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Damn I'm glad I managed to beat Bugsnax before it left gamepass, game was pretty good. Had some nostalgia vibes comparing it to pokemon snap. I loved exploring every area, thinking about capturing strats, and getting to know all the cast as their personalities were fun and interesting. Now they need to make a RPG, seriously tho some of those designs are better than a majority of pokemon.

overall 8/10 thanks @Spade for choosing that one for me lol

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Anything above 70 I consider a W for this week (considering it’s basically always online FarCry with Vampires), if it’s 69 or less ….

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

The previews were positive so if It's below 80 I'd be surprised. I'm expecting about 83-85. If it's in the 70's that would be very disappointing.

If it's below 70 then I'll skip it and move onto Yakuza 6.

But I'll still play 70s, Dead Island 2 is 75 and I'm having a blast with it.

Only need somebody to help me get the only two co-op achievements. 👀

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 01 May 2023

When they showed Redfall earlier in the year I dared to have some optimism, but then every bit of news that followed after did a great job snuffing that optimism out. Looking like a flop now.

Best news lately was seeing that Armored Core is supporting cross-gen with smart delivery and a physical release--


Even Diablo IV in June is supporting cross-gen, smart delivery and a physical release.

Originally had it in my mind June-July would be the right time to finally jump to next-gen, but this gen continues to underwhelm and there's still decent support for last-gen. Seems like Starfield release is now the earliest I could imagine jumping on.

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Dark day xbots... 

I remember being in Skype chat, unemployed, bummin around. And then seeing this. might have also been the same year that Phil axed Scalebound. Lift London too? Phantom Dust? At least within the 2016 and 2017 years.. worst years for Xbox.">"><img src="

Perhaps Hellblade 2 will be the Holiday 2023 release? 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:

Perhaps Hellblade 2 will be the Holiday 2023 release? 

Oh great Starfield delayed? 

I think 2 games might be enough tbh, make Hellblade Q1 2024">"><img src="

Oooph, apparently one outlet accidentally posted their Redfall review early and then deleted it when they realized they broke embargo, the score, a 4/10.

I've got a bad feeling about this.

Yeah we in for a rough few days">"><img src="