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Waking up every morning like, "Alright, what broke overnight?"

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5 Pro
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deskpro2k3 said:

Waking up every morning like, "Alright, what broke overnight?"


A little throw back in history; President John F. Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy pushed the American Zionist Council (AZC) to register as a foreign agent under U.S. law. This limited the AZC's ability to make political donations.

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963, and his brother Robert was assassinated on June 5, 1968. After the AZC disbanded in 1968, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which had been created in 1963, became the leading pro-Israel lobbying group in the U.S.

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5 Pro

President Musk has spent the past two weeks now trying to interfere in UK politics because taking over America wasn't enough for the Western Oligarch and he has now set his sights on the UK which admittedly is in a weakened state lately, he wants to take over another country to weaken its institutions and enrich himself even more. You'd wonder if this dude even has a job considering he spends hours a day shit posting on Twitter. He has spread straight up lies about the Labour Party, accused Starmer and Jess Phillips of being "rape genocide apologists", parroted debunked far right nonsense, said that the UK needs another election now and publicly backed Reform UK and is considering making a large donation to them, Reform UK is a far-right political party whose leader helped tank the UK via BREXIT then dipped out for years while we cleaned up the mess.

But like his support of immigration is turning select portions of MAGA against him, he is now coming into a clash with Reform UK, it started with him supporting Nigel Farage but recently he made posts about "Freeing Tommy Robinson" for those in America, Tommy Robinson is a far-right thug, a massive racist who co-founded the English Defence League, Tommy's achievements include assault on a police officer, multiple public order offenses, using false passports (which ironically, has resulted in him being banned from entering America), fraud, contempt of court, libel, stalking, tax evasion and most recently knowingly spread misinformation whilst living in Cyprus which led to riots in the UK.

Even Tories have warned America that Musk's posts are going too far. This is a man so abhorrent that even Nigel Farage distances himself from him, Nigel Farage left UKIP due to their increasing support of Tommy Robinson, so now that Musk is singing praises about a far-right, race-war baiting twat, Nigel Farage has had to come out to say "Tommy Robinson is not what we need" To which Elon Musk has now posted on Twitter that Nigel Farage has to resign from Reform UK. Lmfao.

Not sure how this will go down, in America it has led to MAGA attacking MAGA but Brits usually hate foreigners interfering in their country, Brits will often talk shit about Britain but if some foreigner talks the same shit they will get defensive and all nationalistic, Lmao. But that mask that slipped and the hypocrisy came oozing out of Reform UK supporters lately, they will scream about Europe being terrible for having some influence over UK but some South African Immigrant living in America interfering in UK politics is good because he's funding their side, I'm no nationalist but Lmao at anyone who claims to be one or proud of their country but rolls over at the thought of some billionaire foreigner buying his way into our politics.

But Farage has a bit of a cult around him too, even though he fucked the UK and then vanished for years and Elon Musk is already widely disliked in the UK. YouGov survey (conducted on 14-15 August) finds that almost four times as many Britons have a negative view of Musk (64%) as a positive one (17%). So I'm not sure what Musk's play here is, if his angle is for Reform UK to boot Farage out with the promise of money then Farage will just form a new party and Reform UK will die as quickly as UKIP, Musk seems to genuinely be having a bit of a mental breakdown lately, picking a fight with everyone. But anyway, could you keep your cunts to yourself, America?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 05 January 2025

Also could these useless political parties actually do something about Musk/X in Europe? Dear lord, they've just watched him buy his way in America and Democrats suffer a huge defeat, they've watched him win an election by buying one of the biggest social media platforms in the world and use it to spread disinformation and bullshit for his side with zero regulations or rules, they've watched his platform spread misinformation which led to riots in European countries and now Musk is (while also being part of the upcoming Republican Administration) publicly attacking current sitting governments and trying to interfere in our countries politics when he knows fuck all about them.

And what the fuck are they doing? Nothing. They'll be like "Oh just ignore it" or "But...But...Free Market!" or "When they go low! We go high!" as if that bullshit have ever been proven to work, they're watching Musk slow walk their countries into far-right using his platform which is probably home to the most misinformation around nowadays so Musk can buy his way into their governments and they're doing exactly fuck all about it cause...capitalism? Idfk. It's like they're fucking terrified to do anything about the big billionaire and happy to watch themselves slowly lose power through social media manipulation.

I'll say again, if Musk was doing the exact same shit but he was a Chinese immigrant with links to CCP then America/Europe would have about 20,000 investigations on him already and be gearing up to ban his platform and regulate his ass into the ground but because he's a white American it's absolutely fine. Lmao. The fucking hypocrisy and racism at play is crazy because there's absolutely no way a Chinese lad would get away with what Musk is doing.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 05 January 2025

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Musk needs to be deported to South Africa. There’s a town for people like him on the Karoo.

