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God I love Jet Set Radio Future! I'm in the middle of watching this documentary some dude made on the game. Surprisingly well done

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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Ryuu96 said:
crissindahouse said:

MS bought Zenimax/Bethesda years ago. You would think even with a year late release that the Xbox version should have been the version to get at least as much polish as the PS5 version. It's not as if they just started to work on the Xbox version after they've released the PS5 version did they? Maybe it's just me but in my head the unreleased Xbox version should have been already minimum at the same level as the PS5 version one year ago and then get even better with a year later official release. 

Don't disagree, I think what happened might be something like Tango's porting team is small for Ghostwire, Xbox not bothering to check if it has parity (because that should really be the assumed goal) and Bethesda Softworks not caring about achieving parity and instead just wanted it out the door because Ghostwire likely underperformed and they want Tango moved onto other things.

Like said, it isn't Matt Booty's job to watch over Bethesda, so it can't really be blamed on him, blame falls on Phil since they both (Matt and Todd) report to Phil but I doubt Todd Vaughn would even mention something as small as that in his meetings with Phil, Lol. Pretty embarrassing but ain't the end of the world, I'm assuming Xbox will tell Bethesda to aim for parity after this but like I said, not really much else it can happen with anyway.

Naw this is really all on Bethesda.  Phil really should not have to micromanage Bethesda on making sure they fix the issues with the game before its out the door.

This guy gives a pretty good description of Redfall.  MS needs to hire this guy for PR, he makes you want to play the game.

Ryuu96 said:

Sony will likely appeal no matter what, Lol. Sounds like the CMA is going to approve it with behavioural remedies and are trying their best to ensure that Sony can't complain about it.

Damn, even the UK tired of Sony's BS avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Around the Network
Machiavellian said:

This guy gives a pretty good description of Redfall.  MS needs to hire this guy for PR, he makes you want to play the game.

I don't trust his haircut, wouldn't trust his gaming opinion

shikamaru317 said:

If you follow Welfare on twitter, an independent console sales tracker, his tracking has shown Xbox stock in the US falling off a cliff at the same time that PS5 stock is skyrocketing. Something catastrophic seems to have happened to Xbox production. 

It's going to be a rough few months for the Xbox in it's strongest market. Don't know what the problem is. Being outsold over 2:1 in it's strongest market and it's not like PS5 has had any exclusives to boost it. Better hope there's some light at the end of this tunnel and Starfield can right the ship because the situation right now is truly dire. Down in all regions YoY, worse March sales in Europe than the equivalent month for XBO and their competitor simultaneously breaking all-time records while not even having to release first party software. Xbox don't seem to be doing anything to fix it.

Played about 8 hours of Atomic Heart on GP. It's a decent 7/10 game but not really feeling it enough to keep playing. The main character is annoying. So I'm playing through Persona 3 Portable now.

A few things Microsoft probably needs to do to turn around console sales, if they even care to do so:

1. A moratorium on xcloud rollout, diverting all of those chips back into Series X console production
2. A permanent price cut for the Series S to $250 at maximum, and ideally $225 or $200
3. A much more aggressive purchase order for slim refresh’s of the Series X and S

It remains to be seen how much they care however. I have speculated in the past about how much the ABK acquisition cycle is tying up attention and resources and it’s possible there just isn’t the bandwidth to do anything drastic until that deal is concluded

SKMBlake said:
Machiavellian said:

This guy gives a pretty good description of Redfall.  MS needs to hire this guy for PR, he makes you want to play the game.

I don't trust his haircut, wouldn't trust his gaming opinion

You sure you don't trust his opinion due to him overall liking the game?

Libara said:
SKMBlake said:

I don't trust his haircut, wouldn't trust his gaming opinion

You sure you don't trust his opinion due to him overall liking the game?

I was hypnotized by his curls, so I didn't even pay attention to what he said

And no, I like Arkane games, even Bethesda games, I bought all Bethesda games that were on the Switch.

Game seems cool, and so does Ghostwire Tokyo (despite the meh comments about it)