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Anyone disrupted, affected, furloughed, or unpaid during a government shutdown should see this tweet where Elon Musk assures them they’ll be fine. Guess we’re getting a sneak peek of the next few years, buckle up!

Last edited by deskpro2k3 - on 18 December 2024

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Elon has it right. Life will go on.  No one will be homeless or jobless after the shit is over. Purging is not the worst thing. The losers can always collect benefits.

BFR said:

Elon has it right. Life will go on.  No one will be homeless or jobless after the shit is over. Purging is not the worst thing. The losers can always collect benefits.

Homelessness has been an issue in the United States since even before the 1870's.

Are you suggesting that overnight, Elon will have the solution resolved when it's a global issue that's never been resolved?

Even Countries like the Netherlands with a strong social-welfare net (Housing allowance, Healthcare allowance, Child allowance, Unemployment benefit) and  about 30% of the nations housing being social housing... Still has a homeless issue.
And that's on top of a unemployment rate that is a low 3.7%.

How is Musk going to resolve the homeless rate? You seem to think he has a magical answer that no one has thought of for centuries, so what is it? Or are you pegging it on hopes and dreams?

What if he can't resolve the homeless rate? Will you still support Musk? Or will you label him as a fraud? When do you think he will resolve the issue? Because I am willing to bet not much will change, just like the last time Trump was in power.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Sorry guys........ I'm not falling for your "GOTCHA" traps. I wasn't born yesterday......Put that in your pipe and smoke it !!!!!

BFR said:

Sorry guys........ I'm not falling for your "GOTCHA" traps. I wasn't born yesterday......Put that in your pipe and smoke it !!!!!

Naw, you just do not have an answer, which we understand.  So lets say the government does shutdown, who will it effect.  First thing to remember is that the Federal government is made of people so all of those people do not get paid when the government shuts down.  Next would be any federal programs or federal employees who work in areas that assist regular people.  You see its easy for some rich dude to say, yeah shut it down because he is never going to be effected that much, but actual people lives are very much a part of it. 

As a negotiation ploy, its never actually beneficial for the group that is in power to be the cause of a shutdown.  Its very hard to leverage the opposite party because the blame is always on who is in power and who cause the shutdown.  As I remember, the last shutdown did not get Trump his funding for the wall and actually help to lose the House which then approved the bill that did not have the funding for the wall.  The tactic of shutting down the government only really works if the opposite party actually fears losing seats in the house or Senate but since the GOP has majority in the house, Senate and the presidency what exactly is there for the Dems to fear.  

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deskpro2k3 said:

Anyone disrupted, affected, furloughed, or unpaid during a government shutdown should see this tweet where Elon Musk assures them they’ll be fine. Guess we’re getting a sneak peek of the next few years, buckle up!

Including military.

Russian Oligarchs must be looking on in pure envy at President Musk, not even Russian Oligarchs have this much power over the Russian Government, they know their place, they have to roll over and take the consequences for Putin's madness. America is in no position to mock how Russia runs things anymore when they've modelled themselves after them and actually in fact, done one step better than them in terms of the elite holding the power, what's their motto again? Party of the People? We hate the elite? Whilst having the richest man in the world dictate how America is run? They're the biggest hypocrites in the world, a bunch of idiots.

Private billionaire (and immigrant) who nobody voted for is in control of the US Government using the biggest social media platform in the world to pressure them, he posted 70 times on Twitter to trash the GOP bill before Trump even spoke, Musk was meant to be in charge of "Government Efficiency" nonsense and yet I've seen him with Trump in practically every aspect of his upcoming admin, he is getting involved in things way beyond his understanding, such as foreign policy, I've seen Musk far more than I have seen JD Vance who has suspiciously vanished. All the Republican conspiracy theories of old have turned out true, only it's them making them true.

Russia well and truly won the 2nd Cold War, now they will watch as America rips itself apart with division and stupidity, Russia was never a military threat to America, the American people ended up being a bigger threat to America than Russia was and all it took is a little prodding in the right direction. I only wish America was some irrelevant country that wouldn't drag anyone else down with its own stupidity but that won't be the case, whether it be tariffs having a global consequence or them bringing back deadly viruses through being antivax morons.

Now we have the American Oligarch/President trying to interfere in UK Politics.

Elon Musk Ready To Bankroll Farage With ‘Biggest Donation In British Political History’

Farage, the dude who convinced UK to BREXIT, then fucked off and vanished as UK dealt with the consequences which as we can see lately, haven't been good at all and left us weaker in practically every single aspect you can list, Farage who has been spending more time in America than his own constituency. Farage who is nothing but a guy who drops a bomb then fucks off while everyone else picks up the pieces, now Elon Musk will help him dismantle the UK even further just like he is helping Trump dismantle America and once again he will fuck off when the going gets tough.

If Elon Musk was a Saudi Prince backing a Muslim candidate, the British public would lose their shit, if Elon Musk was Chinese and owned TikTok instead of being white and owning Twitter, America would have put their boot on his throat in an instant and the UK would be investigating him as well, they'd be a full government inquiry. But because he's white it's perfectly okay for him to interfere in other countries, it just shows how far being white can get you. We know why the difference is though, it's pure racism, Asian and Arab = Bad but White = Good.

I thought America First was meant to be isolationist? It isn't taking President Musk long to start trying to buy his influence in other countries now as well. Also, an extra big fuck you to any Brits who claim to be nationalist but will then get on their hands and knees to lick America's boot and the boot of the billionaire American/Immigrant from South Africa. Nothing against him being an immigrant or being American and I don't consider myself a nationalist either but for those who do, don't try to convince us that you are one while sucking America's teat, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 December 2024

BFR said:

Sorry guys........ I'm not falling for your "GOTCHA" traps. I wasn't born yesterday......Put that in your pipe and smoke it !!!!!

The only gotcha would be showing you have nothing meaningful to contribute. 

Which uh, isn't looking so good. 

I hope your two posts here were jokes. 

Shutdown avoided. It looks like Musk keeps losing with his wild suggestions.

Also noteworthy, so far there has been a surprisingly large amount of Republicans in both the house and senate who have shown some spine. The incoming Republican majorities might not mean all that much then, or at least it's now looking realistic that Trump and Musk won't be able to do all the crazy shit they have in their minds.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Who's that old guy on the side of USA's new president born in South Africa (funny considering the conspiracies around Obama) who tries to bring chaos to all countries (except for countries like Russia obviously)