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I forgot to mention that Musk called on King Charles to dissolve parliament over a dozen times on Twitter and force a new election, only 6 months after Labour won an election democratically, it shows how little Musk knows, literally every single thing outside of electric vehicles and rockets, this dude is utterly clueless on, being smart in one area doesn't mean you're a genius in all and Musk has shown he is a fucking moron in everything outside his tech companies and even then it's debatable how much work he does nowadays. Point is, the moment the Royal Family steps out of line and did such a move would be the moment that UK becomes a Republic, the Royal Family only lives as long as they don't use any of that power they "technically" have and King Charles would never do such a stupid move, nor would he agree with Musk in the first place, he is barking up the wrong royal, I think the nonce Prince Andrew would be friends with Musk but he ain't king.

I really wish UK was still in EU because I'd much rather UK be more aligned with Europe than America right now. Pretty obvious UK is no true ally of America's and the special relationship is horseshit, any normal leader in America would tell Musk to shut the fuck up but America is only interested in UK as long as UK is its loyal dog that does whatever it says without no objection, the relationship is one-sided. BREXIT was the biggest self-own in history, it made us weaker economically and isolated politically, it opens us up to manipulative twats like Musk. Though I think he is underestimating how nationalistic Brits can be against foreigners telling them what to do and how much influence Farage has, there is no Reform UK without Farage and Conservatives/Reform Brits hold some horrible views but they like to pretend they're still reasonable so openly siding with thugs like Tommy Robinson is a bridge too far, it's more about optics and Tommy isn't good optics.

This dude has actually lost the plot, I now think Trump and Musk will clash even sooner, he's even more insane than Donald Trump (and Farage is Trump's friend). Is he suffering from psychosis or something? Get this man some help, America. He belongs in a psych ward more than near government positions. It's time for the useless politicians in Europe to actually do something, he is a danger to Europe and democracies, his platform is harmful and already resulted in physical harm inflicted on Europe. Anyone on the left or centre should leave Twitter, anyone who claims to be a right wing patriot should also do the same and don't be like the right wing Canadian cucks, rolling over to your master from another country.

Ban Twitter in Europe, I never would have said this a few years ago but enough is enough, this dude and his platform is just as dangerous, if not more so, than TikTok. Launch an EU and Ofcom investigation into Musk. Investigate his platforms role in egging on violence across Europe. Ban foreign donations to political parties, not a British citizen then fuck off trying to manipulate our politics. Trump hasn't even taken office yet and his admin has threatened the UK multiple times, Trump's advisors threatening us for trade with Europe, Musk threatening our elected governments, Vance threatening us if we be mean to Musk, etc. Fuck it. If America wants to sanction us for being mean to their poor old billionaire than so be it.

Social media was a mistake, on the one hand there are right wingers manipulating it to their advantage and spreading misinformation, which will only get worse with AI advancements and deepfake shit, on the other hand you have the centre-left governments being like "Oh no, what can we do about it, nothing I suppose, oh well" and just sitting back watching the rot spread and doing nothing about it. Madness.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 06 January 2025