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SvennoJ said:

US Congress member Cori Bush latest to face pro-Israel lobby spending

Missouri state representative Cori Bush has been an outspoken critic of United States support for Israel during the war on Gaza. She has also been vocal about the influence of the pro-Israel lobby group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Tomorrow, she will become the latest progressive in the US legislature to test whether she can overcome a deluge of AIPAC spending as she faces her challenger, prosecutor Wesley Bell, in the Democratic primary in Missouri.

AIPAC’s associated super PAC, the United Democracy Project, has spent more than $8.4m to unseat Bush, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) data. The race comes after the group injected a record $14.5m to support the successful challenge of New York Congress member Jamaal Bowman, who, like Bush, is among a group of congressional progressives known as the “squad”.

Critics say money from groups such as AIPAC, which has largely embraced the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, distort local races by flooding the airwaves with attack ads funded by individuals outside of the district or the Democratic Party.

“This is only the beginning,” Bush has told AP. “Because if they can unseat me, then they’re going to continue to come after more Democrats.”

The half a million dollar they spent to knock out Nina Turner years ago now looks like pocket change in comparison. A foreign organisation representing a far right government interests is deciding winners and losers in what is meant to be a fair democratic process, if this isn't election interference, I don't know what is.

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Jesus Fucking Christ. I wonder how many people are this stupid? Average Trump fan, FML. I hope the dude educated his ass. How do you even get to this point? Is it just "well abortion was banned in some states while Biden was president so it's his fault" do they teach kids in American schools how America's government even works?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 05 August 2024

Shapiro seems all right, love how he takes Vance down at the end of the segment.

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Shtinamin_ said:

I have received revelation that I need to vote for him. I have received it because I have pondered over his political platform, 1. his values he has now, and what he has, is and will 2. give up to fight for what he 3. believes in. After my pondering, I question and wait. And received the answer.

Can you elaborate on these? 

1. His values? Not the ones from his campaign page, I mean his actual values.  His.

2. And what he will give up?

3. What does he believes in?

Ryuu96 said:

Fucking dying at the choice of images used.

"By contrast, only 12% say the same of Vice President Kamala Harris is [too old]."

She's only 59.  Ouch.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

And I'll post my periodic reminder that all of these polls use "likely voters". That means people that have already voted in the previous election. They do not include new voters or previously disinterested voters.

And I'll let you guess which candidate has static voters and which one is gaining new or reinvigorated voters.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

"Blue Wallz" is a great slogan.

Close to "Blue Ballz" though.

Ryuu96 said:

Jesus Fucking Christ. I wonder how many people are this stupid? Average Trump fan, FML. I hope the dude educated his ass. How do you even get to this point? Is it just "well abortion was banned in some states while Biden was president so it's his fault" do they teach kids in American schools how America's government even works?

Its not that he is stupid.  For all we know, he could be gaslighting because he knows his audience is stupid.  Meaning that I have seen so much misinformation on the net that its not even funny and this is just one example of pushing BS hoping to no one actually take the time to research even a little.  Think about it this way, how many people believe that everything that happens in the US is the direct result of decisions made by the President.  There is a huge amount of people who do not even know how the different branches of the government work.

Tim Walz? wtf, am I dreaming? Fuck yeah.

My optimism about Harris presidency couldn't be higher.