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Did too many leave Twitter the last months or why is Musk suddenly fighting the extreme right to stop "normal" people to leave 🤣

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Ryuu96 said:

I'd bet on Musk winning this battle though, the MAGA plebs already used up all their usefulness, they elected Trump again, they're no longer needed, he doesn't give a fuck about them, only what enriches him and Elon Musk is the richest man in the world, who is Trump going to side with? Billionaires stick together. The only thing that will breakup Musk and Trump is a clash of egos. Trump hasn't got to deliver on fuck all he promised, he won, his fans saved him from his legal battles, he'll run 4 years then have a cosy retirement.

I predict RFK Jr will be booted before Musk because honestly he doesn't bring shit either. Of course Musk owning the biggest social media platform means he can just mute any opposing voices too, Lmfao. Not like we didn't warn people about the dangers of someone like Musk owning the platform, essentially the Republican Party owning Twitter, people cry about CCPs connections to TikTok but will look the other way when it comes to Republicans essentially owning Twitter via Musk.

I agree with your first paragraph. The racists got duped, and there's no reason to appease them anymore. Not to mention that the hardliner anti-immigration stance is irrational to begin with and can't be fulfilled even when any politician absolutely wants to, because the USA needs a lot of immigrants doing the work that Americans are unable and/or unwilling to do, be it in Silicon Valley or on the fields harvesting crops to be able to sell them at affordable prices. The MAGA threat of not showing up for the midterms means nothing. With such thin majorities that the Republicans have right now, the predictable chaos that a Trump presidency will bring will swing the majorities back to Democrats anyway.

Funny that it didn't even take until the day Trump takes office for the veil coming off of the oldest political game in the books: Get votes by putting the blame for all the country's problems on immigrants, then put your hands deep into the pots of federal money to enrich yourself.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Elon out here fighting for H1Bs like he didn't speedrun illegal immigration, skipping the tutorial, and unlocking the billionaire DLC on his way to billionaire status while working illegally. I guess the rules are just for us mortals.

Somebody get Elon a juice box and a nap before he declares war on nap time too.

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
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Well this marriage between Musk and MAGA did not last long. I guess now that he is pretty much in the political sphere he feels he doesn't have to pretend anymore to care about that group. Just wondering if we are going to see any real fallout from this or will be blown to the wind within a month. I am sure Trump will come save his president with something stupid that will take heat off and concentrate on something of little importance.


In an NY Post interview, Trump weighs in on the H-1B Visa matter:

“I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them. I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program”

[image or embed]

— Yashar Ali 🐘 ( 28 December 2024 at 19:35

Vice President Trump has finally spoken on the issue siding with President Musk, now will MAGA roll over like the good little dogs they are because their lord and saviour has finally spoken on the issue and taken a stance, will they stop their rage towards Musk or will they continue their rage against Musk and now Trump, I'm betting they all submit now considering they treat Trump like a God. Already backtracked on grocery prices, immigration, ending the Ukraine war in a day, etc, and the administration hasn't even started, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 December 2024

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Hold on, now they're saying the racist, fascist members of the Republican Party are...Woke? Lmfao.

It's worse to be called woke than a Nazi to these people  

This word really has ZERO meaning anymore.

I mean...Fascists are woke now? LOL.

Last edited by Hiku - on 28 December 2024

Ahhhh. The circus act that is MAGA continues. *Grabs popcorn*

Let the idiots self destruct once again.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Trump continues to give new meaning to this old quote
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
This pertains to him saying that Wayne Gretzky should run for Prime Minister of Canada. Oh well, I am sure Trump faithful will just say he is joking but I wonder how many times they will use that excuse every time he shows his ignorance of how things work.

I wonder if this will distract from the H1B visa issue as people contemplate whether he even knows how our own political system works. It would be interesting if he was given a blind test and see the results.

Democratic voters sure are pissing their pants right now. One of them sent me a PM to say that Joe Biden should pull a January 6th to stop Trump from taking office; the same guy spent months online to argue in favor of Trump. Maybe it now dawns on him how much he contributed to the incoming chaos. But no matter how you look at this particular situation... the guy is an idiot.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.