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Trump downplays deadly Charlottesville rally as a ‘peanut’ compared to Israel-Gaza protests

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday night downplayed the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which led to a woman’s death, as a “peanut” compared to the demonstrations happening across the US against Israel’s actions in Gaza.

In August 2017, White nationalists, neo-Nazis and other right-wing groups descended on Charlottesville to protest the city’s decision to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, with some gathered chanting, “Jews will not replace us.” One of the attendees rammed his car into a crowd, killing a 32-yeard-old paralegal and injuring several others.

There have been no reports of any comparable violence occurring during the pro-Palestinian demonstrations taking place across the country, which have centered largely on college campuses.

Trump’s comments are his latest attempt to minimize the Charlottesville incident. He was widely condemned in 2017 for declaring there were “very fine people” on both sides of the demonstrations. Joe Biden invoked those comments when he announced his 2020 president campaign against Trump.

“Crooked Joe Biden would say, constantly, that he ran because of Charlottesville. Well, if that’s the case, he’s done a really terrible job because Charlottesville is like a ‘peanut’ compared to the riots and anti-Israel protests that are happening all over our Country, RIGHT NOW,” Trump posted on Truth Social Wednesday night. Trump also accused Biden in the post of hating Israel and the Jewish people, but hating the Palestinian people even more.

When asked about Trump’s post, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung told CNN, “President Trump is 100% correct.”

Can somebody else please run for president in the USA, Biden and Trump are both a dead end.

JFC. Fucking Psychopath.

The governor then decided that another one of her animals was deserving of summary execution — a mean old “disgusting, musky, rancid” goat who sometimes chased her children and messed up their clothes. Pretty normal behavior if you’ve ever been around a goat but in Noem’s eyes, a capital offense. But unlike Cricket’s mercifully quick death, Noem botched her first shot at the goat, and was forced to run back to her truck for more ammo to finish off the wounded animal.


Disgusting human being who can't even shoot her gun properly.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 April 2024

FCC Reinstates Net Neutrality

"The Federal Trade Commission on Thursday voted to restore “net neutrality” rules that prevent broadband internet providers such as Comcast and Verizon from favoring some sites and apps over others.

The move effectively reinstates a net neutrality order the commission first issued in 2015 during the Obama administration. In 2017, under then-President Donald Trump, the FCC repealed those rules.

The measure passed Thursday on a 3-2 vote split along party lines, with Democratic commissioners in favor and Republicans opposed.

Net neutrality effectively requires providers of internet service to treat all traffic equally, eliminating any incentive they might face to favor business partners or to hobble competitors. The public interest group Public Knowledge describes net neutrality as “the principle that the company that connects you to the internet does not get to control what you do on the internet.”

Keep it up, guys.

So the NY criminal trial is becoming something way bigger than I anticipated and probably a lot of people if you are following the case. While its been called the hush money trial and pretty much been labeled or seen as insignificant, when you really look at what Trump is being charged its clear this trial may end up being something really damaging if Trump is convicted.

First is David Pecker testimony which is about as damaging as it can be because it just kills the defense case that these money payments were done because Trump did not want his family to hear about this infidelity. There is no felony part to this part of the case but what it does do is paint the situation where its pretty much impossible for Trump Lawyers can contest one, he did not have relationships with Daniels and second that he was only paying her because her story is untrue.

Now that the prosecution has established this point, now comes the real meat to the case. The audio tape where Trump instructs Cohen to hold Daniels payment until after the election because as he stated, it would not mean anything if he were president. The handwritten notes from his CFO basically describing the payments and how they should be handled in his own handwriting.

Then you have the opening statements from Trump own lawyer that he will show that not only Trump did not have relationships with Daniels, but he will prove it. This is the part that I thought was very interesting because it really does not make sense. Why even pay anyone to shut up about an event that never occurred. I know that Trump believe the people that follow him are idiots, but you really have to be totally stupid to believe that part. I guess he is hoping at least one person is on the jury that no matter the evidence will just deny everything so there would be a mistrial.

Last edited by Machiavellian - on 29 April 2024

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MTG is such a dumbass, overplayed her hand, Lol. Dems looking like they have all the control now.

Maybe this is a high-level play between MTG and MJ to lull the Dems into keeping him while they both scheme something that would make, they all consider resigning after having the chance to send him away. Yeah, I know the chance of MTG actually being that capable is not high but then again it doesn't have to be her plan.

I just find it funny...

"I can't campaign, I'm in court" - Presidential Candidate.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 April 2024

Machiavellian said:

Maybe this is a high-level play between MTG and MJ to lull the Dems into keeping him while they both scheme something that would make, they all consider resigning after having the chance to send him away. Yeah, I know the chance of MTG actually being that capable is not high but then again it doesn't have to be her plan.

Nah I think Republicans are just finally getting sick of her, a few have threatened to outright quit and give Democrats the majority if she motions to vacate, Johnson took a few months and the Dems promise to save his ass to finally grow 20% of a spine, now he looks owned by the Democrats though I wish they would also bang on more about the fact that they had a border deal which the Republicans scuttled.

They (Dems) got the foreign aid bills out of Johnson for this but hopefully they got other things out of him too, we'll see.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 April 2024