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But like Cruz and other Republicans, Kemp is a cuck who will listen to Trump attack him and his family and still vote for him in November.

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SanAndreasX said:

But like Cruz and other Republicans, Kemp is a cuck who will listen to Trump attack him and his family and still vote for him in November.


This is the party of "strong family values" where the "men protect their women" but the moment Trump attacks "their woman" they roll over like a pathetic whimpering dog and even those who do bark back a little, eventually fall back in line like the loyal dogs they are, they have no capability to stand up against Trump, even when he attacks their families or their wives.

Tim Walz Signing Law Guaranteeing Free Breakfast and Lunch For All Students in the State: r/MadeMeSmile

I love this man, he is the perfect counter to Trump and Vance's poisonous evil.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

All the far-right grifters around the world hopping onto the Imane Khelif boxing drama, now Trump has just claimed she was a male who transitioned to female (she wasn't), he really is a piece of shit (like JK Rowling), these transphobes are now attacking women who were born female (who could have seen that coming!). Though I find it a sick irony that right-wingers are trying to force a woman into being male.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:

All the far-right grifters around the world hopping onto the Imane Khelif boxing drama, now Trump has just claimed she was a male who transitioned to female (she wasn't), he really is a piece of shit (like JK Rowling), these transphobes are now attacking actual legit women (who could have seen that coming!). Though I find it a sick irony that right-wingers are trying to force a woman into being male.

Yeah that whole thing might be the dumbest controversy in a seemingly limitless string of dumb controversies. Like...what does this even say about them? what point are they trying to make here? And to make matters worse, even when presented with hard, no-nonsense evidence that says clearly 'no, she's just cis and comes from a nation that doesn't even allow gay or trans people to exist without legal ramifications', they either just ignore it, deny it, or make up some nonsense about a hormone disorder that results in her having heightened levels of testosterone. 

Like, there's an argument to be made about trans women competing in sports against cis women. I'm a far-left progressive and am 100% about trans people being valid and deserving of respect but there's certainly a discussion to be had there...and even I'm over here like...what the fuck are they trying to do? Is the goal to just make an even wider divide between male and female in terms of what is and isn't socially acceptable? Are they trying to actively demonize anything even remotely associated with masculinity? Are they actively trying to say that women are inherently inferior/weaker/unable to defend themselves? No matter what angle they're coming from they're being disrespectful and invalidating to SOMEONE, and it's all bad!

Like, I personally do feel that trans people and Cis people are biologically different. Because they are. Doesn't make one inferior or superior, just different. That's why sports are separated by sex as it is. I get it. But I'm not the one competing. Clearly there's a lot of evidence about how hormone replacement therapy alters a person's bone density and physical attributes to more align with their associated gender. Clearly the main issue is the inherent size and strength difference between men and that's why there's weight classes. Clearly the people who understand this shit a whole lot better than I do feel that there's more to it than just 'men beating on women'. I have my knee-jerk reaction to the concept but that's not more well-read or mature than the people who actually have to study this shit and are saying it's fine. I'm not the one competing. 

In the end so much of it is about consent, though. Like, so many of their arguments boil down to 'so you think it's okay for a man to hit a woman?' like that's some sort of gotcha. And no...I don't think it's okay for any one person to attack any other person regardless of gender. But that's not what this is. IT's mutually agreed upon combat sports between consenting parties. If the competitors both agree to it....then it's not abuse. IT's not sexist. It's just two people agreeing to a thing and doing the thing. 

It doesn't matter what angle these transphobes come from, their arguments are bad. And this is by far the most egregious example of it. 

It's almost like conservatives don't actually understand what they're talking about and just like to have emotional reactions to their ignorance without a sliver of self-awareness or reflection. I hate generalizing but that really does seem to be the crux of every argument they ever make. They have some limited, 'basic' understanding of an issue and think their third grade education holds more weight than the experts or the decades of learning we've done as a culture. Of course it's conservatives want to eradicate the department of education. Because Education is antithetical to conservative 'values'. Being educated is the best way to innoculate yourself from conservative ideology. 

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Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

All the far-right grifters around the world hopping onto the Imane Khelif boxing drama, now Trump has just claimed she was a male who transitioned to female (she wasn't), he really is a piece of shit (like JK Rowling), these transphobes are now attacking women who were born female (who could have seen that coming!). Though I find it a sick irony that right-wingers are trying to force a woman into being male.

No one goes on better rants than John Iadarola imo and he had a great one about this BS:


Ryuu96 said:

All the far-right grifters around the world hopping onto the Imane Khelif boxing drama, now Trump has just claimed she was a male who transitioned to female (she wasn't), he really is a piece of shit (like JK Rowling), these transphobes are now attacking women who were born female (who could have seen that coming!). Though I find it a sick irony that right-wingers are trying to force a woman into being male.

Claudia Tenney (R-NY24) is apparently using the lies about Khelif as a fundraising tool for her re-election. 

SanAndreasX said:
Ryuu96 said:

All the far-right grifters around the world hopping onto the Imane Khelif boxing drama, now Trump has just claimed she was a male who transitioned to female (she wasn't), he really is a piece of shit (like JK Rowling), these transphobes are now attacking women who were born female (who could have seen that coming!). Though I find it a sick irony that right-wingers are trying to force a woman into being male.

Claudia Tenney (R-NY24) is apparently using the lies about Khelif as a fundraising tool for her re-election. 

Representative in America using lies about an Algerian boxer facing an Italian boxer in a French Olympics about a woman beating a woman to fund her re-election in America, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 August 2024

