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When the game is ultimately bad, why just not cancelling it ? They cancelled Scalebound, despite looking very great, bur they heavily promoted Redfall despite its state. I won't even mention the leaker who said MS knew the current state of Redfall

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Shaunodon said:

May as well just cancel Starfield, that way the game and it's devs never have to worry about disappointing performance. It can just live on in legend as the greatest game that never was, and we'll blame gaming media for setting such unfair expectations. Xbox owners will understand who's truly at fault for their lack of killer apps.

Guess you didn't read anything I said.

Expecting the bare minimum to be a 10/10 and anything less is disappointing is totally setting fair expectations. Starfield being 10/10 doesn't even matter, it has to be transformative too. Some of the media is expecting "greatest game ever" as the bare minimum, Lmao.

I think Starfield will be amazing but amazing =/= perfect.

No game is perfect. Very few titles are "transformative". It's a Bethesda RPG though, so I expect that I'll fucking love it because NOBODY creates Bethesda RPGs like Bethesda does, why does it have to be transformative? Bethesda RPGs are already unique amongst WRPGs.

SKMBlake said:

When the game is ultimately bad, why just not cancelling it ? They cancelled Scalebound, despite looking very great, bur they heavily promoted Redfall despite its state. I won't even mention the leaker who said MS knew the current state of Redfall

Because Imo, the morale of the studio is more important than the complaining of the media. If you look at Harvey's Twitter and other Arkane employees, you can see quite clearly that they are emotionally attached to it. By the time that Microsoft became involved, they had already been years in the trenches of development, blood, sweat and tears.

Giving them a chance is probably the safer of the two options in retaining employees.

Scalebound was reportedly a technical mess behind the scenes, once it was cancelled it caused people to leave PlatinumGames because they spent so long on a title for nothing, one notable employee was JP Kellams who immediately left and was outspoken in how much it screwed him emotionally to go through all of that for not even the chance to release it.

Do you risk making your first action as the owner to come in, immediately interfere and cancelling a studios project that they've worked on already for years? Do you risk pissing off Harvey Smith? Maybe he wanted to try to make it work after Arkane was already years deep into the project and not throw away years worth of his life for nothing.

Microsoft is also terrified of cancelling projects after Scalebound, Lol. I don't believe for a second that the backlash to cancelling Redfall would be much smaller than the backlash they're currently receiving, it'd be all "Microsoft is killing studios again, cancelling projects, interfering, etc" with the added gunpowder of pissed off employees.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 May 2023

Starfield doesn't have to be perfect, you pretty much expect it having some meme-material like "I took a laser blaster to the knee". If it's like other Bethesda games there'll be plenty people playing and enjoying it. Haters will soon figure out nobody cares about their tears.

Ryuu96 said:
Shaunodon said:

May as well just cancel Starfield, that way the game and it's devs never have to worry about disappointing performance. It can just live on in legend as the greatest game that never was, and we'll blame gaming media for setting such unfair expectations. Xbox owners will understand who's truly at fault for their lack of killer apps.

Guess you didn't read anything I said.

Expecting the bare minimum to be a 10/10 and anything less is disappointing is totally setting fair expectations. Starfield being 10/10 doesn't even matter, it has to be transformative too. Some of the media is expecting "greatest game ever" as the bare minimum, Lmao.

I think Starfield will be amazing but amazing =/= perfect.

No game is perfect. Very few titles are "transformative". It's a Bethesda RPG though, so I expect that I'll fucking love it because NOBODY creates Bethesda RPGs like Bethesda does, why does it have to be transformative? Bethesda RPGs are already unique amongst WRPGs.

Did anyone here say it has to be transformative? You're spending a lot of time ranting about game media, online personalities and how we have to protect Xbox Games Studios and their devs from unfair criticism; meanwhile average Xbox owners and fans here just want a killer app to play every now and then.

Why the hell do we have to be concerned about all this noise, to the point of already making excuses and thinking it's ok to keep delaying games as long as Xbox and it's devs are protected. Do you not give half a damn for the consumers who've invested into their ecosystem, only wanting a modest return and still getting let down?

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KiigelHeart said:

Starfield doesn't have to be perfect, you pretty much expect it having some meme-material like "I took a laser blaster to the knee". If it's like other Bethesda games there'll be plenty people playing and enjoying it. Haters will soon figure out nobody cares about their tears.

The transformative comment is so...

Like...People/media saying that a Bethesda RPG needs to be transformative...Bethesda RPGs which have nothing on the market like them, have to do even more than what they already do? They are already unique, I fucking love WRPGs but none scratch that itch of a Bethesda RPG...None feel like a Bethesda RPG. They don't even come close, no WRPG has the same level of interactivity as a Bethesda RPG...Few have sandboxes, open worlds and lore as deep.

For all the trash that Creation Engine receives, it's way better than Unreal Engine for Open-Worlds and only today is Unreal Engine catching up with it.

I don't think Starfield has to be transformative, I think it has to be a Bethesda RPG, because I fucking love them and so do millions of other people.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 May 2023

Shaunodon said:
Ryuu96 said:

Guess you didn't read anything I said.

Expecting the bare minimum to be a 10/10 and anything less is disappointing is totally setting fair expectations. Starfield being 10/10 doesn't even matter, it has to be transformative too. Some of the media is expecting "greatest game ever" as the bare minimum, Lmao.

I think Starfield will be amazing but amazing =/= perfect.

No game is perfect. Very few titles are "transformative". It's a Bethesda RPG though, so I expect that I'll fucking love it because NOBODY creates Bethesda RPGs like Bethesda does, why does it have to be transformative? Bethesda RPGs are already unique amongst WRPGs.

Did anyone here say it has to be transformative? You're spending a lot of time ranting about game media, online personalities and how we have to protect Xbox Games Studios and their devs from unfair criticism; meanwhile average Xbox owners and fans here just want a killer app to play every now and then.

Why the hell do we have to be concerned about all this noise, to the point of already making excuses and thinking it's ok to keep delaying games as long as Xbox and it's devs are protected. Do you not give half a damn for the consumers who've invested into their ecosystem, only wanting a modest return and still getting let down?

I'm sorry, I didn't realise I couldn't comment on the crazy hyperbole surrounding Xbox right now amongst some very large media names and YouTubers.

You don't have to be concerned about that, you didn't have to respond to my comment, I will call out what I like, AFAIK there is no rules against it.

You may be right, we shouldn't be concerned about what the media says, Redfall is perfect /s.

I'm not making excuses for Starfield as I think it will be amazing but it will negatively affect the game if people start having ridiculous expectations.

Also yes, I care about the humans making our videogames.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 May 2023

Phil Spencer Interview: Redfall Reviews, Activision Deal - Kinda Funny Xcast Ep. 137 - YouTube

The state of Empire. SMH.

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