’ from Austin or Gallant

Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara says that the press conference from the US and Israeli defence chiefs was “more than half an hour of propaganda”. Bishara says he can distil the content of the conference down into “four Ds” – demonisation, dehumanisation, double standard and debacle.

“There’s a continuous demonisation of Hamas. They don’t even stop and think about why Hamas was able to withstand the incredible bombing, how they were able to resist the Israeli troops … Only that Hamas is there to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state,” he said.

Moving on, Bishara addressed the dehumanisation of the Palestinians by the US and Israel. “Why is the secretary of defence of the United States incapable of expressing anything about what happened to the Palestinians?” he asked, leading him to discuss the “double standard” applied to by the US.

“When Secretary Austin talks about Ukraine, he talks non-stop about why collective punishment is a war crime, why the destruction of residential buildings in Kharkiv is a war crime. “But the destruction of residential buildings in Gaza? Nothing.”

Finally, Bishara discussed what he describes as the “debacle” of Israel’s military operations in Gaza. “There is no articulation that Israel could not achieve its objective despite the incredible suffering, that it still has months to go.”

Hamas' take (hosted their own press conference)

Hamas: ‘What American war experience are you sharing with Israel?’

Osama Hamdan, a senior Hamas official, is holding a news conference shortly after one given by the Israeli and American defence chiefs.

He played a video showing Hamas fighters targeting Israeli troops behind a tank with a rocket-propelled grenade. It also showed disabled Israeli military bulldozers being towed away through Gaza. “These are the invaders the sands of Gaza will swallow,” Hamdan told reporters in Beirut.

“We are asking what experience the American secretary of defence is sharing with Israel. Are we talking about the victories in Vietnam? Or their victory in Afghanistan after 20 years? The only experience to be shared is killing women and children, and destroying hospitals, houses and schools.”

This war isn't going anywhere

More distraction from Israel

Israel will gradually transition to the next phase of the war and expects displaced Palestinians from northern Gaza to return to their homes before those from the south, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Monday.   

“Soon we will be able to distinguish between different areas in Gaza. … In every area where we achieve our mission, we will be able to transition gradually to the next phase and start working on bringing back the local population. This can be achieved maybe sooner in the north rather than in the south,” the minister said.  

His comments come as the United States continues to put pressure on Israel to transition to a more targeted campaign in Gaza to reduce civilian casualties. 

Return to what homes??? There's hardly anything left standing in Northern Gaza

Kirby's take on the hostage killings

“The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) admitted that they made a mistake very, very soon after. They made a mistake and I have no doubt that they will do the forensics on this to learn what happened and how to avoid it happening again,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said, calling it a “traumatic event.”

The IDF, he said broadly, will need to assess how the situation was handled and whether it will require adjustments to rules of engagement.

“Sometimes an event like this, a tactical event, does require you to take a look at your rules of engagement and maybe make adjustments, sometimes not. Sometimes the issue isn't the rules of engagement, sometimes it's just the way they're enforced or the interpretation by a unit on the ground or by an individual soldier,” Kirby said. 

Forensics on this specific incident will determine whether this is the result of a systemic issue, an individual issue or a “misunderstanding, miscalculation, fog of war," he said.

He cautioned the United States should “be careful at this early stage … to point the fingers at the exact rules of engagement.”

Well at least he finds something traumatic, but lets put the blame on the individual soldiers that actively chased and executed the 3rd shirtless fleeing hostage waving a white flag after already killing the first two. As response Israel put up a Sesame Street level video to explain to its soldiers it's not OK to shoot unarmed surrendering civilians.

That could easily be a sketch on SNL.

The rules of engagement have already been exposed months ago, ok to sacrifice up to 100 civilians for one suspected Hamas member presence. Hannibal directive and from countless evidence: shoot anything that moves.

Gaza grandfather describes Israeli soldiers killing his family

When Israeli soldiers entered a Gaza school where Yousef Khalil was sleeping near his family, they began shooting indiscriminately, killing nine people, including children, he says, pointing to bullet-pocked, bloodstained walls.

His account to the Reuters news agency, which Israel’s military said it is looking into, comes after the killing of three Israeli captives in Gaza raised new questions about Israel’s rules of engagement.

Khalil says he sheltered with his family in early December in the Shadia Abu Ghazala school in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza. “They are my children and grandchildren. Why did they shoot them in front of my eyes?”

