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Angelus said:
VersusEvil said:

So Divinity Original Sin II has been in my top 5 of all time since it released but after playing its prequel I can really appreciate just how much of an improvement it is over the first game. I’m genuinely surprised how slow my second playthrough of DoS has been so far, plays pretty sluggish.

It's funny, cus I actually played them in order, and I ADORED the first game when I played it. It's so good. But after playing 2, it's really hard to revisit the first game. 2 is just THAT good.

Divinity Sins 2 is just so good. It actually made me find BG3 just "meh"... Cause the combat system is just 10 times better in DS2. 
I love this game and goes back to here a lot when I'm bored of any other RPG out there. 

Around the Network

PS Showcase set for next week. Can't wait for the meltdowns here
P6 Exclusive - I rage
Mass Effect or DA - V, Shika, Ryuu, Angie
KH - Ice, Shika
Konami - Not sure...">"><img src="

I’ve got my angry keyboard plugged in and ready to watch.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

I’ve got my angry keyboard plugged in and ready to watch.

Imma take all of my anger and pent up frustrations out on a certain Southern boi.... 

@NobleTeam360">"><img src="

VersusEvil said:

I’ve got my angry keyboard plugged in and ready to watch.

Those obsessed with us will be watching closely. 🙏

Around the Network

For real, I'm not worried, I hope they have a great showcase, the industry thrives when everyone is doing great and it's nice to see, I do hope it isn't moneyhat heavy cause the drama and I don't personally care for Sony's 1st party but if they money-hatted something that I actually liked then I'd be sad but I'm not as concerned as some people are right now.

I don't actually think the showcase will be as money-hat heavy as some are expecting, it's just a hunch. Like, sure we have the Konami leaked stuff but that's literally all right now, I'm expecting Konami and some other Japanese stuff and that's about all but meh, I don't care about any of that and MG3 started out as a PlayStation exclusive anyway and I think these ones will be timed, not like Square Enix timed.

Then only 2-3 weeks to Xbox showcase and Starfield/Todd!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 May 2023

Ryuu96 said:
VersusEvil said:

I’ve got my angry keyboard plugged in and ready to watch.

Those obsessed with us will be watching closely. 🙏

It's always striked me as strange for someone to obsessively stalk another thread they won't post in. Like, is your life really that dull that you have absolutely nothing else you would rather devote your time to. 🤣

Spade said:
VersusEvil said:

I’ve got my angry keyboard plugged in and ready to watch.

Imma take all of my anger and pent up frustrations out on a certain Southern boi.... 


Ryuu gonna take it out on you.

NobleTeam360 said:
Spade said:

Imma take all of my anger and pent up frustrations out on a certain Southern boi.... 


Ryuu gonna take it out on you.

Not afraid of that pipsqueak.">"><img src="

Spade said:

PS Showcase set for next week. Can't wait for the meltdowns here
P6 Exclusive - I rage
Mass Effect or DA - V, Shika, Ryuu, Angie
KH - Ice, Shika
Konami - Not sure...

I would be shocked if Sony had enough money to pay for exclusives on any EA game like DA or ME.