Orania - Wikipedia

I forgot to mention that Musk called on King Charles to dissolve parliament over a dozen times on Twitter and force a new election, only 6 months after Labour won an election democratically, it shows how little Musk knows, literally every single thing outside of electric vehicles and rockets, this dude is utterly clueless on, being smart in one area doesn't mean you're a genius in all and Musk has shown he is a fucking moron in everything outside his tech companies and even then it's debatable how much work he does nowadays. Point is, the moment the Royal Family steps out of line and did such a move would be the moment that UK becomes a Republic, the Royal Family only lives as long as they don't use any of that power they "technically" have and King Charles would never do such a stupid move, nor would he agree with Musk in the first place, he is barking up the wrong royal, I think the nonce Prince Andrew would be friends with Musk but he ain't king.

I really wish UK was still in EU because I'd much rather UK be more aligned with Europe than America right now. Pretty obvious UK is no true ally of America's and the special relationship is horseshit, any normal leader in America would tell Musk to shut the fuck up but America is only interested in UK as long as UK is its loyal dog that does whatever it says without no objection, the relationship is one-sided. BREXIT was the biggest self-own in history, it made us weaker economically and isolated politically, it opens us up to manipulative twats like Musk. Though I think he is underestimating how nationalistic Brits can be against foreigners telling them what to do and how much influence Farage has, there is no Reform UK without Farage and Conservatives/Reform Brits hold some horrible views but they like to pretend they're still reasonable so openly siding with thugs like Tommy Robinson is a bridge too far, it's more about optics and Tommy isn't good optics.

This dude has actually lost the plot, I now think Trump and Musk will clash even sooner, he's even more insane than Donald Trump (and Farage is Trump's friend). Is he suffering from psychosis or something? Get this man some help, America. He belongs in a psych ward more than near government positions. It's time for the useless politicians in Europe to actually do something, he is a danger to Europe and democracies, his platform is harmful and already resulted in physical harm inflicted on Europe. Anyone on the left or centre should leave Twitter, anyone who claims to be a right wing patriot should also do the same and don't be like the right wing Canadian cucks, rolling over to your master from another country.

Ban Twitter in Europe, I never would have said this a few years ago but enough is enough, this dude and his platform is just as dangerous, if not more so, than TikTok. Launch an EU and Ofcom investigation into Musk. Investigate his platforms role in egging on violence across Europe. Ban foreign donations to political parties, not a British citizen then fuck off trying to manipulate our politics. Trump hasn't even taken office yet and his admin has threatened the UK multiple times, Trump's advisors threatening us for trade with Europe, Musk threatening our elected governments, Vance threatening us if we be mean to Musk, etc. Fuck it. If America wants to sanction us for being mean to their poor old billionaire than so be it.

Social media was a mistake, on the one hand there are right wingers manipulating it to their advantage and spreading misinformation, which will only get worse with AI advancements and deepfake shit, on the other hand you have the centre-left governments being like "Oh no, what can we do about it, nothing I suppose, oh well" and just sitting back watching the rot spread and doing nothing about it. Madness.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 January 2025

Meanwhile, Trudeau is set to resign today, for which Trump will no doubt take credit, especially if it means fast-tracking Pee Pee into office.

I think the British Media should stop reporting on what this drug fuelled maniac keeps raving on about too, we've got about 10,000 more important things to discuss than what the deadbeat father says on Twitter. FFS It's not breaking news that Musk said something stupid, we don't need to genuinely entertain every dumb ass demand, he's a fucking American, South African immigrant with zero relevancy to UK, at the very minimum, call out his bullshit when you report on it. But I despise the British Media more than the American Media, Lol.

The fact that Starmer is ignoring him is making him spiral and say even more insane shit, he's a man-child of a rich daddy who has never been told no his entire life, lets just launch investigations into him and his companies, ban Twitter in Europe and then ignore the baby screaming across the ocean. We don't spend this much time on the loony Russian Oligarchs ranting about UK.

It's funny he was crying about the platform being too negative the other day but he won't shut the fuck up himself, he is now changing Twitter to promote more "positive" stuff and trying to create an echo chamber for himself, all because MAGA loons attacked him, the same MAGA loons he goaded on and gave a voice to because it was fine for them to attack Democrats but the moment they came after him was a big no no, Lol. How the fuck does anyone on the left or right look up to this man? He's a coward, a hypocrite and a moron, one of the biggest losers on the internet.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 January 2025

“I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!” sobbed the woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.