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Republicans: What are you talking about?! I'm 1% Cherokee!

MAGA: What?! A black man and Indian woman can have a biracial child? It's impossible!

I can't...They're just too dumb, of all the attack angles, now they're on the "SHE AIN'T BLACK!" angle, quite possible the dumbest one they could pick, their racism comes above all else. Oh man, I really hope they keep this attack angle up, it's such a losing message. Reminds me of them attacking Obama's birth certificate, Lmao.

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Lasted a week before we went back to sexism and racism.

Johnson's incompetence continues to show, can't keep his party in line.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 31 July 2024

Mike Johnson’s predicament in a nutshell.

That was easily the most disastrous interview from a candidate I've ever seen. It's too quotable for all the wrong reasons. He just created 30 ads for the Democrats to use against him from 1 interview. That's amazing.

He just lost the race.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 


Around the Network

Can't attack policy, all they have is racism and sexism, so sad.



Ryuu96 said:

Can't attack policy, all they have is racism and sexism, so sad.

Seems like they're really leaning into this. The MAGA base seems to be jazzed that Trump is leaning into the racism, I wouldn't be surprised to see them lean into it even more over the next couple weeks.