Reporter who told story on dead babies shot by suspected Israeli sniper

A journalist who reported on decomposing bodies of babies abandoned in a Gaza hospital says he believes he was shot by an Israeli sniper.

Mohammed Balousha – who was wearing a helmet and press badge – told the Washington Post he was filming near his home in Jabalia, in northern Gaza, when he was shot in the leg. Israeli’s military didn’t respond to the Post’s request for comment.

Working for the UAE-owned Al Mashhad channel, Balousha reported last month on the decomposed bodies of four babies left behind at the Nasser Hospital after Israeli troops forced medical staff to evacuate.

Some more pressure back in the US

On Twitter

US legislators to Biden: Israel must 'shift tactics'

A number of Democratic lawmakers who served in the military and in the CIA say Israel’s tactics in the Gaza Strip are endangering efforts to defeat Hamas militants and called on President Joe Biden to use “all our leverage” to secure an immediate shift in Israel’s approach.

In a letter sent Monday to Biden, the House lawmakers said they were “deeply concerned” by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s current military strategy in Gaza.

“The mounting civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis are unacceptable and not in line with American interests; nor do they advance the cause of security for our ally, Israel,” the group wrote. “We also believe it jeopardizes efforts to destroy the terrorist organization Hamas and secure the release of all hostages,” the letter said.

As the death toll keeps mounting and will soon surpass 20,000 (minus the 8,000 missing, likely trapped under ruble)

At least 19,453 people, including 7,729 children, have been killed in Israeli attacks since the start of the war, according to new figures from the Health Ministry in Gaza. The number of people wounded also rose to 52,286, including 8,663 children, the ministry added.

UN Security Council draft resolution stuck on phrase ‘cessation of hostilities’

Some of the Security Council members – behind the scenes – are doing closed-door negotiations at this very hour to try to come up with a different draft or wording that would be acceptable to the United States.

The key sticking point, we believe, is this ‘cessation of hostilities’ [phrase]. The United States and Israel say that any resolution that has those words in it is akin to a ceasefire. And they say that would only benefit Hamas, and so the US would reserve its veto power as it has done in the past.

That is what we really think are the sticking points.

It should also be noted, though, that … this resolution calls for the UN to monitor all of the aid distribution in Gaza, as well. That’s something that’s new.

‘Greater risk of escalation’ with US-led coalition deployed to Red Sea

Marco Forgione, from the Institute of Export and International Trade, says major shipping companies – in at least the medium term – are looking for other routes through the Red Sea after the spate of Houthi attacks from Yemen, a serious threat to the global economy.

He also questioned the US-led initiative to establish a multi-national military operation to safeguard commerce. “The reality is I have great concerns that if you militarize in this environment, there is an even greater risk of escalation. What we need to do is try and reach a situation of calm discussion that allows for a peaceful resolution to what’s happening here,” he told Al Jazeera. “I think we need to understand the role China can play here. They have a large naval base in Djibouti on one side of the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, and they are reliant to a great degree on oil transiting through those straits on the way to China. So there are other actors that need to be involved.”

Lebanon-Israel border in ‘dangerous’ situation: UN

Lebanon’s border with Israel is “dangerous” with ongoing exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and Israel, the head of the UN peacekeeping force there warns. “The situation now, as everybody knows – it is tense. It is difficult, it is dangerous,” said Aroldo Lazaro, the head of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon. “We are trying to continue with our liaison and coordination role … in order to avoid miscalculations, misinterpretations that could be another trigger for escalation,” Lazaro told journalists.

More than 130 people have been killed in hostilities on the Lebanese side. On the Israeli side, four civilians and seven soldiers have been killed.

(Formatting isn't working properly on this site, very different view in edit and on page while trying to clean it up, sorry for the mess...)

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 20 December 2023

I understand your frustration but it's over the west and isreal are intent on taking and kicking the Palestinians out, and no one is doing anything to stop them.

Around the Network

The problem is, nothing is over, and it won't be over for generations the longer the current genocide goes on. Oil prices will soon go up due to escalations in the Red Sea, Arabic countries will / have abandoned normalisation with Israel and are looking more favorably trading with China and Russia instead of the West. Islamic Jihad, Isis, Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas of Iraq etc get handed all the recruitment material they could have ever wanted.

It will be over for the West the longer our 'democracies' stand behind the ethnic cleansing.

