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Arkane never miss huh?

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

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VersusEvil said:

Arkane never miss huh?

Poor Angie.">"><img src="

Kingdom Hearts Diary Day 29: I must admit, I am enjoying this game much more than any other KH game to date. A lot of love went into the worlds I must say. That Frozen musical number was pretty amazing; highlight of the series for me. And wow.. they did a fantastic job animating that scene as well as the scenes in the Caribbean world. Story still eludes me, but gameplay, and the worlds themselves are very enjoyable.

Caribbean probably my favorite so far. Underwater sections, ship combat and navigation as well as the animations. Frozen world would be higher if not top if it had more Elsa, would be cool fighting alongside with her, like in the Tangled world. Sully and Mike in Monsters Inc had great chemistry and was a much needed linear world after Tangled.

Don't envy yall playing Redfall, just sayin">"><img src="

Who needs 60fps when you have 60ars (average review score).

When every other system is flying high and releasing well received games we have L of the week lol. Honestly wtf is happening at Xbox this gen, easily the worst gen so far, not even last gen was this depressing.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Around the Network

Idk mang... I feel like last gen was way worse. Just recency bias hitting us hard and we just taking consecutive Ls. I wonder if this is a pattern. Like we take Ls before the June event. Clearly this is the worst so far with Redfall and ABK.

Last gen we almost had the death of Xbox, cancelled games (Phantom Dust, and Scalebound), closed studios with Lionhead, overly reliant on the big three xbox staples as well. Games will take about 6 years, so I'm hoping we see some goodies in June from Bethesda studios we haven't heard from. A lot of newer IPs as well like Hifi, Grounded, Avowed. Way more projects in the pipeline and heavy investment in first party. Lastly, minus SE, much better Japanese support as well. Continual Yakuza, Tales of back on Xbox, Persona on Xbox, Street Figher and newer fighting games back on Xbox too. 

360 > Series > One
In terms of generation for me so far. Can't count OG Fatty as I was a Gamecube simp.">"><img src="

My Redfall early impressions after 3 and a half hours of playtime tonight:

The Good

  • The story and characters are interesting so far
  • The shooting is pretty good, better than Deathloop I'd say
  • Art design is nice, good atmosphere to the town
  • Good lore, lots of nice notes and such to find
  • Character movement is quite good, you can slide, you can sprint pretty quickly with no stamina to slow you down, you can clamber, you can auto-climb ladders by walking into them (something missing in Ghostwire Tokyo which is why I make note of it), most of the characters have movement abilities to get height

The Not So Good

  • The AI is pretty dumb on the human enemies
  • World design feels dated, lots of empty space and inaccessible buildings, too few fast travel points
  • Un-uniform achievement values, 17 GS achievements are so dumb
  • Graphics are pretty lackluster as I expected, some areas look good and you can tell that Arkane put actual effort into them, like the museum, others have bland repeated building interiors and meh texturework
  • Already ran into bugs with vampire enemies that would neither aggro nor could be killed by me, more than once, they'd just sit their watching and doing nothing while taking no damage when I shot at them. Also a bug on burst fire assault rifles with an inconsistent number of bullets being fired on each trigger pull, sometimes 1, sometimes 2, sometimes 3. 

I can see it being at least a 7.5/10 for me, maybe an 8, especially after some bug fixes and the 60 fps patch. Definitely feels like critics underrated it a bit, reminds me of many last gen Xbox exclusives like ReCore, Crimson Dragon, and Quantum Break in that regard. Xbox just can't catch a break with critics sometimes, often feels like they are biased against Xbox exclusives while biased for Nintendo and Sony exclusives.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 02 May 2023

Shaunodon said:

Who needs 60fps when you have 60ars (average review score).

Yeah that was something I was pointing out to those who were getting onto the game being at 30fps on console. If the game isn’t good, that’s not something a 60fps patch is going to fix lol. Probably saw the game wasn’t salvageable as its core is what’s turning many off it it. Nothing a delay would’ve fixed. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Spade said:

Idk mang... I feel like last gen was way worse. Just recency bias hitting us hard and we just taking consecutive Ls. I wonder if this is a pattern. Like we take Ls before the June event. Clearly this is the worst so far with Redfall and ABK.

Last gen we almost had the death of Xbox, cancelled games (Phantom Dust, and Scalebound), closed studios with Lionhead, overly reliant on the big three xbox staples as well. Games will take about 6 years, so I'm hoping we see some goodies in June from Bethesda studios we haven't heard from. A lot of newer IPs as well like Hifi, Grounded, Avowed. Way more projects in the pipeline and heavy investment in first party. Lastly, minus SE, much better Japanese support as well. Continual Yakuza, Tales of back on Xbox, Persona on Xbox, Street Figher and newer fighting games back on Xbox too. 

360 > Series > One
In terms of generation for me so far. Can't count OG Fatty as I was a Gamecube simp.

OG Fatty always gonna be number 1 in my heart

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

OG was legit, had an amazing library of games. What id do to go back to that gen.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed