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SvennoJ said:

ICC chief prosecutor to be first target of Trump’s sanctions: Report

Trump signs order to cut funding for South Africa, cites Israel genocide case

Elon Musk was 100% the reason for funding being cut to South Africa and not any of that other bollocks, Lol.

The ICC counts 125 member states around the world, including the UK and many European nations. The UK, France and Germany were among the 79 signatories to a joint statement issued on Friday to condemn Trump's executive order. Australia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Italy were among the absent.

ICC: Dozens of Member States Back Top Criminal Court After Trump Sanctions

It was one thing to ignore the ICC and not sign up to it, I have theories why that was, none make America look good. But it is a whole different thing to go out their way to sanction it and target individuals involved, it is both incredibly petty and makes America look totally owned by Israel. But like I said, the fascists have to stick together. Shit is like Mussolini getting mad at people for being mean to Hitler.

Disappointed in Australia and Czech Republic. Zero shock at Hungary and Italy being absent.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 February 2025

Around the Network
Tober said:

I'm not American, but I do enjoy the sitcom American Politics.

I've regularly watched congressional hearings over many years and the thing that is obvious is that no matter who occupies the white house, the departments have no interest in working with the senate on any hearing request at all. Stone walling I suppose the term is. That and obviously the Senators and House members are more interested in giving some monologue than to get to the bottom of things.

So now you got a President that hired some youngsters to go check the departments out to see what is actually happening with American tax money and everyone is getting their undies in a twist. More outrage about some social media post of these youngsters than what they actually found. I thought Americans would be happy that some transparency is brought to these bloated Government institutions.

The United States remains to be weird, what makes it funny.

I don't think there would be strong opposition to this if this was done in a legal manner. This seems like it's in the gray area at best and straight up illegal at worst. It's not just about what is happening, it's also about how it's happening.

This video explains exactly what's wrong with American Democracy

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Zkuq said:
Tober said:

I'm not American, but I do enjoy the sitcom American Politics.

I've regularly watched congressional hearings over many years and the thing that is obvious is that no matter who occupies the white house, the departments have no interest in working with the senate on any hearing request at all. Stone walling I suppose the term is. That and obviously the Senators and House members are more interested in giving some monologue than to get to the bottom of things.

So now you got a President that hired some youngsters to go check the departments out to see what is actually happening with American tax money and everyone is getting their undies in a twist. More outrage about some social media post of these youngsters than what they actually found. I thought Americans would be happy that some transparency is brought to these bloated Government institutions.

The United States remains to be weird, what makes it funny.

I don't think there would be strong opposition to this if this was done in a legal manner. This seems like it's in the gray area at best and straight up illegal at worst. It's not just about what is happening, it's also about how it's happening.

First sentence: "...if it was done in a legal manner" --> From that, a reader can only conclude the user is stating this is illegal.

Second sentence: "seems like it's in the gray area at best and straight up illegal at worst" --> Now the user doesn't know if it is illegal or not and therefore cannot state the legal code that makes it illegal. 

Third sentence: "It's not just about what is happening, it's also about how it's happening." --> We now learn it's not about legality, but rather the user doesn't like HOW it's happening. 

People want (user included) transparency but don't like how it is being unveiled. Make it make sense. 

When you spell everything out, it makes it abundantly clear how the goal posts move within a given post. Gotta love it. 

Torillian said:
Tober said:

I'm not American, but I do enjoy the sitcom American Politics.

I've regularly watched congressional hearings over many years and the thing that is obvious is that no matter who occupies the white house, the departments have no interest in working with the senate on any hearing request at all. Stone walling I suppose the term is. That and obviously the Senators and House members are more interested in giving some monologue than to get to the bottom of things.

So now you got a President that hired some youngsters to go check the departments out to see what is actually happening with American tax money and everyone is getting their undies in a twist. More outrage about some social media post of these youngsters than what they actually found. I thought Americans would be happy that some transparency is brought to these bloated Government institutions.

The United States remains to be weird, what makes it funny.

What did they find specifically that wasn't public knowledge before?

Senator John Kennedy had a good view on this, here is a Forbes broadcasting about it.

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Call me crazy but I don't believe a Nazi, eugenicist and racist should be anywhere near government and making decisions which affect millions of people. I also don't believe that fresh out of college edge lords have any idea on how government works and the consequences of their actions. Oh and government officials should actually be able to see what unelected people are doing to government institutions.

I also don't believe the man whose companies also rely on government subsidies is in any position to decide on these things, it is firstly a massive conflict of interest and secondly hypocritical. I would also point to his one company that doesn't rely on government handouts (Twitter) is crashing and burning in revenue and profit even after he laid of 80% of its workforce.

Governments should not be ran like a business either where everything has a P/L system, that isn't to say they can throw away infinite amounts of cash with nothing in return but it is to say that there are certain things which are forgivable to put money into without a "profit" as it provides major benefits elsewhere, that can be foreign aid to boost diplomatic relations, prevent the spread of deadly diseases, increase economic ties or things that benefit a countries population as a whole, like healthcare, which in turn leads to a stronger workforce and healthier nation.

Musk and his cronies are simply burning through absolutely everything, with no thought at all behind the consequences of their actions, the negative impacts in the future, all on the vague bullshit of "cutting costs" but shockingly, none of these "savings" will impact the average citizen, instead the rich will continue to get richer as local and foreign support systems are gutted. Lets take the USAID which has provided American farmers billions in the past, now gone. Or the thousands of now jobless people in America.