SvennoJ said:

The problem is, nothing is over, and it won't be over for generations the longer the current genocide goes on. Oil prices will soon go up due to escalations in the Red Sea, Arabic countries will / have abandoned normalisation with Israel and are looking more favorably trading with China and Russia instead of the West. Islamic Jihad, Isis, Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas of Iraq etc get handed all the recruitment material they could have ever wanted.

It will be over for the West the longer our 'democracies' stand behind the ethnic cleansing.

The arab countries and turkey are just pretending they could have cut off oil to isreal but they are too afraid or care a out money more.

zeldaring said:
SvennoJ said:

The problem is, nothing is over, and it won't be over for generations the longer the current genocide goes on. Oil prices will soon go up due to escalations in the Red Sea, Arabic countries will / have abandoned normalisation with Israel and are looking more favorably trading with China and Russia instead of the West. Islamic Jihad, Isis, Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas of Iraq etc get handed all the recruitment material they could have ever wanted.

It will be over for the West the longer our 'democracies' stand behind the ethnic cleansing.

The arab countries and turkey are just pretending they could have cut off oil to isreal but they are too afraid or care a out money more.

Yes, in that sense they are no different than NA and Europe.

Plus Israel exports a lot of weapons to countries without restrictions (unlike the USA that has checks and puts restrictions on weapons transfers for all countries except Israel) Israel also exports weapons AI including the 'banned' undetectable Pegasus spy software that many countries are addicted to.

FRONTLINE and Forbidden Films investigate Pegasus, a powerful spyware sold to governments around the world by the Israeli company NSO Group.

In 2020, the journalism nonprofit Forbidden Stories and Amnesty International gained access to a leaked list of more than 50,000 phone numbers. They suspected it contained numbers selected for potential surveillance with Pegasus. The Pegasus Project reporting consortium — which was led by Forbidden Stories and included 16 other media organizations, FRONTLINE among them — found that the spyware had been used on journalists, human rights activists, the wife and fiancée of the murdered Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi, and others.

So no wonder most countries don't want to be too critical of Israel since Israel delivers the 'goods' without strings attached. They're in the business of exporting oppression (with Gaza and the Palestinians being a testing ground)

We live in a world where humanity, empathy and morality come last, 'luxury items' to be discarded at will. I just didn't think it would get to this open extreme. But I also didn't know how much Israel was into exporting oppression tools.

December 19, 2023, 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Development of Social Media published a report on “Israel’s Surveillance Industry and Human Rights: Impact on Palestinians and Worldwide”, The report provides an overview on the reality of the Israeli surveillance systems industry, outlines its impact on the human rights of Palestinians and implications worldwide. The report relies on scholarly writing and policy briefs as well as previously published research on Palestinians living under intensive state surveillance which has increased significantly in the region following Israel’s war on Gaza, ongoing since October 7, 2023.

The report emphasizes that the development of surveillance technologies and their unchecked proliferation in the occupied Palestinian territory has a repressive impact on the lives of civilians living under military occupation and exacerbates violence to the detriment of human rights in Palestine. Additionally, the development of these surveillance technologies has human rights implications worldwide. The report also discussed how private Israeli companies omit the constraints of digital and AI-powered surveillance systems in order to market and promote these systems abroad, taking advantage of the increased fear, insecurity and repression they enable in the occupied Palestinian territory. Israeli companies also market their spyware, social media monitoring technologies, and biometric surveillance technologies as generic solutions to international insecurity, the effectiveness of which has been tried and tested at the detriment of Palestinians’ human rights.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 19 December 2023

Sad evil world we live in.

It's clear, the USA wants to keep this war going:

The UN Security Council is now expected to vote on Wednesday on a resolution to spur more humanitarian aid into Gaza, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

The vote was originally scheduled for Monday but was then delayed until Tuesday evening to allow more time for negotiations. Diplomats had been working intensely behind closed doors to finalize a resolution drafted by the United Arab Emirates on a call for a suspension of hostilities in Gaza to allow for the delivery of critically needed humanitarian aid.

Delaying the vote to Wednesday suggests agreement hasn’t yet been reached on language that could gain a “yes” vote from the United States, or at least an abstention, which would allow the measure to pass.

“We’re still working through the modalities of the resolution,” US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said Tuesday. “It’s important for us that the rest of the world understand what’s at stake here and what Hamas did on the 7th of October and how Israel has a right to defend itself against those threats.”

The US has vetoed previous measures at the UN Security Council and voted against a call for a ceasefire in the larger UN General Assembly.

I guess Kirby wants to test some more weapons

Update from Bisan about the designated safe zone