Here's another random attack: Musk’s Team Takes Control of Key Systems at Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Which funnily has bipartisan support but it won't stop Musk in his insane crusade.

Please see Forbes broadcast of Senator John Kennedy speech on the Floor about it. It's enlightening:

You also do understand that the Government has Contractors all the time. This is no difference. But because they find things out the other team does not like, the contractors have to be attacked offcourse on a personal level, without talking about the actual findings themselves.

This attacking the other team on a personal level in general goes both ways obviously, that's why American Politics is such a Soap Opera.

Last edited by Tober - on 09 February 2025

Tober said:
Torillian said:

What did they find specifically that wasn't public knowledge before?

Senator John Kennedy had a good view on this, here is a Forbes broadcasting about it.

Watched a bit and he's just talking in platitudes. Once he gets into examples we actually have something to talk about. So which of the examples given were so egregious that we had to axe everything that USAID does? Was it trying to produce Sesame Street for Iraq? Or maybe the thing about Sri Lankan journalist education for avoiding gendered language (I'll just take the Senator's word on this one). Because just listing them and then not getting into what you disagree with is a lazy man's argument so let's get into it. 

You keep saying "noone wants to talk about the actual findings" so fucking do it. Don't give me 30 minutes of youtube homework you tell me with your words what they found that you disagree with and let me know why it means all of USAID has to stop. 


Torillian said:
Tober said:

Senator John Kennedy had a good view on this, here is a Forbes broadcasting about it.

Watched a bit and he's just talking in platitudes. Once he gets into examples we actually have something to talk about. So which of the examples given were so egregious that we had to axe everything that USAID does? Was it trying to produce Sesame Street for Iraq? Or maybe the thing about Sri Lankan journalist education for avoiding gendered language (I'll just take the Senator's word on this one). Because just listing them and then not getting into what you disagree with is a lazy man's argument so let's get into it. 

You keep saying "noone wants to talk about the actual findings" so fucking do it. Don't give me 30 minutes of youtube homework you tell me with your words what they found that you disagree with and let me know why it means all of USAID has to stop. 

USAID went against Aipac, published a report that stated the USA was violating Leahy law which it was forced to retract one week later.

Before that they already criticized JLOTS.

USAID-backed report about famine in Gaza taken down after criticism from U.S. ambassador to Israel

USAID was telling / backing inconvenient truths, had to go.

Jimbo1337 said:

First sentence: "...if it was done in a legal manner" --> From that, a reader can only conclude the user is stating this is illegal.

Second sentence: "seems like it's in the gray area at best and straight up illegal at worst" --> Now the user doesn't know if it is illegal or not and therefore cannot state the legal code that makes it illegal. 

Third sentence: "It's not just about what is happening, it's also about how it's happening." --> We now learn it's not about legality, but rather the user doesn't like HOW it's happening. 

People want (user included) transparency but don't like how it is being unveiled. Make it make sense. 

When you spell everything out, it makes it abundantly clear how the goal posts move within a given post. Gotta love it. 

Third sentence: the legality is what makes it "how" it's being done. That's not a third goal post, it's basically a restatement of what came before. The issue is the legality there. 

I'm not sure if you're being intentionally obtuse there, or if you just honestly don't understand what they're saying.

As for the first two sentences. Some of these things are not explicitly written out in the Constitution. There's no line that says "The president can do X and Y, but not Z" in regards to spending. 

But, historically the Supreme Court has pushed against the Executive Branch in terms of how much power they have over spending; saying that Congress is the one that has the power to control spending; and that the president can't decide to underfund programs he doesn't like. 

Historically some of these decisions would be considered illegal. A lot of these things are not going through the Legal process of how they're supposed to be done.

Torillian said:
Tober said:

Senator John Kennedy had a good view on this, here is a Forbes broadcasting about it.

Watched a bit and he's just talking in platitudes. Once he gets into examples we actually have something to talk about. So which of the examples given were so egregious that we had to axe everything that USAID does? Was it trying to produce Sesame Street for Iraq? Or maybe the thing about Sri Lankan journalist education for avoiding gendered language (I'll just take the Senator's word on this one). Because just listing them and then not getting into what you disagree with is a lazy man's argument so let's get into it. 

You keep saying "noone wants to talk about the actual findings" so fucking do it. Don't give me 30 minutes of youtube homework you tell me with your words what they found that you disagree with and let me know why it means all of USAID has to stop. 

Well you did not see it to the end then, where Kennedy does say the opposite of "axe everything USAID does". So that is a false premise.

The main message is offcourse that he as a senate member who's job it is to oversee the spending of Government departments did not know about many of the findings. Clearly the departments where not transparent or forthcoming enough for him or others in the senate/house to do so.

This is also my message in my comment. Transparency! And I believe every American should be happy with it. It's not my place to agree or disagree with how American taxpayer's money is spend nor did I opinionated that USAID has to stop. So why should I argue with you that it should? You are reading things, that I did not write. And Mind reading does not exist my friend.

I pointed out how funny it is, the energy put into fine combing some kids social media posts. Clearly the age old trick is used to find something to demonize the messenger so to undermine the message. It's a trick as old as politics itself.